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Are* of Lube Spell: 0 physical damage. 4D6 damage to self-esteem, + additional 2D6 damage to self-esteem if the person who cast it stands around talking about their plans while you fall around like a newborn fawn chucked onto a waterslide, + 1D6 self-esteem damage if you caught the other team flat-footed, plus another 1D6 if they're from some medium tech backwater.

*An "are" is 100 square meters, or, 10 meters squared. A hect or hecto is 100, therefore, 100 ares is a hectare, or 10,000 meters squared, or 1/100th of a square kilometer. I guess a hectohectare is a square kilometer. So is a meter a hectocentimeter?

A lot of good stories in the comments for the previous page. Many, if not arguably all, rely on a permissive Game Master. Sometimes they can't argue with a well planned attack, and sometimes they're the kind that want to shut down the fun and make players slog through the campaign as laid out, but personally I'd rather have an amazing story to tell than a good slog. In the few times I've run games, it's become obvious that I am personally far too permissive, and the players accomplish far more than they should in single adventures.



Thomas Dorner

actually we're already at 883


Is Mr. A fighting Red Dwarf inspired aliens??

Nicholas Grey

Yes, a hectocentimeter is a meter. But only in exactly the same way that a kilomillimeter is a meter. However, you are in error regarding the hectare - it is not 10,000 meters squared, but 10,000 square meters. It is 100 meters squared.

Joey Bryant

You know what I just realized, Sydney doesn't have her trademark bangs anymore. Guess I'm just not observant enough anymore.


Odd little thing I just noticed: I always thought Halo's military camo outfit achieved it's fractal look with cubes/squares, but looking closer at it, I now see that it uses hexagons. Somehow, that makes it way cooler in my book.


In panel 5, Sydney looks a bit cross-eyed. Fun comic. Also, permissible GMs are fun and bring out the creativity.


Change Blindness. And we first saw this hairstyle back on page 864, after the "training montage", so we don't even have the excuse of not seeing both styles on the same page. ^_^


A lot of GMs like to reward creativity. If a platter comes up with a creative plan with what they have, rather than just go by the book, a good GM will often prefer to go with that, as it tends to lead to a lot more fun for the GM and players.

Town Crier

Do you mean "acre"? As in "Winnie the Pooh and the Hundred Acre Wood"? But you can't mean "acre", because an acre is much larger than 100 m sq. Is this a measurement that you made up? I looked online and could not find such.

Town Crier

As a GM, I found that adventures that frustrated the players and had unique and interesting (often annoying) NPC's are the adventures that the players remembered fondly as they had overcome their frustrations and persevered to win the day.

A Patreon of the Ahts

What if any OTHER of the cookware comes up with a plan? Seriously, stuff like this is why you can't fully rely on a spellchecker.


Glad to see Dabbler has her priorities straight.


the 2 guys amorphous is fighting in panel 6 look like thumbs.

Sean Patrick Fannon

"I am personally far too permissive, and the players accomplish far more than they should in single adventures." Did your players have a good time? Do they still talk about how awesome it was? If so, I promise, you were NOT too permissive. My players in all of my campaigns revel in the moments where I take my glasses off and double face-palm as they run roughshod over my "carefully constructed plans." I no longer have "carefully constructed plans," though. Stopped doing that 20 years ago. I just have an idea what the bad guys are up to, some useful maps for encounters, and their stats on hand should a fight occur. The "Glasses Off, Double-Facepalm" Moment is just a performance. My most experienced players know it's performance art, and don't care. They still love it.

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

Speaking as a Player and GM of many years standing, there are Way Too™ many bystanders standing Way Too™ close to that Way Too™ Supers combat. :D


Kinda hoping Max is feeling less then charitable with the would be slavers then normal, when she gets free. Since they want to sell her off like a slab of golden meat and i cannot see that being something a slightly rabid female empowerment type would react well too.


Love the Vindaloovians. :)

David Florish

So, I see Sydney is casually leaning on the top of the stasis pod. Which is being supported in mid-air by the light hook. Which is in her hand while she’s leaning on the stasis pod! How has she not fallen on her face? And can you teach me this trick? If I can learn to pull myself up by my own boot straps, I‘d be able to fly like Maxima too!


Obviously, the hook does not use Sydney as a pillar, only as a source of starting point coordinates. So, for all we know, she could easily use the hook to put two pieces of anything in mid-air, get on top of one of those anythings, and start moving them around and jumping onto them. I suppose Dave was planning to show such a trick sooner or later. And yes, this is magic (oops) very hi-tech stuff.

Some Ed

Well, either those, or the ones where they seriously broke the GM's campaign.

Town Crier

+1! If Halo could double-dome, where she keeps one around herself, and then creates one that pushes the crowd back and contains the violence, that would help lots and lots in these types of situations.