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To view the full-size version... left-click, right-click, new tab. You guys have it figured out by now. Oh, also you can left click then use the scroll wheel to zoom in and click and drag the image. I just figured that one out myself.

Jeeze, I hope no one walks out the door to the pool right then. Maybe jump a little to the side there, Anvil.

So I was like, Dabbler is kind of a pain in the butt to draw, what with all the stripes and extra limbs, so why don't I have her wear her blonde and pink haired glamor from around pages 100-215? And then I thought, why not put her in a scale mail bikini? That'd be easy to draw. Eh. Shading each individual scale was a little tedious. If I ever draw purple stripey armey Dabbler in a scale mail bikini it may wind up being a one-panel comic.

For a moment, I thought that was the last time I'd drawn that variant, but she also used it for a public appearance right before they met with The Twilight Council. Still, it's been about 500 pages so I thought I'd break it out again.

As to why I decided to make her so tan she's almost darker than Anvil? I guess she's experimenting with her luminosity slider. Seriously though, you know how any time you play a game with character customization, it takes you like an hour to mess with all the sliders before you get the chin and the nose width and all the bits and bobs just right? (Only then to don a helmet and never see your character's face again?) By "you" I mean me, but also probably a lot of you guys as well. Well, if you could illusorily disguise yourself, I think quickly popping into a disguise would be a non starter. Heck, by the time I finalized all the tweaks, the spell would have long since expired.

So, okay, about the "revenge based justice system." Yeesh, I hope the comments don't turn into a shitstorm, but, ug. Just try and keep it civil, please? And before you spend an hour typing up your slam-dunk magnum opus inflammatory comment, just remember that no one has ever won an argument on the internet or convinced anyone of anything. It's just not how human brains work.

I think most people would agree that America is way more into punishing criminals than they are into reforming criminal behavior or even addressing underlying motivators. For instance, states fighting against clean needle programs aimed at curtailing the spread of HIV because giving people clean needles will somehow make them do more drugs? Also, laws making drugs illegal in the first place, when every country that's ever relaxed laws regarding recreational drug use sees massive drops in rates of addiction and overdose? Whatever your stance is on those particular issues, it's hard to argue about America's approach to law enforcement when we have more people in jail than any other country, both by absolute numbers and per capita.

ANYWAY, Detla is just repeating what Cora told her, which is especially rich considering Cora's lethal ordnance approach to law enforcement. Dabbler obviously agrees though. Both of them are very okay with... eh, proactive self-defense, but they also think that once someone is in custody, throwing them in a wildly overcrowded for-profit prison is less than optimal.

Book news! Star Justice 13 is out! I haven't even finished it yet, and it's really good! I mean, it's hard to beat book 6 or 7, or 10, or 3. But it's still pretty good.



Lord Crusade

Yeah, the revenge over reform comment seems appropriate (sadly).


I'm confused about Dabbler's front braid. Where does it start?

Michael Obert

Loving the Dabbler callback.


It's less about revenge, per se, and more about efficiency in revenue generation. Unfortunately that ends up being pretty much the same thing as any humane touches would cost extra. Also, I did in fact win an argument online by politely convincing my opponent that their point of view was wrong - in a YouTube comment thread of all things.


Keep in mind that it's a glamour, not real hair. As such it doesn't actually have to start anywhere; once it's no longer visible amongst the rest of the strands, it might just stop rendering.


Prisons generally serve 3 purposes. First one is separating those who would harm people from the population. Second is Punishment for committing the crime. Third is Reform. And I suppose that Fourth is Preventative, sending a message to others to not commit crimes. At some point, all of these have failed. Mostly because we look more at the crime than the person committing it. Maybe it’s different on different planets in the Grrr verse? Maybe there are species who can read other minds and can determine if they are capable of reform?

Thomas Dorner

I love the hair, but wonder if she also uses "Salon Max" like Anvil. Those braids probably take a long time. Or is she using high-tech?


It's different in other countries on *this* planet. Our prison system is an obscenity.


Thanks for these panels regarding prison. You are right. And even in my country where prison is still mostly managed by the state, we don't do enough reform. Far from it.

Marc Vun Kannon

Not just revenge, but profit. With slavery illegal using prisoners is the next best thing.


Funfact: I've actually won an internet argument. Did so by proving myself right. Also going back to the earlier page, I see that the way the hair was originally done makes more sense, but would probably be harder to draw. Instead of having the pink hair as its own seperate braid worn under the long blonde hair as we see here, she had her hair in a braid with alternating blond and pink colors


It's "Revenge" in the "repayment of debt to society for offences committed against it" -sense, not an "eye for an eye" -sense.


You know, as much as I like Blue Dabbler, Ganguro Dabbler has her charms...

Lex of Excel

As much as I agree that the prison system at home and abroad is in dire need of a gear shift towards restorative justice, I still think Dabbler and Cora are in no way an improvement, even in the case of there not being an infrastructure in place. It's just the same kind of vengeful approach but subject to personal bias rather than societal. So the not-so-good captain has a lot of gall condemning our problems. Still hoping Max puts her in her place. But hey, apparently no human being ever changes their minds about anything, huh?


I wonder if Arianna is marketing action figures for both? I bet blue dabbler sells more...

Anton Schleef

That is definitely a life achievement there. I've managed to come to an understanding of mutual disagreement a few times, but a lot of people, especially flamers, either don't care who is actually right or refuse to accept anything that disagrees with their viewpoint, regardless of the evidence offered.


I'm not sure you can use the "double dog" to promise something.

Eric Loken

The theory is protection of the public, discouragement of crime, and reform. The reality in many countries is that it is more about revenge than anything. All you need to do is listen to the baying of the dogs whenever a high profile case that pisses people off comes up, they want *revenge*, even if it doesn't affect them personally that is all they want. And hell, look at "Look her up" for Hillary Clinton, despite more damn investigations that possibly anyone else in history that found nothing, they didn't care, they didn't like her so they wanted to punish her for... reasons. What has that to do with Justice? Same argument can be made about Trump, people hate his fat ass, and want him to suffer. There is no question of reform, although at least there is a little concern about trying to deter future presidents from trying to declare themselves monarch, but mostly it is about revenge. The attitude of course varies from person to person, but if you look at what the end result has been - especially in light of what Dave mentioned - it is honestly hard to come to any other honest conclusion that revenge is the primary motivator behind 'justice' in America, and many other nations. As a final note, harsh punishments have pretty much been proven to be utterly ineffective at deterring crime. But people sure like to sing about how making someone really 'pay' will 'teach them a lesson'. Yeah... no, doesn't actually work. If anything it seems to have the opposite effect.

Eric Loken

Oh yes, and this is the same place where some sections of the media kept on going on about how George Floyd 'was no angel', like that justified summary execution by a police officer. And while yes the officer was convicted of murder, there are a lot of people - and a good number of them police - that think the conviction was a gross injustice.


In Coras defence, anyone who needed revenging not reform probably doesn't make it to incarceration if she chased them. Hence anyone she hands over to the authorities is headed for reform?


It's been 10+ years since my non-native English was certified as "good enough to do business negotiations". I read books. I still don't get half of the words on those strips. Why do you do that, Dave? I come here to read comics, not to use google translate!


Hah hah, my wife has recently complained that my vocabulary is outpacing hers when I casually threw out some word... Truculent or intragnizent maybe. I read a lot of novels and even though most of them are pulp and not intended to be particularly lexically challenging, I've obviously been slowly absorbing a broader vocabulary. I guess kudos are in order for whoever programmed Detla's universal translator. Or maybe she just has it set to "college level" output.


Hey, i am a stupid sweed, and i can follow along perfectly fine, but then again i do read allot too. :-/


Are the orbs supposed to not reflect off the glass wall. The level-up Sigil sure, but the orbs?