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Comic #888! The number of the guy who lives two stories up and like 4 apartments over from the beast! Depending on how the numbering goes on each floor. It might be different for hotels and apartments. The Beast seems like the kind of guy who would live at a hotel. But he'd almost definitely be in the penthouse/President's Suite, so I'm not sure how anyone would live above him.

Anyhoo. You know you live a strange life when your opening move involves a .577 round to the knee. I've been drawing her gun on her leg this whole time so I thought I'd actually have her use it. Come to think of it... is this the first time she's actually fired it? You'd think of all people, I'd be the one to know, but a lot of scenarios run through my head that don't make it into the comic, so trivia like that can get a little fuzzy at times.

You know how in movies, laser make that Vmm Vmm Vmm noise, and then when they cross the camera, it's all VvvvvOOOOMmmm! You know the sound I'm talking about. My point is, Maxima's later sight needs a suppressor. Max isn't a bad shot, she's passed basic Air Force rifle proficiency, but she doesn't shoot a lot beyond that. I don't think you normally see a lot of laser sights in the military, but I could be wrong. (A quick google shows they're not standard issue, but sometime they use IR ones in conjunction with NV goggles.)

Anyway, Max is the boss, so no one gets to make fun of her for having a laser sight on her gun.




Laser sights, or laser targeting systems are actually pretty common on military rifles. Peq-15 for instance is both a flashlight and a laser targeting unit. IR or visible laser. Most of the time it's used as a laser marker to mark such things as where you want your team to direct their fire, where you want air strike ordinance to hit or as a way to pacify an insergent (seeing the dot on your chest is a bit spooky)


It should be first time she shot from it. Only time I can even remember gun out was when she proved her point to Halo

Marc Vun Kannon

So far they just seem to be making him mad.


Ooh, he’s putting on his work face.


I can’t help but contemplate *how* Ray’s record speaks for itself.... Blog? Tattoo? Intragalactic cosmic particle transmitted ‘do’ list?

Town Crier

She's just a girl, standing in front of a guy, asking him for some proof of identification, while aiming her gun at another guy, asking him to cease and desist...

Jared Juetten

Outside of Combat Arms (CA) units, and ARC-SWAT most definitely would be CA, they aren't common. For instance, in my 12 years as Military Intelligence (an oxy moron for sure) I was never issued a laser sight or a sight at all. The most I ever got was a cool 3-point sling which made it comfy and easy to carry my rifle around. But hell yeah, all the CA guys that I worked with had lasers, red dots, grips, cool slings, and anything else that would make their rifle better to work with.


This might be the first time the border-comment gave me both chuckles and nightmares.


Makes me wonder if she uses DPU rounds in her .577. You never know when you need to shoot a perp through an engine block...

Jack Ponder

That last panel. The most American punch of all time.


lol. He doesn't seem very fazed, hmm.


"Oh. That's too bad." -Clark Oppenheimer, mild-mannered reporter.


Where's this guy been hiding, that no one from Archon knows about him? He's got to be up at close to Maxima's power level in strength and invulnerability at least. Black ops or not, it would be damned hard for him to leave no evidence at where he's operated.


The fact it was Oof, THEN Grr, rather than the other way around is ... ominous.


The opening of Aliens not-withstanding (my head-canon is that the remote was using a sonic scanner in tandem with the laser scanner, thus the noise), laser sights have <i>no</i> sound effects, which makes that panel ironically amusing.


I'm thinking depleted uranium for special occasions, and tungsten carbide for every-day use. Both jacketed or with a sabot to avoid stripping out the rifling in her barrel.