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Fun fact: This page was fun to draw.

There are a number of reasons this guy might be trying to explosively de-dress Max. One hopes he's not in league with paparazzi, though I'd wager a super slow-mo shot of that grenade going off in Max's golden, invincible cleavage would garner heavy interest. If that's the case though, I can't imagine what that guy's cut must be to trade punches with Maxima.

The word "denude" means to strip something. It seems to me that it should mean to dress something. That word and "inflammable" will cost us points when the aliens come to evaluate us for ascendency.

The Vote Incentive is updated, as is the nude version here at Patreon. This picture has a special guest appearance. Click to see who it is. On a totally unrelated note, did you know that Anvil and She-Hulk are both 6'7"? I didn't know that when I decided on Anvil's height. It just seemed like a good height that was super tall without being crazy over-tall. Also, Anvil's family moved around a lot, but she primarily identifies as a Lousiander and can supply a Nawlins accent upon demand. Her shirt is the Louisiana flag, which is... weird. It's clipart of a pelican on a blue or slightly indigo or teal-adjacent background. Opinions seem to differ.



Michael O'Driscoll

He better hope he puts her down before he runs out of grenades' or she may make him eat one of them for those stunts.

Alex H

I like where this is going!

Michael Obert

Blowing off clothes, one piece at a time. Anticipation, lol

martin leske

can we for a moment recognize her underwear? whoever made them knew that she would take blows from explosions and made them extra durable


For those of us who prefer less insane units, "6 feet 7 inches" is just shy of 2m01. Crazy tall, but within healthy human range.


They might be incendiaries, but the result is a Flash-Bang ;)

Kenneth Winkelman

Knuckles definitely has a high “Slight of Hand” skill.


For the google-lazy: "The ippon seoi nage is a throw in judo... The move is similar to the over-the-shoulder arm drag from professional wrestling, where it or variants of it may also be called a judo hip throw or toss."


Wow, what the heck is her underwear made of that it can survive a grenade?


Her "defense bubble" has been established as extending a few mm outside of her skin


a) I'm very impressed with the structure value of Max's underwear vs explosion. b) I think one of the first things you'd be doing vs super strong and armoured people is "can you fly?" If the answer is no, just throw them straight upwards and buy yourself some time to figure out what you are going to be doing with them during that minute or two of airborne time before they get back down tot he fight.


If nothing else it lets you clean up anything else that may be time critical and free up resources before they get back down. If you recall this almost happened to Anvil at the restaurant car park fight. Before Syd went all Road Runner.


It's clear to me. The guy is obviously a super tough masochist. He want his beating from Max to be as violent as possible, and what better way then to piss her off by destroying her clothes in public. Thus ensuring a violent beatdown by a half naked Max.