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Thanks so much for your support! Like, seriously, you guys.

To view the full-size version... left-click, right-click, new tab. You guys have it figured out by now.

And here we are, the end of the Times Square arc. It honestly took quite a bit longer than I thought it would, but I could probably say that about any storyline in the comic, so at least I'm consistent in that regard.

Apparently that escape pod has a restroom equipped with a urinal. I think that's a weird choice, but I guess Ray Cosmos has his preferences. I think you have to have a lot of faith in your artificial gravity technology to install a urinal on little ship like that. Well, unless your urinal has micro-singularity technology, in which case the margin of aim would be wider than with your standard urinal, depending of course on just how micro the singularity is.

Romulan ships power their warp-drives with singularities. You think they also use them as garbage disposals, or would that annoy the chief engineer because "the singularity needs to be perfectly balance or else the ship will be sucked into it." Whiner.

The gender select screen is actually full of icons from just Earth genders. I couldn't tell you what the majority of them represent, but I do hope the one that looks like a hurricane icon on weather maps is a really cool gender. Like, if there's a gender called "Here I am," then that's the icon they should use. Anyway, that's just some of the genders we have on Earth, (I think there might be as many as twice that), and we just have two biological sexes. Imagine how many gender identities there might be for a race that has three biological sexes. Like Xenomorphs. "Uh, actually, I'm a backburster. I had an uncle that was a craniumburster, but really, who wants to do that much digging?"

Of course, now that I'm writing this, the MeatBlanks site shouldn't have Gender Selection, they should really only have Sex selection. Sex being physical set of attributes and gender being mental or emotional. The Flame-Demon-Thing provides the emotional stuff, MeatBlanks is just providing the chassis. Still, I'm sure we've all seen enough pictures on the internet to know that there'd be like... I don't know, seven possible combinations of male and female equipment? A dozen? Now imagine including all kinds of stamens and tentacles and every other possible variation you'd need for a comprehensive alien customer base. The Sex options list would be pretty insanely large.

Fun fact, the mosaic effects in panel seven are pictures of pizza.

The new vote incentive isn't quite ready yet. I tried something different this month - instead of doing one well painted picture with a bunch of dress variants, I wanted to tell a bit of a story with this one, so instead of one picture, you guys are getting seven or eight. The art is a little streamlined cause there's only so much time in a month. Still, I miscalculated slightly, but I'll have them up by this weekend or with Monday's comic at the latest.




A little drawn out out but it just makes me wonder what's going on with Sydney, Max and the rest!


Any reason some of the genders appear twice?

Thomas Dorner

I wondered that too. (Maybe it's a secret quiz? ;-) So far I noticed 1-3 / 1-5, 2-2 / 3-5 and 2-5 / 4-2 (Y-X from upper left).

Martin Drkoš

No option for tentacles?

James C

Why would "gender" or "sex" even need to be options, if the genitals and secondary sexual characteristics are configured separately? Does selecting "♂" just grey-out the menus for breasts and vaginas or something?


For selecting size, shape, color, sent and so on of selected genital.


I feel like we won't see these 2 for like, 11 months and I would pay a decent amount for a mini-series about them.


Was gonna say. If you're looking for vote incentives, would love to see Lapha stepping into their base/bedroom in her new body, asking Garaam "Well, what do you think?" And his reaction (Nosebleed?)


Or maybe a Ralph Kramden-style “homina homina homina...”


Next screen down. The list is sorted uh... alphabetically, but using the galactic standard language, only we're seeing the english translation... Yeah.

Stephen Gilberg

I have mixed feelings about villain romance. It can feel as cute as hero romance, but part of me doesn't want them to live happily ever after.


I dunno, these guys seem more like rogues than they do villains. Yeah, they're mercenaries, hunters, outside of the law, but they don't seem as nasty as the guy Corra 'sploded. They're just trying to make a buck, albeit in a very chaotic manner.


Panties may not be the best thing in the world, but they're next to it.

Lex of Excel

As long as it involves holding the unrepentant murderer to account for her actions...


Fun fact: we actually have a near infinite amount of biological sexes, due to the complex interactions between hormones, cell structure, and genetics. Male and Female are akin to very loose buckets that a majority of the population falls in to. Unless you have some pretty invasive physical exams done, you will never know if you if you have transposed genes, or if your cells interpret androgens differently from another person, or if dioxin exposure changed how you present. Biology is extremely cool.


Mostly confused as to why this has been dragged out so much.


wait, how does Lapha's species reproduce? Do they need sex at all?


Since they're both in his body, would it count as sex if he/they masturbate? Or will it be just a double jerk-off? They'll both feel it, right?