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Thanks so much for your support! Like, seriously, you guys.

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Happy being slightly to moderately hung over from July 4th if you're in America and happened to party last night, or if you're not in America and just decided to get drunk for totally unrelated reasons.

Sometimes I need to google things about military culture, but this time, I'm was pretty sure calling your C.O. an ekwensu ọcha is not usually allowed. (Google it.) Max and Kenya obviously have a friendship that transcends such things.

If you're over 30, you might have grown up with "flesh" colored crayons and band-aids. That was before those industries were like "Oh... right, other races." Still, it's easy to think of tannish-peachy-khaki as "flesh" colored, (especially if you're white and living in a majority caucasian nation/area) and that's only partially because we don't really have another words with succinctly describes the caucasian skin tone. It doesn't help that there's quite a variety of hues possible under the caucasian umbrella* (and that's before you get into makeup companies trying to convince women they have a "winter" complexion or whatever is going on there.) If you had to name the color of the old "flesh" colored crayons though, you'd probably say "peach." I actually think that's what Crayola did at any rate. Still, Leon telling Max she had peach colored hair was not his first instinct. He wasn't trying to be un-woke about it, I mean, there are people with gold, brown, blue and purple skin standing right in front of him. (Cora is just off panel, trust me.) He really just meant "your hair and skin match and no one can pull that off."

*The Caucasian Umbrella sounds like a fascist world view, the name of a band, and also something a serial killer might have.




"Goto" I don't believe we can be friends anymore. /s


That one could be machine code. Had to use a few of those at that level in college :P


Hey Dave, a few arcs back Sigils meant the big towers that kept the Veil up. I'm confused now, does it also mean magic programming generally?

Graeme Thorburn

Love the look of Dabbler in panel 6.


I love that you're basically building a shader in Blender here. Node-based design.


"Did you just call me 'White Devil?'" "It is how they know you."


I was special kid, apparently. I always assumed 'flesh colored' was flesh colored... like insides. And perhaps made out of it... Was disappointed there was no brain-colored pencils, but mortified my sister was painting her face with someone's powdered organs.


I suspect it's a tool in magical spells. and the towers are just BIG examples of that tool/consruct.


Out of context of this page, but since Batman, Spider-man exist in comic book form in this world, has Archon licensed the team's likeness to a comic book company? Considering how gritty they are, maybe Dark Horse?

L Pedersen

please don't delve into racial bullshit.

Merle Blue

The expressions in this page are a real treat!


It's only bullshit if you're not negatively affected by it.

Stephen Gilberg

Doesn't disturb me. Maybe "The Simpsons" got me used to the idea of hair and skin being the same color.

Jathby Dredas

Always liked the paradigm of magic as coding. Especially looking into divine magic as an API or summoning as a remote procedure call.

Ian Brown

So I DID google "ekwensu ọcha" (in quotes) and your comic is the only thing that came up besides some random guy's facebook profile! LAWL


All the expressions in this one are prize winners. You could run this one without dialog and maybe only miss Leon's remark. You still know he put his foot in his mouth though.

Dark Storymaker

It seems to me that there is a fundamental limitation when it comes to this device. It seems that it's function is to add/subtract visual light to that already being emitted from the wearer. In essence, it's a 2D overlay, which tracks with the idea that it's basically a cheap party favor. It already relies on the light coming off the target to give a realistic texture to the skin/hair/whatever. However, what Maxima needs is subsurface scattering, something it looks like she doesn't have already. She has *direct* surface scattering. Light doesn't get any deeper than the surface, so she looks metallic. This is a 3D function, and I'm eager to see how the team kluges that in. :D