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My first draft of this page had a nonomatopoeia in panel 5 that said "TELLING PAUSE?" but I decided you guys are smart enough to figure that out without the hand holding. Love me some nonomatopoeias though. It was a tough call. I wound up using it for the page title instead, cause I got to call it something and I sat here for half an hour trying to think of something else. I might have gone with something ziplocky, but I used that in the stinger.

I would make a joke about "Telling Pause" being the nickname for the mute polar bear yenta down the street, but homophone based puns don't work as well in text form.

Really, the question Max should be asking is "Why did you have hilariously fatal rounds chambered in the first place?" but mmmaybe Max isn't asking questions she doesn't really want answers to. Cora has been very helpful in the past - which doesn't give her a get out of jail free card necessarily, but it's not like Max hasn't killed anyone in the line of duty. At this moment, she's probably wanting to ensure that Cora is feeling sufficiently admonished that she's more careful in her choice of ordnance in the future... if she's allowed to go gunning down Earthings again, that is. Unfortunately Cora doesn't appear particularly admonished.

So there's this game called League of Maidens that's out in Alpha on steam. The primary hook is that you can make a superheroine and fight a bunch of single player MMO-ish type adventures throughout a number of biomes, but really, the whole point of the game seems to be the character creator, which has sliders for everything, like nipple hardness, nipple length, and breast rotation. I'm not sure who thought "My character's breasts need to be more clockwise" but it's in there. There's enough freedom to make some hilarious and/or nightmarish looking ladies. It's free to download and play, so I already made a Maxima-ish looking character without buying any skin packs, as you can mess with "skin wetness" sliders and overall shininess and make their skin look gold-adjacent. I'm told that under all the T&A, there's the seed of a competent game, but unfortunately their financial strategy is to take every single annoying thing about free mobile games and combine them into one product. I'm totally fine with cosmetic supported games, I've put a few bucks into Overwatch and Path of the Exile, but League of Maidens has at least 3 different currencies, plus I think it has some kind of daily endurance meter which counts down, and you have to buy more endurance to keep playing (in their defense, I'd guess you'd probably be able to get about 4 hours of a daily charge), a cosmetic shop (which is fine, IMO) a UI cluttered with shopping opportunities, and the ability to subscribe to LoM Plus, which gives you a 20% discount in the shops. It's a lot. I'm not sure I have the endurance to finish the sprawling tutorial, but all that said, if anyone decides they're into it and wants to post their Grrl Power-ish creations or harrowing nipple monsters, do feel free.




This would be a good time to talk about the two other bad guys that are being followed by drones back to their headquarters.

Marc Vun Kannon

Cora could make an argument that by using overwhelming force on the one that she made all the rest more likely to surrender rather than risk it. That's a classic military strategy Max would appreciate.

Marc Vun Kannon

Unfortunately, I don't see what Max did there.


Maybe it was the deadpan delivery of a rhetorical question?

Aaron Morton

I like that Dabbler gives Cora shit, but second Max is gone, she's going to be all "squee fan girl"


Yeah... As Dave said, Max SHOULD be questioning why Cora had lethal ammo equipped for someone who is technically a civilian. And since I doubt it is even possible to ensure Cora is disarmed for the remainder of her time on earth, Max should at least ask that she always have non lethal rounds ready in future. And threaten that if she crosses that line again... I don’t think her tech is really a match for Max, though it would depend on which side Dabbler leans.


Perhaps, but I don’t think Cora would have had any trouble taking them down with non lethal force if prepared. And Max knows this. Cora may be a civilian on this planet, but she’s a civilian with access to technological which makes non lethal takedowns easier. And even beyond that, she has weapons that would be just as effective and less messy. Something that vaporises his gun arm would have been preferable.


In her defence. How many of The American Gun-Toting civilian folks wandering the streets with their right to arm bears, are doing so with "less-lethal" ammunition?


would like to see your version of Maxima from League of Maidens as the screenshots from the store page is Hilarious

Anne Welborn

League of Maidens, - seriously? What a waste of pixels.

Stephen Gilberg

How did I not notice the tear in Max's shirt until today? (Looking back, I see when it happened.)

Lex of Excel

Finally, someone with actual regard for life!


I would honestly love to see a bunch of female developers create a "League of Dudes" that's every bit as objectifying and exploitative as LoM and just sit back and see what the response would be. I assume most guys wouldn't care and just think, "Hey, fair's fair." but there'd still be a bunch of guys complaining about how "those fitness standards are unrealistic" or some other out of touch nonsense. I also assume gay men would be like "Hey this game is pretty fun. I just wish the handlebar moustache and leather biker hat wasn't behind a pay wall." (Because for some reason the first thing that springs to mind when thinking about gay men is 1970's Blue Oyster Club chic.)


ARC-SWAT is trying to minimize casualties and damage, as discussed early in the series. Even when they don't feel like it. Their friends may not have completely bought into the idea. Their opponents may or may not care about consequences -- some have Original Batman ethics, some have Dark Knight-era ethics.


Your personal belief that killing is apparently always bad isn't universally accepted. I also haven't yet seen any real support for its validity. Having a high regard for life does not mean a complete unwillingness to take it.