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Military training montage! For a given definition of "military" and "montage." And "training" if I'm honest.

The number of times any given instructor has fantasized about This-Is-Sparta-ing some obnoxious trainee is definitely not zero. This is the primary advantage of working with supers. Achilles especially can be used as a frustration pressure valve. If you ever need to just stab someone or break a printer over a head, it's got to be very therapeutic to know that you can, whether you actually ever do it or not. It's also probably not very satisfying to stab Achilles, cause it doesn't have ANY effect beyond slightly nudging him. No "hey, quit it." or even "That tickles." He's fully on board, and then he sticks the knife between his teeth does a flying faceplant into a curb to see if he can break the blade.




Sydney: So how did they rope you into this? *cue Yeet 2: Electric Boogaloo*


"I'm going to get them to put a window up here so I can defenestrate you properly."

Marc Vun Kannon

It must be nice for the normal soldiers to be able to spar and not have to hold back. Hmm. So if featherfall is a passive attribute, what would happen if Sydney were to hold the orb but not use it? Would it go active and let her fall normally until told to do otherwise?


Being unable to fall may sometimes be UNhelpful. Can Syd turn that on/off as a default? (not just with that orb in hand).

Daniel Schinhofen

That made me laugh, had to wipe a few tears away

Town Crier

Hmm. I take it that the military no longer just gives you a rope and teaches you how to tie your own harness?


I have to wonder if they will have her doing airborne training exercises. Similar redundancies there and you get the bonus of joke related to HALO jump stuff.


I would imagine they still check to determine you did it properly (outside just telling you if you fall, you fail).


I missed the gags from the early strips, so this was gold. I'm a simple girl. Can anyone belch "Kamala Harris" really loudly?


yep, that pun was Sooo bad, I nearly considered cancelling my patreon account and never visiting the comic again. I am afraid I'll catch terminal punnitiis

D.A. Lamont

Ah yes! Fun with puns and feather fall. How very light hearted. 😏


If I hd feather falling I would definitely fuck about with it like this