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They're both 6'7", so I thought I'd draw them posing. And showering. There's two clothed versions. One has Shulkie in a slightly more realistic leotard, and one in the vacuum sealed "unstable molecules" version. 

So at some point, I'm planning on changing the nude incentive tier to $3. Not because I'm greedy. I had always intended on making the nude tier $3, but I wanted to make sure I could actually keep up with the work. I'm sure you all recall my previous track record with the incentives. They tended to ferment for a month or two too long. 

I am working on a Sydney nude, I promise. The thing I got stuck on is that I tend to use these as an excuse to up the realism and get some painting practice in, and I didn't know what to do with her face. I kind of thought about trying to paint a "what if Sydney was a real person with a non-anime face like an actress or something" but I honestly don't think I could make that look right. So I'll probably have to do a cartoony version and resist the urge to add realistic skin texture or something and make it look super creepy. 

I feel like it's a good idea to wait until after the holidays to bump the tier. I just didn't want you guys to be surprised when it happens. 




Damn you. 😂 I'm not here for the spank material, but if you continue making these wonders I can't be left out and have to to up my pledge. (oops I already did to be safe)


I don't know why, but I *wasn't* expecting green nipples!

Joey Bryant

Well I'm impressed, the drapes matches the carpet. But damn, you got talent my friend, yes you do. It's a gift from God himself for to draw these awe inspiring works of art. And if you decide to up the anti for the master pieces, every perverted fan you have will find no complaints about upgrading tiers. And as for a nude of Sydney. I think you already got the face down, just a while ago Sydney was looking pretty badass for a moment or two. Just a helpful hint.


Nice. I spent quite a lot of time before I found difference between pic1 and 2. Anvil might have something to do with it ;-)




I do wonder in a arm wrestling match who would win?


So Anvil's from Louisiana?

Sean Christopher Duggan

Just letting you know that the thumbnail on the site for the voting incentive still shows Dabbler.


There's no official word on Shulie nipple color, but generally, nips match lips.


She Hulk is a lot stronger to start with, but Anvil's strength ramps up as she absorbs kinetic energy. Once she gets Shulkie strong, she's much more likely to be punching than grappling, unless she can incorporate hits into wrestling moves like elbow drops.


Moved around a lot as a kid with her father's construction company, but she primarily identifies herself as Louisianan.


1 and 2 look literally the exact same to me

Ted Brown

Now this is exactly what I needed to wake up to. ;-)


If you click between the images She-Hulk's eyes move I have *not* been staring at these pictures for too long. Nope, not at all.

Kevin Wright

Please allow me the epithet: DAMN! That said, of the clothed versions, I prefer the more realistic one. The other just throws me out of the suspension of disbelief, basically. Not that it's bad or anything, but my brain won't let go f the physics. Very nice work, regardless.

Kevin Wright

Hah, you're right. She's looking at the camera clothed, and shifted more toward Anvil nude. I don't blame her. :)


Jade or bronze? Jade...bronze...why not both??


*Exact* same nipples? (sans color difference) I appreciate the on/off, without a doubt, but find perhaps variety in detail would be beneficial.


I've always struggled with consistency in my art, so it's oddly gratifying that you think I copy/pasted the nipples when I didn't. :)

John Doe

Happy to support when you bump the tier! I have always thought your art deserved much more! Great effort and story arc!


Looking back after recent discussion: Am I seeing green pubic hair? If so, is that because she isn't technically a super, or because she's a visitor from another comic universe?