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Glen is one of the previously unnamed fashion ninja from way back on page 316. One of Ashley's assistant. Why they are ninjas instead of just seam... seamsters. Textile crafters? Whatever, it's probably an interesting story. Which won't be told now.

BTW, Maxima wasn't acting grumpy earlier in the day because the team "forgot her birthday" or anything. She just had a mountain of paperwork to look forward to and it's not exactly her favorite thing to do. A brief googling told me that Lt. Colonels probably don't have aides, though it's reasonable that Maxima could probably make a case for one, as she's basically in charge of the whole base here in addition to being a critical field asset. General Faulk is usually running political interference for the team, and doesn't often have input on field operations.

I had considered a page between this one and the last featuring superheroines in the shower showing Sydney de-saucing from the last page. Partially because we haven't had one of those recently. The central joke being Frix showing up, not realizing the showers weren't co-ed, queue some size-comparison comments, etc. I waffled on that briefly, but Frix isn't a dummy, he's an engineer and a medic. He's smart enough at least know to ask what the shower situation is, if not just guess it outright. Plus I wanted to move things along after all the... dang it, I forgot to add Detla to the group shot. I guess she's standing off to the right, along with everyone else who shows up in this scene that I didn't have room for. Like Dabbler. Double dang it!




Maybe it’s time for Maxima to level up in rank then?


Light Colonels in the position of CO, commanding officer would have aides/support officers. Supply, training, planning, personnel, security, transportation, etc. but some paper work needs the attention of the guy at the top.

Huw Morgan

What happened to Krona's eyes?


You could make a case for at least 3 people standing behind frix.


Adjutant is the title of Lieutenant whose desk was in front of the CO's office in the squadron I was in. Contrary to what the Wikipedia says about the position in the USMC, he was neither the OIC of S-1 (who was a Major) nor the Legal Officer (who was another Lieutenant), but this may be because flying squadrons, being full of Pilots who must be commissioned officers, have more officers available to spread those duties among as compared to a battalion of one of the infantry Divisions.

Graeme Thorburn

Glen is sneaky. Managed to add sleeves to Max's shirt without being seen.

Michael Obert

Dabbler's not missing from the shot; she's clearly hiding in the giant cake and waiting to pop out and do her sexy-time dance :)

Martin Drkoš

Funny how a gun can still be intimidating despite Sidney herself having orders of magnitude more firepower. I wonder if people with guns ever had the same problem as opposed to blades.


“Go away or I’ll call the brute squad!” “I’m on the brute squad.” “You ARE the brute squad!”


The point is made back when Sydney first starts gun training. Guns are scary, someone pointing a finger at you, even if you KNOW that finger can fire a tank destroying blast, is not.


If Lt Colonel Henry Blake got an admin while running a base so should Maxima. (Doesn't mean she won't have a bunch of paperwork to deal with, she still has to review and sign a lot of it.)


Classic DM problem... beautiful 10 minute exposition of the grand ballroom scene... realise you forgot to mention the crucial NPC... "Oh, and Frank is there... he was behind the 8 foot carved ice swan..."


Perhaps Dabbler could be in the giant cake thats not in shot, or using a dimensional portal to pop out of s small one. In a skimpy attack Max outfit😈

Jack Ponder

A ninja seeks to be unnoticed, but appreciates that you have not forgotten them.


Someday I hope to see Sydney grab her shield ball instead of "Gah!" and leap away. Just to see the one who caused the surprise to boing off into the distance. Preferably Achilles or may super martial arts guy (who's name escapes me at the moment) so no one is too injured. And yeah as many have already said, it's also level of power plus what is behind your target. Yuuup, a 9mm is quite likely to over penetrate most things pointed at, and hit what is behind your target. With the "pew pew orb" being how many orders of magnitude more powerful... 9mm vs 16 cannon? 9mm vs 60 inch cannon? Or phaser pistol vs phaser main battery cannon? Best to know what's behind that before you "point" that pew pew of whatever variety.

D.A. Lamont

Ceiling Ninja! 💪😎