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The extended fight scene that took place while Brüt made his calls did involve some attempts at tickling. Is Henchwench super crazy ticklish? I'd like to think so.

This fight has been going on for a while. Brüt didn't fare well against the Mestu Shoryu [Interrupted] because even though Max didn't finish it, he still flew like thirty stories straight up. Given his general resistance to kinetic attacks, that wouldn't normally be a problem for him, but he didn't land well. Maybe Mr. Amorphous slapped his feet out from under him just as he was coming down?

I've mentioned it before, but Maxima doesn't generally like gender specific slurs. Well, slurs that are gender specific to women. That said, sometimes you just have to call a bitch a bitch. Someone who bites your ear during a fight? Yeah, I'm looking at you, Tyson. I'm not saying I wouldn't resort to some bitch-ass tactics if Evander Holyfield was systematically converting my skull into pudding, but that's one of only many, many reasons my day job doesn't involve getting punched in the head. If you're a supervillain or superhero, being punched in the head is kind of an unspoken job requirement.

Henchwench's power explicitly only work with Supervillains. If they worked with superheroes, she'd probably be called Sidekick Wench. I can't help but wonder, though, what would happen if she could copy Varia's powers, then touched her? Probably either nothing… or EVERYTHING.

Oh, and Evil, Inc. is a long-running, self described superhero romantic comedy. I probably should add it to the webcomic widget list, come to think of it.




This week, on The Hench Apprentice...


"I'll beat a motherf***er with another motherf***er!" Or is it really 'another'?

Wings of Genesis

So no one is going to comment on the yeeting that is being commenced? Just me? Okay.


...so what happens if Henchwench is in the middle of using some power that requires use of that power to get out of, when she's cut off? For example, completely inhabiting a concrete body while her meat suit is currently vacant? Can she get stranded like that?


As someone who has lost a big toe, let me just say that Heatwave has to be hovering a bit in that last panel. No way can she be balancing like that. I have a hard enough time walking without falling over.


And, as Brüt used Heatwaves (presumably Archon issued or at least monitored to some degree) phone it's safe to say that Leon and ultimately the NSA, NRO, FBI, CIA and the rest of the TLAs et al. know who or at the very least where the members of Evil Inc.s Board Of Directors are, followed by some calls along the line of "please detain these people before Max & Archon show up to do so"


Now I want to see Maxima kissing Henchwoman

Christopher Upton

That would be Sidekick Sally or some such.


Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporateeeeeeeed!

William Elliott

oooh, she gets smacked with that recently deanimated statue, its gonna hurt now


If she lost all her powers, it might be MESSY fatal.

Stephen Gilberg

Such an odd specificity. What about supers who consider themselves heroes but are ethically controversial?

Erin Palette

So, I enjoyed Evil Inc about... a decade ago, I think? And then at some point Guigar decided to reboot it and start from the beginning and I was all "OK, you do you, boo, but I'm out." Now it looks like the art style has changed AGAIN and we again see the beginning of the relationship between Miss Match and whatever hero guy's name is. And so I just want to ask, in general terms: "What's up with webcomics rebooting and then repeating themselves?" There's Evil Inc, there's the It's Walky universe of comics (Roomies/It's Walky/Shortpacked/Dumbing of Age/etc), there's Kris Straub's Starship Crisis/Starslip Crisis... and those are just off the top of my head.

Erin Palette

Basically, I guess I'm feeling grouchy and wondering why some artists retread old ground instead of doing something new?


I think she actually lost her, uh, index toe. I drew her bandaged foot once, but it's been a while.


um, cause creative is really hard. Do your favorite restaurant chefs repeat themselves - yes. Do software companies evolve features rather than throw them out and start over with a new paradigm - yes. Do knitters make more than one hat/scarf/sweater - yes. Do something for any length of time and you may be tempted or need to revisit things. If you can say that in your life you never repeat things - then you are a far more sophisticated human than I

Some Ed

In your last sentence, you have a funny way of spelling "less". Mastering *anything* requires repetition.

Some Ed

That depends on the world model. If Dave goes by Wild Cards logic, HW would be stuck there. But if he's going by "where is the brain activity actually happening" and decides that's still in HW's skull, she finds herself back in her normal body, and may be extra-disoriented by the shift. There's probably some other models with different effects, but those are the two I'm familiar with.


Sidekick Chick


mahaps there was some groping, if not kissing. Dabbler needs some entertainment. Also you could probably get another great Angry Max photo for the collection.

Anton Schleef

Ahhh.....you wimped out on doing the fight scene? Now I just feel shorted, even if this fight has been going on for a couple of months.

Ol' Firebones

It took me a while to realize why the firing seemed familiar. It's a Robocop reference, yes?


But they're behind 7 proxies! More seriously, knowing what number was dialed does NOT give you who answered the phone, or even if they are on the same continent as that destination number. The classic is the Gold Box (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gold_box_(phreaking)), but two burner cellphones taped together can be rigged to do the same thing. I have a telephone butt set (insert old joke here) that I can clip into a phone line access box along some backroad, and make / receive calls exactly the same as the real owner. That's not even touching the subject of branch exchanges or backdooring a central telephone exchange. You will only catch people not smart enough to do basic crimes, with just a phone number.