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To view the full-size version... left-click, right-click, new tab. You guys have it figured out by now. Oh, also you can left click then use the scroll wheel to zoom in and click and drag the image. I just figured that one out myself.

Hmm, take the stairs up one floor to the roof which you then intend to jump off, or just take the elevator down three floors? You have to admit, Anvil is thinking like a super.

I imagine most women, and black women especially would like to have a hairstylist with super speed. Or at least someone that can speed up chemical reactions. (And presumably, someone who can apply their super speed without yanking out half their hair.) Anvil doesn't have a natural afro though. I attribute that to some quirk of her being a super in my head, but there's no reason it would be. Red hair and kinetic absorption have nothing to do with each other, just as straight hair and super muscles have no relation. She just happens to have wavy red hair cause I liked they way it looked when I first drew her like that.

I do like the sort-of-but-not-really dreads look on her, but... it's kind of a lot of work drawing all those leather ties, so I don't know how long it's going to last. Honestly, part of the reason I decided to change it was to set up a joke that might take a long time to actually pay off.

I know that Anvil looks completely different on this page. If my art has one weakness, it's consistency. Fortunately, my art has many additional weaknesses, hah hah. Seriously though, on the prior page, I was looking at a picture of Gina Torres (Zoë Washburne from Firefly) when I drew her. I don't often have particular actors in mind for most of my characters, but Torres and/or Angela Bassett could play her. Torres for the face, and Bassett from back in the day when she was buuuuff.

Anyway, I guess I should have kept using Torres as a reference, though I have to say I like the closeup of her face on this page better, even if she looks ten years younger from the previous page. That's not a slam on Torres either, just how the art came out.




Typical Sydney "I'm going to scream the whole way down."


Not sure how picky it is, but the final panel, second bubble down, has Kenya saying Sydney's name twice in two sentences. Probably a little more often than you'd do in normal conversation.


I think Anvil looks great!

Michael Obert

The dreads are cool; a good look!


"I am gonna scream all the way down" "That is the fun part" :P


I feel yelling “CANNONBALL” would be inappropriately mild.


I wonder how much landing on liquid takes away from Anvil's kinetic absorption?


Does look like he was tossing up between two ways of wording it, and accidently wound up going both.


For the change in the way Anvils face is on this strip: You could argue that it's the lighting, since she's basically looking downwards (a long way since it's Sydney) and the light sources are above and behind her, thus rendering most creases less visible and giving her that smooth younger look. (Maybe she's born with it, maybe it's lighting?)

Martin Drkoš

At least Max will be forewarned about their arrival.

Marc Vun Kannon

The question is will Anvil absorb Sydney's kinetic energy? It won't do Sydney any good if Anvil stops and she keeps on going, or even just her internal organs.

Marc Vun Kannon

She'll scream the whole way down and then immediately want to do it again.

Town Crier

So, are we going to finally get more of an explanation of the layout of the Orbs' Skill Wheel? Maybe a Science Corner with Dabbler and Sydney. Dabbler would be explaining, and Sydney would do her usual "train of thought" ad libs.


Kenya is just the best.


I agree with Sydney, this doesn't seem like a good idea ... except I feel like Anvil must have tested this sort of thing before otherwise she wouldn't risk it. Also, just noticed Anvil ends two short sentences with Sydney's name back-to-back in the last panel and it sounds (reads?) kinda awkward.

Stephen Gilberg

Even if it works, I think supers shouldn't rely on their powers more than necessary, especially in ways that would spell disaster in the face of sudden nullification.


Not saying anything bad about Kenya's initiative, but am I the only one thinking it might *not* be a good idea to do a superhero handing right next to one of the most dangerous supers on the planet that has a *lot* of combat experience and superspeed?


Also, on a related note, since Anvil absorbs kinetic energy, *can* Max actually pull her hair out/off, even by accident? Or is that effect limited to her skin?


Once Sydney has made her choice, will you publish an image of the updated Skill Tree? I've no doubt there are plenty of fans who are dedicated to figuring out the tree in advance.


Wow! Never mind, found this: https://jcc10.gitlab.io/GrrlPowerSkilltree/?

Donald Randolph

mmm, cannot use orbs while skill tree is open. subtle vulnerability, though would be difficult for someone else tor trigger


Kenya looks much better this page. I especially like panel 5.


in the skill tree seems to be at least one point missing in the advanced flight skill tree which gave her the wormhole like skill ps: in panel 6 is the 3. center point also missing

Some Ed

Yeah, but if she runs around too much with the skill tree is open, that difficulty might not mean as much as it should. She *should* have standing instructions on how to use the point such that she doesn't need to take such a risk. Admittedly, they're in their base. So the only issue here is that Max is with Detla at the moment, and Detla's probably not cleared for *anything*.

Some Ed

It looks fine to me. Some of the colors are kind of close, so a few of the dots are hard to see, but it looks to me like they are actually there. That said, I can only see them in the zoomed in version, because the colors are just that close that normal res dosen't really show them.


Speaking of actresses to play our cast - my vote is for Perdita Weeks (currently on Magnum PI) to play Sydney in the movie. A bit older but right body type/face. And with CGI these days...