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Well that seemed to have shut Sydney up.

There were a few comments on the previous page about how that guy's arm will be useless now. You were correct.

So yeah. I expect some, heh, mixed reactions to today's comic, from "He deserved that." to lectures on how fantasy depictions of using horrific ordnance on criminals is probably bad and only just a little bit funny. Well, Sydney's face there in panel six makes me laugh every time I look at it.

I went back and forth if I wanted to go through with it, but this is what I had planned from the beginning of this sequence. Remember way back in like page 194 where I was like "I don't know how much gore I'm going to put in the comic" and then much later Sciona bisects Cooter because I thought it'd be funny? Good times. Still, this isn't exactly new behavior for Cora.

BTW, That's not a tentacle on Sydney's shoulder. It's a vertical selection of rib meat.




The only part I didn't enjoy was it was over too quickly. He deserved something drawn out, guess I'm too invested in Sydney's health.

Michael Obert

Time for ArcTherapy to make its debut.


Sarcastic 'oops'es are my favourite kind!


only thing I could think of makes me laugh at apparently being a horrible person: "POP goes the weasel!"

Joey Bryant

So how are they going to find miss gargoyle's body know? I assume there's very little left of the three goons to piece together.


I bet Concretia is thankful that's not her actual body being covered in gore


Since you can see one of them standing upright in the background I wouldn't be surprised if this was a localized SKUTCH


Very satisfying splorch.


"Thats gonna leave a mark!"


It would be non-lethal for plenty of supers, how was Cora supposed to know he was a regular meatbag?


NICE. Go Cora, go Cora, it’s ya birthday, it’s ya birthday!

Marc Vun Kannon

Full-out, pre-CCA take-down. You really built that guy up to deserve everything he got. Now they can rescue Concretia. If these guys were part of the LLC, does their sudden demise mean the contract is voided?

Richard Bennett

Interesting munition choice. I'm not sure what it's military benefit is beyond grossing out the enemy? The delayed effect seems a bit of a problem in a firefight. Feels like Cora having these loaded is not a great reflection on her character! On the other hand, that's him told 🙂


That looks like an octopus tentacle that landed on Syd. What was he exactly?


The really interesting bit is the technology involved that allowed the close-quarters puree of a target without any physical damage to bystanders. Because technically, if the gore was thrown that far, there should have been collateral injuries, and Sydney's front-row seat should have been worse than just getting "goopy".


Interesting question. Most contracts do expire when one of the contractors expire... If nothing else that person's power no longer has a source, probably? Though the contract likely gives Henchwench a copy, so it shouldn't be lost until the contract is.


Yeah... Not saying this piece of human filth didn’t deserve to get killed... But for Sydney’s sake, wouldn’t have done that in front of her. Much like Dabbler, Cora probably has more lethal in her arsenal than non lethal, but it is polite when on another planet to listen to respect their law enforcements decisions. But Cora clearly has a “Law through strength” attitude.


Could be the old "blood chain reaction" thing. In this case, something that makes the blood rapidly increase in volume would do the trick.


Seems like Cora choose give Sydney nightmares, as an ammo choice. I am wondering what her thought process was to choose that ammo.

Just Jack

Yeah, he's not going to walk that one off. For a second there I was getting flashbacks to the blood magic heist.

Jacob Barboza

It mentions in the commentary that it is not a tentacle, but "a vertical selection of rib meat."


0_o ...someone get a mop, and probably a squeegee, that went all the way past Salsa and straight to Puree, what was in that round? rapidly unspooling nanoscale razor-wire? Also, Sydney, be careful with that stuff, you may be a vegetarian but you don't want to risk being an actual vegetable, if you really want, maybe talk to Frix, there might be some SCP style amnestics in the Interdictors pharmacopoeia.

Jack Ponder

If he weren’t a pile of pulled pork rejects at the moment, I’m sure he’d reconsider his toxic attitudes towards women following this. Or double-down on it because he’s probably that level of stupid.


I was trying to figure out who the tentacle guy was…


Ok, well... He met a properly horrific end... A touch more sudden than he deserved, but... I'll give it a 7/10...


Forget non-LETHAL! How about non-TRAUMATIZING?!!!!

Town Crier

Cora had best have something to clean Sydney up real quick, or else... BOOM!!!


I don't get it. What's with all the Strawberry Jam?


Cora does like Sydney so I get the little extra reaction. Yeah the last 3 panels make me laugh too.

Seth Swanson

Well... That's his shit solved.

Thomas Dorner

So that's why crime scene cleaner is a valuable job. And I guess Syndey's consultant is doing some overtime the next days.


Cora's problem is that she is not LEO, ARC are not going to be amused. She is at least going to be persona non grata for a while.


The Concretia definitely should react positively.


I guess we find out if the remote control for the shock collar had a dead man function? Maybe Misogynist Asshole just dismissed the possibility that she could ever get it away from him.


If she was listening to the guy through Syd's glasses, that could give you some insight.

Brad Kirkwood

so I'm presuming that is supposed to be 912 and the guy didn't spend 10 comics going "fffffffffffffffffffffffff aah ffffffffffffffffffffff aah"


This is either good for Concretia or very bad for her.

Lex of Excel

I stand by my earlier statement that Cora is a dangerous, gleefully amoral psychopath.


True. But as 'ooops' moments go, it's not a bad one.

Jeremy Jorgensen

You know, I am not 100% sure, it's not QUITE clear, but I think he can pull through! I mean, exploding like that isn't necessarily "Injuries incompatible with life", so maybe he just has to go to the farm with all the dogs. And Sydney looks like she's going to need lots of puppy therapy herself. Thankfully she doesn't have a psych co-pay.

Brett Bydairk

With Sydney's eyes that wide open, and no glasses to cover/protect them, wouldn't she get massive amounts of blood and, um ... stuff in them and be unable to see? even if she instinctively closed her eyes, she would still get stuff in them.

Eric Loken

Today's lesson boys and girls, is you do NOT fuck with Cora's friends, she tends to react... poorly.

Eric Loken

Yeah, Syd looks like that is going to be seeing that one for a while. Which is why she wants to roofie *herself* at this point.


Once the news of this gets around to other bad guys, unless everyone is aware Cora is NOT Arc-swat, villains are going to step back on their plans a bit. It is severely deterring.

Lex of Excel

Or they might decide to respond in kind, knowing they have nothing to lose by fighting to kill, since their enemies will allegedly do the same. Deterrence has never been effective at reducing crime.

Jared Juetten

When the flying alien woman who just shot you calls her weapon/ammo "ordnance" - That's when you know you're screwed.

Some Ed

Well, if Louis Richards was right about it having been a remote control detonation, rather than timed, if Cora was right about Sydney having her glasses on to protect her eyes, and if his fob button doesn't have a deadman function, maybe. Unfortunately, at least one of those was not true. So it feels to me like it was at least something of a bad oops. Maybe not horrible, but Sydney's gonna take a lot to recover.


I'm assuming during the act of "splorsh" itself she instinctively closed her eyes, and opened them when the impact was passed. Doesn't mean she didn't see things better left unseen.

Bert Carroll

This reminds me of TeamFourStar: The Cell Games: "You're already dead." https://youtu.be/ca3qvbdFSZk


I’m rather worried that they are storing the syringe without a cap on the tip. I mean , the needle is now all covered in what-was-his -name.