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Yes, the clean spot was in an adjacent room.

Honestly I think this page is grosser than the previous one. Especially the mid-sentence burps, and the non-pictured (you're welcome) strings of gorgy drool that follow them.

So yeah, as I predicted, there were some differing opinions on Cora's handling of the situation. Honestly I just thought it was funny, both the extreme overkill and Sydney sitting there covered in human jam with one eye twitching. This comic isn't Judge Dredd, but it's not My Little Pony either. I guess it's closer to the latter really, but eh, sometimes bad guys explode.

For those of you wondering, Sydney was not allowed to inject herself with a syringe of Fuggedaboutit (that's the trademarked drug name) that was covered in viscera.

To answer Sydney's question, I can tell you that she's mostly throwing up due to stress. Despite playing it surprisingly cool, she was actually really scared there, especially after the drugs and that asshole pointing a gun at her face. The gore storm put her over the top, but she probably would have eventually panic barfed even without that.



Michael O'Driscoll

In all fairness, I think she is handling this well all things considered.


thank you for the new new panel Dave. Max and Dabbler are going to have a field day with Cora


I'm curious as to where the other two masked guys are? Did they get restrained or sliced and diced? At least one of the tried to stop Sydney's killing by "little bitch" .


i do like the idea of Sydney FDAU just not when she's covered in gore


Love Cora's look in the last panel. She is like "how many space woofs do I owe you to make this right?"

Marc Vun Kannon

Cora looks surprisingly shocked that she caused Sydney such distress. Good. So Concretia is thinking there's something wrong with Cora? The angling of the faces in that last panel makes it look like she's talking to Sydney, but she knows what's wrong with Sydney.


I wonder if Archon would try to get Cora to visit Dr. Frost herself to discuss why her 1st response to a violent situation is so extreme.

Marc Vun Kannon

The look on her face in that last panel suggests she may have already learned that lesson.

Martin Drkoš

Dr. Frost is going to need a therapist.


keep in mind that Concretia doesnt have internal organs present that can retch, puke etc, nor can she smell the gore or most of the other things that would prompt such a response... Plus considering she's been on That guy's leash for a while odds are she's seen enough to not get Quite as traumatized by what happened. That said, she's probably asking Cora what her problem is cause.. well, most humans in the super business do Not deploy "chunky salsa" weapons as their opening move.


I expect its a difference of working circumstances. Cora has to go all kinds of places and potentially engage all kinds of creatures in usually lethal combat. Even if those she's fighting dont outrigt want her dead, getting captured probably just means getting sold as a slave or another fate as bad or worse than death or slavery. In short, you play for keeps if you are gonna play at all. And given the sheer variety of what she may have to fight on any given workday... Its not unreasonable to have whatever you use be as wildly and spectacularly lethal as possible... If for no reason than turning one guy into chunky salsa might mean you wont have to do the same to his friends. (and if it doesnt, all the better that you can get a 1 kill per shot ratio or better).

Ian Brown

Dabbler was my favorite character for her nonchalant attitudes to Earth, sex, and violence, but I think Cora is giving her a run for the title of my new Bae.

Lex of Excel

If any ARCHON operative who finds out about this responds with anything short of telling Cora to drop her weapon and put her hands on her head, it'll be a travesty. James Edwards did not hesitate to do that when he saw Agent K shoot Jack Jeebs's head off. And this guy won't grow back.


Okay, I am willing to believe that Concretia formed a new, clean body from material in the adjacent room... but where the heck did she get clean clothes from? Because there is no way those stayed clean after being point blank to "baddie-kaboom" . Or are those formed out of the same material as her "remote body"? Can she change the texture and coloration on her new bodies to that degree?


When we first saw her take a new body ( way back 6 years ago on page 216), the "clothes" she had on traveled to her new form after the old one was neutralized. This suggests either 1. She has a mental image of what she looks like, including clothes, and that translates to her new form 2. Whatever she's wearing travels with her new form. I'm leaning towards option 1. When we saw her real body, it was wearing some kind of medical gown, not her combat track suit. She also didn't display any overly detailed anatomy during her conversation with Sydney in ghost form.

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

J also was standing right there when K did it. I doubt any Archon personnal arriving on the scene at this point is going to react that way, as long as Cora isn't still actively brandishing her explodey space weapon.


I still think #210, knife to teeth is worse, but maybe that's just me.

Nicholas Grey

What is FDAU in this context? Google is telling me “Flight Data Acquisition Unit”.