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So, is she possessing him? And if so, why didn't she just toss herself onto Maxima's head?

The answer is... kind of, but not really. Basically, she's not "high level" enough to straight up possess someone. Right now, she's somewhere between a Trill symbiont, sharing knowledge and memories, and Steve-Martin-bonked-on-the-head-by-a-mystic-bowl. They're still separate entities, and both have control if the other one doesn't object. She, and most of her species are relegated to passenger if the host doesn't want to play along. The more advanced members of her species have increasing levels of primacy, but as Lapha alludes to, other races aren't copasetic with being possessed, so her people have adapted to be artisanal meat jockeys. Which is to say they grow customized blanks, and pilot those around.

FYI, escape velocity is around mach 33. Maxima can't go that fast. She can fly out of the atmosphere quite easily though. When she's flying, she's... well, she's still affected by gravity. Her hair and clothes and whatever still "fall" toward Earth, but she just doesn't... move toward Earth. It's like in a videogame where you press spacebar to ascend, she just floats wherever she, uh, stopped pressing spacebar.




*scratch (And by the way, love the comic)


After all, possession is nine tenths of the law... Also, how capable is the escape pod thingy?


"Getting to know you, getting to know all about you!"

Marc Vun Kannon

Hopefully she's possessed other male bodies before. Their long trip together will be an interesting one either way. Was he aware he was interested in a meat puppet?


I guess it depends on how well know her species is or if his meet any other going between body’s, I’d guess that space would have the top 10 most unique species list and this species would be on it and the humans from earth will be a new addition.


Max may not be able to catch them, but they might want to worry about Cora as well.


I want them to get away so we can have a filler arc of these two

Nicholas Grey

Isn't planetary escape velocity a concept that only applies to NON-powered bodies? If you have enough vertical acceleration to counteract gravity, you'll eventually escape the gravity well even if your actual velocity never goes above 1 ms^(-1)


I think these two are my new favorite side characters and I hope we see more of them.

Mark Temple

It applies to both, but is extra important for unpowered bodies which desire to actually remain on course after the boost phase. If you have constant acceleration, you can largely ignore it for actual travel, but it is an important benchmark for tracking velocity. Earth's gravity is 9.82 meters per second per second (usually rounded up to 10m/s/s for simplicity), and while it is true that accelerating at higher than that will get you off the planet, unless you exceed the escape velocity of 11.19km/s you are just going to be stuck orbiting the planet. So accelerating at 10m/s/s, for a netgain of .18 m/s/s, will eventually get you free of earth orbit, but it'll take you 17.26 hours to reach that point. During which you will be pulled round and round in an ever widening orbit. This is why most rockets do way more than 10m/s/s accelerations.. to reduce the time needed to reach a desired orbital velocity.

Town Crier

Look who broke out his thesaurus! (j/k)

Stephen Gilberg

So in a way, she ended up with a tail after all.


In Australia "cheerio" is a small sausage, what you'd call a cocktail frankfurt. So that floating in the toilet thing went a weird direction.


I dont follow the "space cheerio" joke.


Let's just say a Cheerio is a small piece of cereal that floats, often used to help train young boys to "hit the target" in the bathroom.


To be fair, it seems a somewhat mutualistic possession. I mean they both seem to have some amount of say & agency. Both also seem to benefit from the arrangement. There’s likely drawbacks for both of them besides the loss of privacy.


Wait, where does he put his tail in that space seat?

Bharda Sullivan

It strikes me that Lapha’s species could probably make a killing as personal trainers & lifestyle/behavioral coaches,


So. Maxima can't go that fast. Can Sydney? Great, now the Little Nash Rambler song is stuck in my head. Beep Beep!