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Thanks so much for your support! Like, seriously, you guys.

To view the full-size version... left-click, right-click, new tab. You guys have it figured out by now.

Well, I did it again, I hit post instead of schedule. Enjoy your early comic!

In an mixed alien/fantasy race situation, one could probably get a lot of mileage out of "It's instinctive for my people." or "It's how my people do things." or "My gods require…" It's also an easy way to get busted doing something obnoxious when the party encounters a second member of your race and you don't have the opportunity to flash him the "Bro, be cool" eyes.

This next sequence will probably illuminate my lack of editorial rigor. I'm trying to wrap up this whole Aliens in Times Square kerfuffle, and I thought, "Why not do a romance subplot between two aliens whose names you guys don't know?"

Actually, that's not true, Garamm was named just before he tackled Ray Cosmos. Dabbler called the flame eye demoness "Torchy," but her name is Lapha. I don't think she was called out by name in the comic though, but I'm going to cheat and add her to the Who's Who, cause it's my comic and I can do what I want.

Anyway, my bar for putting stuff in the comic is "does it amuse me?" and it seems to have been a viable strategy so far.


I pimped the release of the audiobook for Aether's Revival 2 a few weeks ago, and hopefully a few of you have checked the series out. Well, Aether's Revival 3 is out (just the book - the audiobook is pending.) 




And just in time for my morning coffee.. I don't mind the early release

Shade Jones

I don't either. A nice surprise before bed


Play on, playa!

Anton Schleef

I like the guys smile towards the end. That impression of two rows of teeth was awesome, and her reaction was hilarious.


Hey, if it amuses you, it probably amuses the rest of us, too. And thanks for the early comic!

Paul Rendell

This doesn't particularly add anything to the story, but I love it regardless.


... its 10pm on Sunday. Oh Right Time zones


Lol. Kinda wondering if that would even be a good time for the both of them. Also I wonder how many often food gets stuck in those teeth or on the tusks. lol


I don't get what she's not falling for. Is there some play on words with kiss? Can anyone explain?


How do your people kiss......... With our tongue........ That would be a hell of a french kiss.........what is a french? 😈


awesome evening surprise. No spoilers on Aether 3! re reading book 2 right now. Schinhofens books just get better and better.


I assume he was expecting a reply like "What's a kiss? Here, let me show you" *gets free kiss*. But she saw what he was trying to do there and told him he's going to have to earn it by, say, taking her out for space lobster. That's what I got from it, anyway.


Yes, must be as close as physically possible to protect the alpha.


That's an amazing coincidence, my standard for READING a comic is "does it amuse me"!


I'm guessing most aliens have plumbing that can hookup one way or another. (maybe with the help of an adapter kit??)


I first read the last panel as “make out with the space lobster” :)


Okay, please, please don't do that again. That grin is seriously disturbing and I almost wet myself laughing.

Sam Bradley

I don't want to seem too right-on, but I really feel like she should have shut him down for being creepy enough to grind his hips into her ass...

Stephen Gilberg

"Lapha" looks like a variation on "Alpha," which suits a leader. It also sounds close to "Laugher," but so far she's only been laughed at, not with.

Town Crier

This week, on Grrl Power; SPAAAAACE SEEEEEEEX!!!


Kind of on board with Lapha being an upcoming vote incentive. Just saying.


Is it weird that I really hope things work out for them?


So recently she was against him giving her a tail, but now she's entertaining giving him some...