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If she's not using them, I often forget about Sydney's orbs until I'm placing them on the page, which I usually do near the end, and sometimes that results in the orbs being shoved off to the side while she eats. They'll eventually drift back into place if she doesn't give them a thought now and again.

Everyone at the base thinks Sydney and Frix are a cute couple, even if Fridney isn't the best couple portmanteau. Some of that is just because of the ridiculous height difference. Cora has a type, and Frix is right at 7' tall.

If Grrl Power was a different type of comic, I might spend some time on people saying that human/alien relationships are abominations and "against nature" all that jazz, but it's just so... tired and predictable. I don't mean predictable as a story trope, but predictable in a "humans suck and have always sucked and will probably continue to suck for the foreseeable future" kind of way.

Claiming things that a person doesn't like are "against nature" always cracks me up, cause they're usually doing so online, and we all know how natural computers are. Half of them are wearing eyeglasses, surely freshly picked from the eyeglasses trees. If you're naked and yelling at a city from a hilltop forest and are riddled with parasites and ringworm and half your teeth are rotted out of your head and you die at 32, then knock your bad self out, otherwise, shut up about shit being natural. Humans are natural, therefore anything we can accomplish is by extension, natural. Unless you're prepared to make the argument that beehives and otter dams aren't natural either.

Which is all my long winded way of saying yeah, there are people in the Grrl-verse that are against supers and humans dating supers and are against aliens and people dating them and allowing them on Earth (even though the only jobs aliens have stolen thus far is "tourist" - not including Dabbler, I suppose), there's enough of that depressing stuff in the real world and the PR team does a pretty good job of keeping that sort of stuff out of the faces of Archon personnel.


Daniel Schinhofen's third Luck's Voice book came out last week. Breaking the Bank. I'm not a fan of wild west stuff at all, but this is wild west LitRPG (lite) with magic and elves and dwarves and the like, and Schinhofen has a pretty good track record IMO, so I gave it a shot. The audiobook for the first book in the series recently began recording as well, so keep an eye out for that as well once it gets through Amazon's capricious submission gauntlet.




I'm impressed she noticed anything with her glasses like that.

Daniel Schinhofen

Sydney looks like an alien with that sauce all up on her face like that, heh.


Well, that probably got the sauce off Frix's face.

Michael Obert

Nothing marks the end of a lovely time like a face full of sauce


"aliens are stealing our jobs!" "The only jobs an alien has 'stole' is that of a position in the military. And we still have plenty of openings. Of course, unless you're a super yourself, you're likely to get stuck in he regular forces, but still, knock yourself out"


> Everyone at the base thinks Sydney and Frix are a cute couple, even if Fridney isn't the best couple portmanteau. Dude. Syix.

Brandon Pio

OMG! Is Sydney aware of the scientific and culinary development in the world of facemeltingly hot sauces!?!


If I was one of the background characters, my biggest reservation about Sydney and Frix would be on the order of "but he seems so stable and centered, and Sydney is, well, Sydney."


I am sure she won't have any PTSD flashbacks to another red substance covering her face after Cora made a dramatic entrance...


She is. Since the very beginning of that story. «Medic!», remember? And Grakz.

A Patreon of the Ahts

Hey, did you get the Panel Four Death Stare from Baki the Grappler? He does that once.

Stephen Gilberg

For one horrific moment, I thought her face had been burned off.

Timothy Sparks

Fridney is terrible but if ya ask me Syix works alot better.

martin leske

depends which sauce you mean and what you define as "animal"

Zip Zop

Wait wait wait. Didn't sydney JUST get human entrails sprayed all over her very recently from her perspective?


I sense a face lick in her future.


In panel #2, are their speech-bubbles supposed to be connected like that? Looks a little strange.


So Cora blew meat sauce all over Sydney's face?


Excellent points and much agree on the new Schinhofen book as well. It was quite a nice new book in series. Looking forward to the audio books as well. Andrea Parsneau does a fantastic job.

Marc Vun Kannon

It's really hard to have a romantic moment when everyone's staring at you. Plus, for someone with fur, barbecue sauce really doesn't sound like the best choice.


At least nothing got in her eyes this time.


Yeap. He's perfect for her, as long as she's willing to share. ^_^


Sauce is 50% plant matter, and 50% sugar, which is also a plant product so. You're all fine.


Actually Sydney being suddenly splattered by a large amount of viscous red/brown liquid could incite some nasty flashbacks.


If you're trying to remember to put the orbs back in all the time, you could just re-introduce the canister. Or put a couple nice little "ball holder" clips on he belt (like some tennis players wear) which they slot themselves into when not being used, keep them out of the way. Added benefit of she can just stand there menacingly, hands on her belt, with one on the pew pew orb and one on the shield. :)

Evan Cross

I'd love to see Sydney get saucy 😜

D.A. Lamont

Oh no! Sydney needs face licks! 😏