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Cora is really skirting the edge here, and I'm not really sure why other than it makes me laugh. She does probably have a point about warrantless "wire" taps, especially since she's using crazy alien tech to tap the A/V feed from someone's living nervous system. Anything she records would certainly be inadmissible, and there are probably some, you know, privacy concerns.

Her opening word bubble basically boils down to, "Maybe I did a bad, but I definitely did a bunch of goods." I'm not sure there's a justice system on Earth that actually balances good deeds out with bad ones. Yeah, there's character witnesses and judges generally have a lot of leeway in sentencing, but it's not written down, like a law that says if you're a doctor and you create a vaccine that saves a million lives, you don't get 999,999 get-out-of-jail-for-murder cards. Maybe Cora's thinking of some alien worlds where that is the case, and come to think of it, I'm really surprised I've never seen a Star Trek or Doctor Who or something where they visit that planet.

Now that I think about it though, if you lived on that planet and you ran someone over with your car by accident (or murdered your neighbor on purpose, I suppose it doesn't matter) and you didn't have a "good" credit, would you go straight to jail, or would you have a year in which you have to save someone's life, or otherwise accrue enough good credits to balance out the bad? I think a society would quickly figure out that one life for one life simply wouldn't work. Doctors and firefighters and EMTs could be untouchable serial killers, and I think there'd be a real potential for massive population decline. Plus, there'd probably be services like fake suicide attempts people could "thwart" for good credits so they can go kill their neighbor's noisy dog or whatever.

Yeah, that system wouldn't work at all. Still surprised I haven't seen it on Star Trek.




Cora has just the right balance of "sass" to "actually useful" to make her both funny and not get comically beat-down for her actions. Nice!


Henchmen not among the 14 captured, so trail to possible ring leaders possible.


What is Dabbler doing in the first panel?

Michael Obert

And Dabbler is back to Casual Friday, lol. That's our girl!


Is it supposed to say "dickback", instead of "dickbag" in panel 3?

Marc Vun Kannon

Funny, yes, but she probably would have done better with the 'loaded for the most powerful enemy there' defense. She knew they had Concretia as a slave, there may have been others standing behind Sydney that she didn't know about. But it gets the story moving again so okay.


First panel typo - Sydney


Man I hope so. There's a rich canon available there involving Dickback Steakhouse, a lewd intergalactic restaurant. I want someone to ask and for Dave to spin us a rich narrative about why it's an insult.


Cora's greatest crime here is that she did this on someone else's patch. I'm surprised she hasn't figured out how territorial Earth's law enforcement agencies are yet.


Cora looks especially fetching in the next to last box.


Point in Cora's favor... the people she "wire tapped" were actively engaged in a crime when she initiated the trace/tap/etc... on them. Actual Law enforcement doesn't need a warrant in that case, and as long as the information can be verified to be true it probably WOULD be admissible in court. Likewise, many states laws around use of deadly force to defend someone's life would probable cover Cora safely as well. Either way, you would be hard pressed to find a prosecutor who would actually think it worth filing any charges against her.


Cora is somewhat in the clear. Sure she used HILARIOUSLY overqualified ordenance.... But the shitter WAS about to shoot someone so...


That face when dudes covered in gore want all your sanitizer...

Gary Sumners

*amused* Others caught the one typo and one other possible one - but "nero-transmitters"?

Anton Schleef

That's because she's barely spent any time on the planet so far. I'm sure she's about to learn.

Anton Schleef

Sadly, they still exist. They just aren't common, and migrate towards the states who don't permit the use of deadly force to save someone's life, even in self-defense. And yes, those states do exist. She'll also get nailed for not having a weapons permit for her gun in most states.

Anton Schleef

Watch Kino's Journey -the Beautiful World- the Animated Series sometime, it's localized by Funimation and the uncut version is available with English Dubs. I don't have the time to find the correct episode right now, but there is an episode with a country with a concept like that. Mind you, saving one life didn't let you commit one murder for free, it just means you don't get the death sentence. It takes a LOT more good deeds to get one free murder, most of a person's life to do enough in fact.


Considering how much body coverage those hench suits have. Surprised they’re not trying to rob a salvation army store. And can anyone seriously think a friend of Dabbler wouldn’t push his or her luck like this😈

Lex of Excel

The more we see of the kind of company Dabbler keeps, the more I think Max is doing the right thing by not indulging her antics. Don't stick your proverbial dick in crazy and all that.

Eric Loken

Cora likes to live dangerously.


Incidentally that whole "fruit of the poisoned tree" thing is pretty American-Only. Most other countries do a "you bad" cop/whatever gets reviewed/docked pay/thrown off force. But evidence is still admissable.

Marc Vun Kannon

That's the more sensible way. Allow the evidence and punish the guy who collected it illegally.


...what did those minions know about their boss, that made it insufficient just to take a shower and wash their clothes? What kind of diseases did that twisted fuck have, that they went directly to slathering on sanitizer??




Poor confused clerk. Couldn't appreciate that on the site really, hehehe. That world would definitely have to have a very severe scaling system on what outweighs what. Maybe one free card for that doctor, because for a doctor they might need it. Definitely can't let repeat offenses slide. (Honestly I thought any surveilance on surveilance-prooven criminals was ok...? Am I completely wrong on that? they were holding a hostage and the one going for the kill would have been sniped if that was available....)

Donald Randolph

Not quite as far as "free pass", but Orville S1E7 "Majority Rule" did "social currency" where too few points could not get you out of a death sentence.


I can't see serial killers, who are psychopaths to begin with, being able to work for long, if at all, as doctors, paramedics or other first responder types. Otherwise I pretty much agree with you. Also surprised we haven't seen this in at least one of the Star Trek movies/shows.


Happy Fun Maxima:tm: