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Cora and Dabbler obviously have some shared history and sense of humor. Dabbler tries to not fly her "I'm an alien sex demon intergalactic woman of mystery and mayhem" TOO high while she's on Earth, but sometimes it slips out. And if you're thinking "Really? Cause she does lots of sex stuff." Remember that she doesn't orgy the team comatose every night, so yeah, she's keeping herself pretty reigned in. That's only possible because she gets herself some Super-grade tantric good good every so often.

You know how in cop shows, when a cop is involved in a fatal shooting, they make them go see the police psychologist just to make sure they're doing okay and/or not reveling in the kill? That conversation was difficult with Dabbler because she didn't have any sense of weight for the event. Not in a psychopathic way, which is definitely a flag in itself, just in a "I'm used to a more wild wild west system of justice where I'm a freelance bounty hunter and it's accepted that killing inveterate recidivist felons objectively makes the universe a better place." and eventually they were like "Look, just don't kill anyone unless there's no alternative or you can't work with us." and Dabbler's like "Ug. Whatever, it's your planet."

If you think that attitude should disqualify her from law enforcement, well, that's certainly arguable, but keep in mind that someone high up probably had the thought that if she hangs out on Earth for a while, maybe she'd share the thing that's better than integrated circuits, or she'd leave her Astro-Phone laying on her dresser while she's out on a mission, so who cares if a few criminals experience some space justice?

Cora... has not been through any of that screening stuff. She was just asked to try and not kill anyone.




I should not laugh that hard, but the lasagne was funny

Martin Drkoš

She just helped him unwind.

Chase the Dragon

I'm pretty certain Max is referencing some of her Afghanistan days in that whip around thinking process. "Timed bags of lasagna exploding"... very apt description of 3 meatbags in cultists robes getting some.


Ah, the ol' Unwinder Round, also known as the "I'm Sorry-Not-Sorry Jon Special" for its mixing of gore and lasagna.


To paraphrase "Don't kill anyone unless they really need killing". Remember this is the military NOT law enforcement, anyway I'll shed no tears over "little bitch" as named by Sydney.

Just Jack

I sense a repeat of Concretia's "What's wrong with you?" line coming up.


Okay that description of what the round did nearly killed me. I needed a good laugh. :D


That description was amazing


Sydney's going to need SO MUCH THERAPY.

Marc Vun Kannon

That description, combined with the blood smears all over her, and the 1000-yard stare. ..I'm seeing some therapist time when they get back to base.

Marc Vun Kannon

I reread it, and when I got to panel three I realized what Max and dabbler were seeing. Sydney should not look like that.


It'll be interesting who gets picked to do the therapy on Dr. Frost, after Dr. Frost's therapy on Sydney.


It may say military on the brochures, but honestly looking at what they do, they're law enforcement.

Michael O'Driscoll

I feel bad for poor Sydney, hope she doesn't wind up with nightmares from this, she had been through enough....So Far...


"Yeah, we don't really send Dabbler to the counsellor anymore."

Anton Schleef

To use a non-lethal approach you first need a non-lethal weapon. Cora probably wasn't properly prepared to save her friend from a group of sick fucks who looked like they may be willing to torture her. A kill first response is probably normal without some very heavy training anyhow.


Lol. Beautiful description of what just happened hah

Stephen Gilberg

I've often thought that the mouths in this comic were drawn uncannily large. It's obvious with Dabbler's laugh, but at least she has the excuse of not being human.

Town Crier

Well... he WAS!

Lex of Excel

And it is for that reason why I don't trust Dabbler in the position of being a superhero. She's about as trustworthy in that position as Lobo is.

Lex of Excel

The True Lies Defense: it's not murder if they're evil. (Except it totally is.)


This looks like this is triggering a "What did you do to my little sister" moment with Maxima.


Good thing Sydney's already a vegan I guess.

Lex of Excel

Just hope that she gives Cora the verbal thrashing she's been deserving for a few pages.


Lobo would be trustworthy though.... if you paid him enough. Daily. With a firm reminder.


Need panel 6 without a speech balloon... for meme purposes :)


"Try not to kill anyone" well she did try... he just needed killing.

Marc Vun Kannon

Sydney forgot to add the last part: "...and you're only sitting 6 feet away?"

Eric Loken

Yeah, she's the one going to be needing the therapy after this one.


Where does one get a gun with a 3 second delay? I wish to see this lasagna explosion... for science!


Max's eyes seem especially lovely today

Marc Vun Kannon

Not the gun, the bullet. I'm reminded of a weapon used in one of the Bond movies, Never Say Never Again, I think. A pen that launched an explosive nib. Bond used it, but it didn't explode. It lodged in the bad lady's clothes or skin, she laughed, and as she was taking aim to kill him, then it went off. A cute scene, but not something you'd want to happen on purpose. Maybe the time delay was the bullet figuring the correct angle to unspool for maximum dispersal.

Jared Juetten

Excellent work on the artwork in this page, DaveB!! For whatever reason, I really like it all, the goofy and serious mixed together. And Max looks really good. Also, Sydney's top part of her uniform is amazingly spotless :D THANKS, UNIFORM NINJAS!!


Sydney wasn't wearing her jacket when the explodening happened. Maybe it should have gotten some slop on it, but I figured it was laying behind the chair she was stuck in, in a chair shaped gore shadow.


I'd like to see a full spread of Sydney in panel nine, with the speech balloon, as a t-shirt.