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To view the full-size version... left-click, right-click, new tab. You guys have it figured out by now. Oh, also you can left click then use the scroll wheel to zoom in and click and drag the image. I just figured that one out myself.

Callbacks, yo.

Please ignore that the layout of headquarters has dramatically changed since that picture. Sydney didn't return to an alternate version of Earth from her space adventure, or anything. I'm just... bad at remembering to look at old pages for stuff like that. "Well, I drew that building nine years ago, so I definitely remember how it looks probably." Just like every time I draw Dabbler's blonde and pink haired glamor disguise, it changes a little. That actually makes sense though, even if it's not necessarily intentional on my part. We actually see her tweaking it on one page. (She's redrawing the face stripes there in the first panel.)

So Lapha didn't do quite as poor of a job of prepping her team as it may seem. It's just that Detla was a late add on to the group and all they told her was "expect challenging fights." Her regulars had a little more prep, in that they'd reviewed a bunch of Terran media concerning the team, so they had some idea what they'd be up against. What really fucked them was the other supers showing up. Well, initially their appearance saved Lapha from getting wrecked by Maxima after she overpowered the stasis field, but then it all went downhill from there.

Detla maybe shouldn't be so surprised that Achilles didn't get cut there, as she tried to whack him with her sword, but it was at an awkward angle and she was getting choked out at the time. I've decided that Stygans are distant cousins of devils and/or demons... kind of like Tieflings. Like a Balor and a Space Drow got it on and that kid banged a bunch of more traditional player character races and diluted out most of the demon, but they still can call on some weak infernal powers now and again. The point of telling you all this is that Stygans are familiar with demonic soul weapons, like Dabblers Soul Reaver there, and know they're at least equivalent to the schism blade she hit Achilles with - using a full powered swing.

I did mess up that last panel a bit though. Dabbler's sword is has at least a four foot blade with a two foot handle (as it is a 4 handed sword.) It looks about 2/3 the size it ought to be there.




I like the "I think I landed on that same rock." throw back line to Sydney's first ride with Maxima.


You have way too much playing with his power.


Easy explanation. Glamour wraps around the sword, makes it look smaller for her two handed form. That way her two invisible hands can grip the invisible portion of the hilt and it doesn't look weird.


That face she makes in the last panel "mistakes have been made."

Celti Burroughs

it's not 2/3rds the size it ought to be, Xuri's just discovered how to make it resize for optimal wieldability in varying conditions!


To be fair, adjustable blade length seems like a no brainer for an enchantment to add to any sword, need a short-sword for close quarters? Done, Need that extra bit of reach to catch a foe off guard when they think they are safe from your swing? Done! Seriously why wouldn't you get this if you can?

Martin Drkoš

Invulnerability seems like one of those powers that would be difficult to test or rely on. I mean what if he discovers it's limits with something that would obliterate him? Or if he has some very specific weakness.


or size ajustment to use the two invisible hands for other stuff like magic

Marc Vun Kannon

Couldn't be the same rock, though, that was outside the building. Maybe a cousin.

Marc Vun Kannon

I do hope that Achilles at least ages. It's bad enough he can't be killed but if he can't die at all that would really suck. Dabbler should tell Detla about hitting Achilles with that rail gun at close range, using terminology Detla would understand. Maybe show her some footage. I wonder if Detla will feel quite so honor-bound now.

Town Crier

Did Dabbler just cock-block Achilles?!? Isn't that against her religion/idiom/genetic make-up?!?


I daresay she won't, and she won't be happy about it either. Tough luck, Achilles, you'll have to find another hot chick to glapple with. >edit< Or, maybe, she might see value in a practice partner you can go full ham on. How often do you really get to practice fatality moves?

Eric Loken

Love Sydney's expression in the third panel. :D

Jeffrey Nonken

That would be a Vierhänder, then?