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For some reason I think things from space named "Space XYZ" or "Astro ABC" is really funny. Astro bucks, Space Hookers, Galactic Lunch. It's so dumb and generic and pointless. It's like reminding everyone that a bunch of races have achieved space travel. Yeah, we know. We're in space right now.

Concretia's having a real facepalm moment here, but Henchwench still has a leg up on her. We don't know if Concretia can animate rock while in her human form or if she has to project herself into her phantom form. What did I decide to call it? Concrastral form? I'm don't feel like looking it up. Anyway, that's not the trick Henchwench has mastered here. She can keep Meatwench conscious while Concrastrally projecting. If that's something Concretia can do, she'll probably have to return to her body first and test it in steps. Apparently she can't just wake herself up and let the Concrastral projection dissipate - she has to return to... uh, meat Concretia and merge back into her body. Conmeatia? Meatcretia?

Ug. Meatcrete sounds like something demons would come up with. And not the sexually mischievous ones like Dabbler. Like, Doom demons. The ones that decorate their walls with stretched faces. Which... I guess means that when they're not murdering their way across some new planet, they're very into arts and crafts. Those faces have to get on the walls somehow, right? I guess their planet murder rampages are like a trip to Hobby Lobby for them, and they have to sign up for specific invasions to get the right color palettes. Like if they want an accent of blue for the den, they have to murder rampage some Maliri or Na'vi or, uh... Kree? There's not a lot of blue alien races for some reason. Twi'lek. Knew I was forgetting an obvious one. Yes, some Night Elves are blue. Obviously there's Smurfs, but you'd probably only want them to do like a nice checkerboard accent for the bathroom. Like a strip around the shower.




Lol.... Smurfs. 😂 *snort*


Ohhh now I see little skinned Smurf bodies being fed to a cat... Not Nice...


Maybe she has just never tried to 'animate' her own body before? I do assume she's tried animating/possessing non-rocky substances too, but it seems to me like her power might have a lot of applications she's not explored simply for not thinking of it. . .


I wonder how they know if Concretia is around. Can't be physical tracking device, maybe some sort of energy signature?



Martin Drkoš

I guess they would see her if she was a golem (not to mention that a golem would be hard to get on a boat) and as a ghost the most she can do is get back in her body, which is restrained.

Michael Obert

Sometimes a gal just wants her chitin to looks its shiniest.

Martin Drkoš

Would be interesting if Concretia colluding with Arc would violate some clause in the contract meaning that Hench Wench would loose geokinesis but it would also tip the bad guys off.

Town Crier

A toenail in your bra is a sign of good luck, people.


Well, if the toenail is still attached to the toe which is still attached to the foot which is removing said bra, yes. Otherwise, not so much... at least, not for the toenail's previous owner.


Mass Effect actually has a number of alien races that range across the colder range of the spectrum.

Eric Loken

Fun fact, in the light spectrum, as you move from red through to blue the temperature of the light increases, making blue the warmest colour of the visible light spectrum. But we think of it as the opposite - of course that is more an emotional interpretation of colour and dates back to long before anyone could measure the temperature of different light wavelengths. I also immediately thought of the Asari.


What if Concretia learned to animate a number of semi-autonomous constructs? Sure, it might be only two or three at a time, but that would be a serious level-up in her power set.Maybe Harem could teach her how to split her consciousness effectively?


Drenai? No-one played WoW?

Nathan Weber

The fact that when I read thumbnail, I immediately thought of a miniature picture proves I'm an artist.

Stefan J Neylon

Given that she's intangible when not controlling a concrete body and she often makes new bodies when one is damaged (or covered in guts) how can they keep track of her enough to know if she's gone near her body? Especially now that the room is painted with her handler.


I would submit the Chiss (Grand Admiral Thrawn's people) from Star Wars (EU), but I'm still upset that Disney hasn't paid Alan Dean Foster.

Some Ed

They probably have sensors for the "astral" form. I mean, it looks like people in the comic can see her like that, too, which suggests it's detectable at least in the visual spectrum, but probably more than just that. I'd guess those sensors would go off whether or not she was currently animating a form.


Even assuming that Cora can just matter print more, there just isn't enough <i>Space Cleaner </i> to get Sydney clean


I was just introduced to this comic this weekend, I spent a large part of my Saturday reading it from the start. I look forward to seeing how this story goes.


Did you happen to find out via that Imgur post about webcomics?


I feel like have this conversation with my players every couples of sessions... "I wish I could do that!" "You can?" "What?! Since when?" "Since like 5 sessions ago when you spent the points to buy that stunt?" "Oh... right..."