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Maxima wearing "goldenrod" underwear is the same thing as a white woman wearing beige undies. It's an attempt to make the underwear invisible if their shirt is too sheer. It's certainly not to look good. A beige bra is the female equivalent of slightly off-white tighty whities with a saggy butt. Though I think the goldenrod actually looks okay on Max. Maybe it would look worse if it was more of a canary yellow. Of course, Maxima is supposed to be one of those women who is so crazy hot that she could cosplay as a potato sack and it'd still cause a bonerocalypse. Still, even in their primes it's hard to imagine even Kate Beckinsale/Monica Bellucci/Megan Fox/Angelina Jolie/That tennis chick picking her wedgie/the hottest chick in the universe according to your preferences/etc. pulling off beige underwear. Honestly Jessica Biel in Blade 3 was pretty hot. She was in very good shape. Too bad that movie was ass - especially considering that Blade 2 is in my top 10 action movies of all time. Blade suplexes a footsoldier. One might be tempted to ask why the guy balanced himself on Blade's shoulder perfectly upright without struggling, but that's not the important part. What's important is asking if you imagine Luke Skywalker suplexing a stormtrooper or James Bond piledriving a henchman? No, because they got no flourish.

What was I talking about? Oh, right, the comic.

I was going to put Maxima in an "ARMY" shirt, then I remembered "Oh, right, Arc-SWAT exists in this universe, duh." While Max imposed a 6 month ban on personal endorsements for the team, Archon itself can sell merch.

And yes, Max can't commandeer anything, but... if she can operationally justify it, she's not going to get into trouble for it. She might not go back in that store to pay for the shirt and shorts (and probably some new drawers), but a Lt. Col probably has a personal assistant of some sort. And if not, she can just get Harem to pop in (literally) with her AmEx Black card.




Laugh of the morning!

Michael Obert

Max respects the comics code, bro 😁


Max would go back after the action is over and pay for the items.


To be honest. If Max burst into a store with battle damaged clothing, they would probably happy to give clothes to her for the publicity. I’d also imagine that certain people would allow her to trade the battle damaged stuff. They could probably sell that on eBay.


Hell as fast as she can move the till could show a proper sale for what anyone (save Dave) knows. Still not fast enough to stop a typical Dabbler move though.


Aw, I was half hoping for him to do a big reveal, something like: “I’m the Cheesecake Grenadier!” and pull out a bunch of different grenades suited to counter each of the team.

Town Crier

Dabbler is such a helper!


Oh Max. A sexy ass kicking hero.


Well, now we all know where they got the idea for the Golden Globes...

John Fiala

Dabbler, stop helping! :)


Dabbler missed with the spell... or realized Max would be redressed before anything good could pop out


they sell Arc-swat tees in Gap?

Stephen Gilberg

The "Defeat by Modesty" trope doesn't work so well in RL. Especially when the stakes are this high.

Zip Zop

Maxima doesn't seem like the 'match your underwear to your skin tone' type.


Well that didn't last very long.


Despite the rule that monologues take no time, the period between "Boom" and "the Gap" means that dozens of people now have video of the golden globes. Max will become internet famous in a very different way...


I am not even *slightly* surprised that Dabbler knows that spell. Not in the slightest.


She does seem like the "would prefer to not have the undies showing through for everyone to oggle" type, so matching skin tone, or the colour of the clothing she's wearing would be sensible.


No, mostly I think she punches. "Sexy ass" is accurate enough. So, "sexy ass punching hero."


What I'd like to know is how Dabbler's doing that mirror imaged but both right hands thing in panel 9. Does she bend her wrist in the 4th dimension?

Daniel Jarrett

She's a shape shifter she probably shifted the structure of her had for symmetries sake