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Thanks so much for your support! Like, seriously, you guys.

To view the full-size version... left-click, right-click, new tab. You guys have it figured out by now. Oh, also you can left click then use the scroll wheel to zoom in and click and drag the image. I just figured that one out myself.

Flotsam: debris in the water that was not deliberately thrown overboard, often due to shipwreck or accident.

Jetsam: debris deliberately thrown overboard by a ship's crew, most often to lighten the load.

Lagan: goods that are cast overboard and are heavy enough to sink, but are tied to a floating marker such as a buoy.

Derelict: abandoned goods that have sunk to the ocean floor, which no one has any hope of reclaiming.


I guess Ray could technically be called a sexual derelict, but unfortunately, he'll likely be reclaimed. By which I mean, he'll stand up, scratch his bare ass, and wander into the breakroom to raid the fridge.

I don't know where Dabbler found "The Pornews Journal" but I have a tough time resisting a dumb portmanteau. The articles on the front page look more like stuff you'd find in a magazine, though. I guess it's part Journal, for keeping up on... sex? Also part opinion pieces and entertainment. I'm sure there's a business section which includes a "Going Down on Jones's Industrial Much More than Average." A personals section, naturally. The comic section is just the latest Hentai - like a Shonen Jump, but all tentacles. Probably a Sports section, for some sort of... competitive sex stuff. Distance? Volume? I don't know. Maybe tag-team events.




Hey question. Seems like some of the earlier comics posted at x2 rez aren't working as normal. Also was curious if an older comic that isn't posted on here could be posted? #337 specifically.


As long as it's not speed runs with friction burns.

Michael Obert

Love Dabbler's top, lol.


Cool, hadn’t noticed that when halo’s orbs are ready for a level up that runs around with the skill point in her hand.

Demian Buckle

Thank you for the page. I would not be surprised if Dabbler has the newspaper made just to mess with people, especially Max.


Achilles seems to have gotten a much, much better deal, even though it's mostly just visual so far.


Achilles deal has strings attached, and its possible some of them will be other than hilarious.


Thanks for including the nautical definitions. Saved me googling, and taught me one completely new one! Educational comics at their finest!


The sport section would obviously be about Keijo.


is it just me or has anvils face gotten a redesign?


Anvil! And she's rocking dreads!

Andrew Diseker

I’ve noticed that, too, this one doesn’t seem to have any more detail than the web page version, the newspaper still has the same detail when zoomed in for example

Stephen Gilberg

I wonder what Sydney was going to say in panel 1.

Donald Randolph

Being teamed by those two would be exhausting enough when they consider you a friendly, but against someone where they carry a bit of a grudge and just want to keep drained and under control? TIL more nautical terms - thanks!

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

I don't know which grosses me out more... That Cora and Xuri left him laying around afterwards like a used condom on the night table or That Hairy Ass.


Whats worse that if you are not looking closely, or too close, his foot looks like something else entirely when you first see it.

Lex of Excel

Those three sleazes deserve each other. I'm guessing that gruesome murder will go unacknowledged forevermore?

Eric Loken

I love the varying level of expressions of utter disgust regarding Ray.


You have got to practice drawing Anvil more. Every time you go a while without drawing her then come back to her, see never looks good.


Either that, or Anvil's form is constantly shifting slightly based on how much kinetic energy she's stored up.

Ian Brown

I just wanted to comment on Dabbler's tasty wardrobe choice! I love a good joke shirt, especially a Tee with convenient access for Paizuri (or is it Pai-Xuri? ;) Also, the "My Mouth is Up Here" line is classic Dabbler chic.


I love the hairdo on anvil