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To view the full-size version... left-click, right-click, new tab. You guys have it figured out by now. Oh, also you can left click then use the scroll wheel to zoom in and click and drag the image. I just figured that one out myself.

Detla is going to get the impression that Archon is some sort of co-ed college comedy romp. That or she's going to start punching dudes. It's also possible that everyone in Arc-SWAT has decided to cock block Achilles today because that's the thing they drew out of the Hat of Stuff to Do if Supervillains Don't Attack.

Dabbler's appearance isn't permanently changing, in case you were worried about that. She just decided to wear something a little more tan today. (Possibly a little too tan. Any caucasian person that tan is going to look like an old catcher's mitt by the time they're 34.) Changing her glamor is a little harder than just laying on the couch changing channels, but... it's not a whole lot harder either. It's an innate ability controlled by a spell - a spell she's had a lot of practice with, and maintaining it takes less mana than her mana regeneration rate.

It's really hard drawing people looking down. That's what Max is supposed to be doing in panel 2, looking down at Math's manties, but it looks like she's sighing. I guess it works either way, really. The problem is that women (especially sexy cartoon women) have full lashes, so if their eyes are only 1/4 of the way open, then lashes cover everything and it looks like their eyes are closed.




Uhhh when did Math show up??


"It's also possible that everyone in Arc-SWAT has decided to cock block Achilles today because that's the thing they drew out of the Hat of Stuff to Do if Supervillains Don't Attack." I love it. We need this hat, please.


Delta is checking out the goods in panel 5. Cannot tell if she likes what she sees or is getting ready to sigh.


Just Lie about the orbs. I mean, with all the human supers around what is another one? The orbs and the grid are just subconscious projections her mind uses to comprehend her power.

Marc Vun Kannon

What was Sydney's design? Does Dabbler's appearance change with the viewer?

William Elliott

IIRC, yes. I think the general saw her as a green skinned slave dancer in an early issue.


Um, Max, *technically* you are. You're just also wearing a lot of other stuff on top of them. XD


only problem is if she like dabbler can scan in a really wide range and can't detect them besides the visual she shouldn't see due to the mask or so

Steve M

I get Sydney not minding who’s present when she runs to Max about her skill tree, her impulse control and situational awareness are iffy on a good day (Meeting POTUS comes to mind) But Anvil is a 1LT, not only is she commissioned she’s got a good enough head on her shoulders to get promoted from 2LT. She wouldn’t present the skill tree to people not read in on it, and if she couldn’t tell who was with her from that height why jump down with Syd to find out?


I feel like the "all the guys on the team are sexist douches" joke is wearing thin. Is it just me?

Jacob Barboza

I think it's mostly Math and Achilles, the others haven't been as bad as I recall.


I think the look down failed slightly because there was no change in her head angle or tilt at all, that being the case there is no reason for her eyelids to lower as she glances down, a simple pupil movement would have gotten it across. As it is it looks more like she's closing her eyes in a "god give me strength to deal with this guy" kind of moment.

Eric Loken

Hrm, rando space girl seeing the (possibly) Nth level tech may not be a good thing. If the space mercs freaked out over Max, finding out that Sydney's orbs are at maybe a quarter of their potential is going to get them really hot and bothered. At least Detla seems to have some sort of actual honour code (unlike say.... Klingons which seem to think that honour is whatever they want it to be today) so she may be convinced to keep it quiet.


Given what the entire focus of the character seems to be, Detla may not even be acquainted with the concept of space wizard tech, and likely would dismiss the notion as irrelevant to her interests. After all, it is just a slick user interface display she's seeing.


1LT doesn't come with an upgrade that makes oversights impossible. There's a fair number of plausible reasons why physical security wouldn't appear on her radar when entering another place in a secure facility. This seems like a 20/20 hindsight issue to me.