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Thanks so much for your support! Like, seriously, you guys.

To view the full-size version... left-click, right-click, new tab. You guys have it figured out by now. Oh, also you can left click then use the scroll wheel to zoom in and click and drag the image. I just figured that one out myself.

I'll admit, this page might be a little gratuitous, but I haven't drawn anyone showering for quite some time. I mean, I haven't drawn anyone showering in the comic. I've done several shower scenes in the vote incentives. Maybe the next wet and wild superheroines I draw will be under a waterfall. Just to mix it up.

I thought wet blue alien babe would be fun. Look, there are wet lady drawing quotients that you non-comic drawing people would know nothing about.

Achilles thinks he's getting away with something here, but Detla is obviously humoring him. She just showed up and demanded training, and figures she can put up with a little bikini party if that helps balance the scales. Plus, as she said, she looks goooo-ood in that getup.

Honestly, I think the weirdest thing about this page is that as Detla is roughly 5'6" without those heels on, that would mean that the part of the pool she's standing is is like 3 feet deep, tops. That seems really shallow since this is a custom built pool for underwater training, and isn't designed to accomodate kids like a hotel pool would be. We've seen the interior of the pool back when they were figuring out what the green orb did, and there are tiers to it. The average depth of that first tier is probably closer to 4 or 5 feet deep. Let's say 4 and a half. I guess Detla is standing right by the stairs.




Maybe her legs get longer when wet??


Okay, i cracked at the last panel! That was a real good one. Thanks Dave!

Michael Obert

Next will be the trampoline workout. Achilles is a harsh task master.


2 Things. 1) They may need to train people shorter than Sydney. That would justify the 3 feet deep part of it. (It could also double as a water therapy physio in some instances, which would also justify the 3 feet foot part) 2) You should probably figure out how to also put the vote, and said incentive, on the patreon pages. As Those of us who just click the e-mail link to come to this page to view the comics, aren't seeing the button to vote for you. This is probably costing you votes, as well as meaning we don't see the nice incentive reward. :)


well, there are pools with adjustable depth. this kind of training obviously requires a good view and thus a shallow depth.


She's already starting to edge around the "I'm not your girlfriend" part. "That's not why I'm here!" allows for "I can be your girlfriend, too..."

Dark Ronin

Love the MST3K reference


Woof. I think we need a larger pinup of the first panel. Show of hands?

Ian Brown

Wet blue alien babe is indeed "fun." You may proceed.

Thomas Dorner

Yep, the shallow part of the pool at my old university could be set between -0 m (for maintenance) and -1.8 meter, usually they it was either at -1.2 or at -1.8.

Ted Brown

I didn’t know my morning needed wet blue alien babe, but here we are. Not complaining.


Hi-keeba, captain! Now see if she can survive an attempt to kill her with a forklift!

Stephen Gilberg

I'd find her more fun if she herself were having fun. Not exactly alluring body language.


Don’t know what Max is on about - this is clearly the prison pool, right? It’s this newfangled positive reinforcement incarceration where you don’t want to leave.


What? No. It's totes training. People are squishy, just like that ball, and they don't want you accidentally killing anyone.


Delta does look good in that bikini. I appreciate that Max is going for both anti-sexist and anti-blinding everyone with her outfit. Ever the pragmatist.


Aren't beachballs normally filled with air? Because that looked like water blowing out of that, and a water-filled ball flying like that would be like throwing a squishy medicine ball: hell of a lot of inertia.

James C

I *think* that's supposed to be a spray of water following her hand (which is submerged in the previous panel) on its way to the ball, rather than a spray of water coming out of the ball.


Max is looking good in panel 6 there.


I think Liara T'soni, among others, established that sexy blue alien women are indeed very "fun."

Andrew Denton

Thanks for the scrolling tip. I did not know that myself.

Bharda Sullivan

I feel like “aren’t you under arrest” is our new running gag. ^_^’


" I guess Detla is standing right by the stairs." Still doesn't explain Achilles, who is (per the cast page) 5'10", no flight powers, and yet the water is only up to his waist when he is in the middle of the pool :D

Eric Loken

Insulted by him thinking she would believe it was a training uniform. I know exactly what she means. Some years back I was asked to track some activities in one of our databases as it was suspected people were charging for work that wasn't actually done. I quickly find the information and see that the same activity was being charged for several times in a row. I ask if this would ever happen to which the answer was "no, you would never do that more than once at a time." I was insulted less by the attempted fraud than by the completely amateur attempt to hide it - if you are going to be a crook (or in this case, a creep), at least put some effort into covering it up, don't just assume you can get away with it because everyone else is too stupid to notice your BS.


Don't suppose there's any chance of a skinny dipping version of this page? So that we can, y'know, better appreciate all of the wonderful water effects. Not that I don't appreciate the work on the shadows from the bikini and the gap.


As long as he doesn't ask her to wear a blond wig and call him Papa Smurf I'm OK with it.


I think we need a shot without the mate attracting outfit


He could be standing right before the drop off to deeper water. I think it's tiered, not slanted.


Maybe a real life poster?? For cash of course...


I've tried to live with it, but I can't. I gotta say something. Panels 1 and 3 just keep looking wrong because of Detla's four pack abs. Yeah, yeah, alien, whatever the artist wants, etc. Doesn't matter because it falls in the uncanny valley for me. It just keeps drawing my eyes, and there's BOOBS in those panels. Just wrong.

Tristan N Milner

Gotta say, Max's swimsuit looks good too.