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Just be thankful it's freshly summoned lube.

Sydney's not actually correct about it being a cantrip. It's like the level 6 version of "Lube." Honestly I feel bad for whoever has to clean up after this fight. That stuff does not wash off easily, and the duration is about 500 hours. Because succubi wildly overestimate every other races' endurance.

Dabbler is one of those adventurers who knows that in a universe of infinite possibilities, it doesn't matter how many guns you have, or grenades or cool gadgets. They're tough to use if you can't stand. While the average merc or adventurer has good traction, it takes exceptional traction to resist a spell like that. And the ones who are prepared for that eventuality might not be ready for the web spell, and the ones ready for that might not be ready for the insect swarm spell.

Don't get me wrong, Dabbler is a bullets and swords kind of gal most of the time, but she knows it's the oddball attack that gets the job done.

Anyone have any unusual takedown stories from your tabletop games? I was in a D&D party once that wound up stripped of all their equipment and facing off against a bunch of vampires. The problem being that vampires in D&D can't be hurt unless you use magical weapons on them. A friend of mine playing a barbarian with 18/100 strength and 3 intelligence (I watched him roll the character up - he had the craziest dice karma) logiced that vampires can't be hurt by non-magical weapons... because they're magic. So, one successful grapple check later and our barbarian was beating one vampire to death with another. If vampires can hurt each other in a fight, they can certainly hurt each other if one of them is being used as a maul.



BammBamm Rubble

so, to your lil' D&D story: He Beat a MF with another MF? :-D

Michael Obert

They came with blenders and whoozits and smendlers!


Had a character in a game lose their chasity belt when they crossed a cursed portal. (lose 1 metal item from inventory). Didn't affect game but was funny!


Well in one of my games a rogue attempted a use rope check to tie a dragons wings together while in was in flight and he was riding on it's back several hundred feet in the air. He rolled a natural 20 and the resulting fall killed the dragon and left the rogue unconscious but still alive. He was also the last surviving member of the party so the villagers eventually show and find a dead dragon, 3 dead heroes and one severally bruised but still breathing rogue.


Wait, so a level 6 spell only generates that small patch of lube? I figure a level 6 spell would create at least a 15 by 15 by 15 cube of animated lubricant that will vigorously resolve any and all chaffing issues on the summoner's behalf. . . Fun page as always thou!


As for D&D takedowns, it wasnt too oddball or particularly clever, but I did play a paladin in 3.5 who stacked a few smite and charge related feats which at one particular time resulted in the DM setting up this epic boss fight... floating platforms of broken ground that'd require us to make jump checks to navigate, big dragon who can fly to fight... My pally wins initiative, makes the jump check to get to the dragon and delivers a natural 19, which was confirmed for a full crit that, between the smite and charge multipliers added to the critical multiplier resulted in the dragon getting one-shotted... Anti-climactic as heck but turned into a running gag when she (my char) wound up doing the same thing to some awakened elemental bear beast later on... and while it wasnt the first strike of the battle, the same pattern happened a third time. Not all in one session of course, but it was a lamentable theme for the dm who kept getting his epic boss battles cut short. . .


They got sharp sticks? Flee! Run away! Never underestimate the havoc that can be accomplished with a sharp stick! p.s. Panel 1, what's the name of the critter tied to Dabbler's sword pommel?


A much longer time ago than I like to admit, the party I was in needed to find a way into a hidden underground building, (NOT A DUNGEON! The DM was very clear on that point), controlled by a secrete society (cult) of warrior scribes who were all slightly deranged. One of our members had the brilliant idea to hunt down all of the air vents, (it was a purpose built underground compound after all! Unlike a naturally occurring cave system, it would have intentional air vents). The DM foolishly allowed this reconnaissance to happen, and allowed us a couple months to prep. for our assault. While we were looking for all of the air vents and having the rogue do a touch of light scouting, the party wizard was back at town with our Bard. The Bard was writing a horrible, but deeply addictive to read, serial story the Wizard was casting Sepia Snake Sigil on one of the pages of each copy. Once we had found all of the air vents and preparations were complete, appropriate wind/air spells were used to blow something like 100 or 200 copies of the story down into the 'secret underground' library and scatter them around. By the time we headed back and went in, over 70% of the cultist were incapacitated, and the others were panicked and confused. One of the ones who was incapacitated was our primary target. In later editions of AD&D, the exact spell description and requirements changed to make it far less easy to abuse, and our DM NEVER let us have that much time to prepare again, but that one stands as one of my two favorites for having only about 5 minutes of actual play time coupled with a really clever idea completely overcome what was supposed to be a multi-session mission.


Look, Sidney, you can't tell me you weren't expecting that exact answer.

Town Crier

Whilst battling for a movie theater in Gamma world, I took out a particularly nasty mutant warrior by grabbing its eye-stalks and applying Dixie-cups to blind it.


In the final battle against the BBEG of my friend's campaign our wizard cast resonating bolt on the crystal that was the BBEG's phylactery, against which the DM rolled a nat 1 on the save, ending the fight immediately after he finished his BIG SPEECH. We still laugh at how anticlimactic that was after 16 months of weekly play with our characters going from level 1 to ending at 18 and still near full strength leaving the room.

Thomas Dorner

I love the Sontaran in the background of panel 1. (Does standard ARC-Swat equipment include a small hammer or ball? ;-)


Sounds like the Thief analog of LOS TIBURÓN (sic), THE SHARK OF THE LAND, an orc Monk luchador who climbed a dragon and mid-flight grappled and pinned her wings down, with similar results. https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Los_Tiburon


Alton Brown: "The only unitasker in my kitchen is this fire extinguisher." Dabbler: "Would you like to see what I can do with it?"


And is "Intergalactic Acquisitioneers" a nod to Acquisitions, Incorporated? (I only ask because Leon seemed familiar with Binwin Bronzebottom...)


D&D 3.5 The party is having a horrible time trying to clear out a supposedly minor undead infestation in the citie's sewers. This involved such memorable events as: The fighter losing half his HP drowning in the river of waste The rogue crit failing his spot checks as he walked THROUGH a gelatinous cube The sorceress finding out what happens when you cast burning finger against a foul air environmental hazard The paladin setting off not one, not two, but THREE Explosive Rune traps. Then the vampire showed up. In a desperate wish to not reroll the entire party, we decided to attempt (and the DM decided to allow said attempt) to Bless the river of sewage as the vampire was hovering across it. Paladin rolled a nat 20, the only player roll higher than 8 that entire night. "The flow of urine and fecal matter bursts with pure untainted light, the vampire not merely caught in the barrier, but forcefully made a part of it. He screams in rage, followed by disgust, followed by horror that should have been left behind in his mortal life, as he is torn down into the river of cr@p and slowly disintegrated as though by acid. Your god has very mixed feelings about this show of divine might."


Yeah, I'd say that's more likely a lvl2 spell metamagiced up to lvl3 for extended duration.


I think the most unusual takedown in our campaign was when we were dealing with a high-speed fly-by-attack construct. Our fighter was trying to take pieces as it flew by, but it was definitely getting the better of us, when I had the highly entertaining idea of using the construct's strength against it, and threw a clear Wall of Force up in it's path. It didn't notice the casting, and slammed straight into the immovable object head first at a truly terrifying speed, dying instantly due to Massive Damage based on the falling rules.

Stephen Gilberg

Must've been tempting to say, "We have a hulk."

Stephen Gilberg

Anyone else reminded of Deus's compromise between "weakness" and "failing"?

Jared Juetten

This one is along the lines of being complete assholes to the DM when given significant prep time at higher levels. AD&D 2e. First, our main wizard (we had a multiclass wizard in the party also) had collected a bunch of spells that generally seemed not very useful but that he constantly used to great effect. He was a clever guy IRL and it worked with his character nicely. One of these spells was "Item" which allows you to either shrink a non-magical item or turn it into a piece of cloth that you can then turn back into a normal item later with a command word OR after 4hrs/level. You can shrink up to 2 cu ft./level as well. So there was a a big bad castle with a bunch of big bad guys in it that we knew to be REALLY strong. Plus traps, mooks, etc. But these guys were part of the greater bad plan to do bad things so we had to stop them. Going in the front door would be really, really tough so we filed that plan under plan "D" for "dumb." Instead, during our planning/brainstorming time while hiding in the forest nearby the castle, our wizard came up with a brilliant idea. First, Wall of Iron! It's a spell that creates, you guessed it, a wall of iron. It can be 1in thick /level and up to 15sqft/level. So, he started making some cube-ish shapes of these, no more than about 28cu ft in total (he was level 14). Then, after he had enough, he turned them into cloth...this process took 2 days, but we had 16 or so of these cloth pieces that were actually iron wall/cubes. Then, on the fateful day, we used "Mass Fly" and flew waaay up over the castle and dropped those things like bombs on D-Day. What do big ass iron cubes do to castles when dropped from 2000ft? >:) We came down to a scene of near complete destruction. 4 of 6 of the big bad dudes were killed plus the mooks had either died or ran. In the ensuing fight with the 2 enemies we determined that this really was the best plan since those two were tough as nails and super hard to beat. Sad days when we found out we also destroyed 90% of the treasure/magic items in the castle. You win some, you lose some... But also, DING! Level Up! :D


I once had a paladin capture a BG by having her unicorn mount sit on it.


One of these days I would *really* like to see the stats on Dabbler's magic sword, prefereably expressed in DnD3.5/Pathfinder terms.


My party and I defeated and army of 10000 orcs in rolemaster by screwing up with a magic tome. There was just the Bard and my Magician at the time. The bard had a spellbook that randomly cast a spell when used, and when he tried ot he ended up summoning a demon that you can never control. My magicain cast a speed running spell on the 2 of us and we ran through the army with a really pissed off demon lord chasing us. we ran right past the enemy generals tent and then booked it during the ensuing chaos. The general finally defeated the demon and sent his few remaining elites after us, but by that point the army was trashed.


Also is that a Sontaran in the background on that first panel lol

Joseph Bonnar

Not offhand. I can talk about times our party wiped due to their own stupidity, numerous times, but... Hint: If a peasant tells you, "Don't Go Near the Castle", do NOT go near the castle. Period.

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

My best/most unexpected takedown in an RPG was as an apprentice assassin. I'd been hired to accompany a small party (the other 2 Players, a Knight and a Mage), to try to take down a Werewolf Necromancer. While the other two are flailing around with the high-power attacks, I slipped into combat from behind our opponent and point-blanked him in the face with a "pepper bomb" made from an herb we called "Hexweed"... about fifty times more powerful than pure capsaicin. Rolled a crit for the attack, hit the werewolf just as he was inhaling. He tore his own face off trying to scratch the itch. Since a werewolf is magical, his own attacks killed him. ;)

Joseph Bonnar

Oh, and I see that Halo has the stasis chamber safe and sound. Which means things are gonna go REALLY, REALLY bad for fire hair girl very shortly.


If that is a direct quote from your DM, then your DM is awesome. I particularly love the last sentence!


This is exactly the sort of plan that a friend of mine would have come up with! Sounds like a fun time!


Assuming nobody slaps a mitten on The Mighty Halo's hand before Max burns the stasis gun out.


Oh hey, that's a Bola in the background. Neat. Well, was a bola.


Huh! Instant Banana Peel! Known to work wonders in riot control.

Jesters Ghost

Okay, so I'm currently playing a game of dark heresy (WH40K). Psychic powers (closest equivalent to magic) are very dangerous things, and there's a good chance on every use of something bad happening. So far, every enemy psyker we've come up against has killed themselves (or massively contributed to their demise) trying to cast their powers. The best example is when we faced off against three at once - but our psyker went first and triggered a side-effect with his power...this side effect was a rain of blood that automatically caused all other powers to go wrong. Said enemy psykers promptly killed themselves in various messy ways on their turn as they tried to manifest their powers. Not a great example I guess since it wasn't deliberate, but it was absolutely hilarious.

Paul Gabbard

Hmmm, I thought that barbarians could naturally hit creatures only hitable by magic items, due to their innate hatred of things magical. Anyway, in another game, a modern horror RPG, one of my favorite game quotes was uttered. "50 shots from an UZI sub-machine gun will not kill a vampire....but it will certainly slow one down".

Joseph Bonnar

I just saw that. It looks like the toy attached to Gretel's gun in the Black Lagoon anime. https://i.imgur.com/LYaUUNS_d.webp?maxwidth=728&fidelity=grand


One of my favourites was taking down most of an orc army by having a LOT of big aoe spells that we couldn't put range on (magic system was points based, you could trade between damage, aoe, and range) that we created that on the 2nd touch of the item would activate the spell, placed on several gold coins. We then teleported (range touch spell so hence the 2ND touch on the piece of gold to trigger it) each piece of gold to assorted spots of the orc army while they were on the march. We figured SOME orc was going to go "ooh" when it spotted a gold coin on the ground and bend down to get it.


I'm glad for the double res. I just noticed the Sontaran in the background getting pummeled by Amorphous.