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I know a lot of you are here for some Sydney goodness, and the next picture I'd been working on was an A-cup three way with Pixel and Krona. Unfortunately, the whole "Everything is bigger in Texas, including our power-grid failures." kerfuffle left me with intermittent power for about four days, so I was a little behind this month. I partially made up for that by doing a single person pinup, and Maxima won (or lost) the draw this time. Enjoy the special version with guest art direction from JJ Abrams. (Yes, there's a ton of lens flares, hah hah. I amuse myself.) The a-cups will return next month, so please enjoy this offering in the meantime.

(Hah, forgot to set this to the $3 and up tier. Oh well, enjoy if you got it at a discount... And you can't read this because I fixed the tier level.)




The smirk says she is in charge more than the scowl. Scowl is reactive.


Oh God. The crush hazard... to paraphrase: "woman of gold man of mangled burst sausage"


"My eyes!"

Marc Vun Kannon

I can't imagine any wax or razor in the world being strong enough.

Marc Vun Kannon

I guess this will do for a stopgap.


I don't think EVERYTHING has to be JUSTICE! Mega is good too!!


Its no A Team but it does not disappoint!


Maybe she was shaved at the time her skin got changed and that kinda made it... permanent?


Sydney looked uncomfortable last time. Honestly the monthly pinup I’m looking forward to is Hench Wench. Especially doing her evil laugh.

William Elliott

I would have thought her nipples would be covered with gold like the rest of her since they are skin...her eyeballs aren't of course...and I can't remember if I've seen her without lipstick [archive dive!] so if her lips are pink, then I guess other sensitive items might be too...but still... Ah, page #77, lips are naturally red, so I guess nips can be naturally pink. Nuff said.


Which does bring up the interesting point that female supers with super strength can only have relations with supers who are invulnerable, malleable, or regenerative. A human vagina at orgasm can grip a pencil. Pencil dick is supposed to be an insult, not a reality!

William Elliott

also note, there is a glitch going from page 89 to 90. Get "Error Establishing Database Connection" Edit: Scratch that, looks like something broke. Home page does the same.

Jared Juetten

Just... What size are they?! That's a lot of boob.

Dave Warren

I'm one of the people who joined for Sydney, and yeah I'd love to see more A-Cup works, but don't feel like you need to focus on it with a lot of specificity. The other members of the crew will get jealous! And re: Maxima, I kind of don't really think of her in a "I wanna see her naked" context to be honest, but this set uh... may be tipping the scale a bit. Just saying. >_>

Brian Aslin

I like the excessive lens flares, suits her.


If her skin is metallic gold, then wouldn’t that make her bits copper-hued? I ask strictly in the name of science, of course.

Harley Dennis

So going by her areoles, her lips are naturally that red? Not lipstick?

Town Crier

Has it been decided as to how Max cuts/styles her hair, being nigh invincible? I'm kinda wondering about that shiny smooth Brazilian she's sporting.


Given that we've already established that Max can reassign her stats to emphasize one over another, perhaps she can deliberately dial down immunity for that purpose. Or perhaps it's part of the same mutation. Or perhaps, given the past pinups, noticeable pubic hair just isn't a thing in the Grrl Power universe. There also seems to be a bit more consistency in genital configuration in that universe than ours, if we're going to nitpick the artists's style; fewer folks in our world "show pink" when at rest (which is part of why it's eyecatching, I suspect). I've gotta admit, the nude of Sydney is what got me to spring for Patreon. More specifically curiosity about her than the A-team, but it is nice to see a range of bodies, not all supurbly muscled and pneumatic -- though beefy cheesecake (is there a good term for that?) is certainly fun. Full points for "Crush hazard." See Niven's essay "Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex". Or cue up Tom Smith's "Superman's Sex Life Boogie". Again, reassigning stats might help, though one certainly hopes they wouldn't drift while she's distracted.


in Grrlverse supers dont have any body hair anywhere except their head, its mentioned in a shower scene with sidney and harem

Richard du Maine

I was surprised to notice the baldness, too... Although I don't think Max approves of us discussing this...



Town Crier

Wolverine is rather hairy. Just sayin'. So is Sabertooth. This is, of course, as opposed to fur, like the Beast.


not Every super gets a 'super body' as part of the package, Sydney herself is a prime example, Krona is another one though she's technically a mage.. but a rather super-esque one in her way despite not having the body package.


o/ New here. Is there a pack or something of the high-res stuff? Having to hunt up several hundreds of individual posts is... ouch.


No complaints here, whatsoever. I'm more a DD guy ;-).

Harley Dennis

Btw, I like the fact she gets less frowny the more naked she gets.


That’s a lot of lens flare


Surprised the lens flare left so much visible. I thought the rule was lens flare magically blocked view to the naughty bits ... or is that just the anime lens flare. Also I'm not a shamed to say I'm looking forward to next month's meeting of the itty bitty titty commity.


Hey, this is great stuff too. I joined up on sydney month because of an infatuation with the crazy smarticle, and patreon support was definitely always going to be in the long term plan. Arrive for the Syd, stay for the cheesecake was the plan, for me at least. Been looking forward to something with Dabbler and Jabberwocky. Or Jiggawat.


My GOD the lens flares. JJ would prob cream himself with just a glance.

Evan Cross

would love to see more peggy too!

Merle Blue

Absolutely love that little smirk in the other variants.


I do like me some lens flare.


I suppose Max does give a new meaning to the term "bronzed"...


Wow! Max looks hot in lens flair!


So is there any meaning to the latin on Maxima's shirt? I'm thinking it's what, a phrase for arc swat? But translated its just "when there came a large extent with the power of the burden of"


I did find a workaround that could fit both a t-shirt and the theme: "summa potestas penes maiorem" Which basically means "With great power greater responsibility". Translated back into english it becomes "the supreme power was in the hands of the greater"

Matthew Paulin

I can't see anything 'comfortable' about being intimate with Maxima. Her nipples could probably slice mountains in half...


Could use some beefcake the month after for the more male appreciating folks.

Christopher Upton

For those of you who missed it, go back and look at Max's expression in the various iterations. Brilliant!

Brett Peirce

Goodness she's shiny