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In case you, like Torchy, were indeed wondering where the stasis pod was. 

This guy has a universal translator, but he's one of those aliens with an insanely loud barky, clicky language that the translator isn't able to set up a sufficient interference waveform to "mute" normal speech. Oh, sure, he could buy one that's specifically made for loud talkers, but he's an honest, hard working space merc. Why's he gotta spend his own money on something that benefits others? 

In my mind this guy sounds a lot like the Mars Attacks aliens, but with more growls and roars, along with that slight delay like the guild navigator peon from Dune talking into that 1920's radio mic. 

Sydney doesn't know this guy is male. She's probably got about a 40% chance of being right, as most humanoid species are dioicous, but there are some which are monoecious, triecious, hermaphroditic, etc. It's also entirely possible it's the female of this guy's species that can attack vomit 11 gallons of acidic mucus on command, but her glasses don't do species and/or sex identification. There's probably an upgrade for that though. It would actually be super useful if you were an intergalactic trader or diplomat or something. 

The word "intergalactic" suddenly bothers me. Shouldn't it be "intragalactic?" Most science fiction deals with only a single galaxy and the adventures contained within. 



Brandon Pio

the "wow, thats so much" at the end there just XD

Michael Obert

And now we see the species attack hoark, as opposed to the mating hoark.

Joey Bryant

Out of all the shit going on, its Sydney that's the most calm, and level headed right now. The training is really showing now.


To quote DBZ Abridged, "I think Ridley Scott is gonna sue someone." ;p

Demian Buckle

I don't think it is the training but the fact that she was lost in Space and spent time on an Alien Station, so this minor altercation is mundane to her perspective. It's all about the experience.


Intergalactic, planetary. Planetary, intergalactic...

Crissa Kentavr

Is this where the acid melts through the road deck exposing the subway below and dropping Sydney down?


If you think about it, "international" gets misinterpreted often too. Anything that involves more than one nation is "international", yet when people SAY "international", yet I can't remember having it seen in use for when neighboring countries communicate. You won't see someone saying "our international relationship with Kanada".


"I wasn't ready for fear vomit."


Max should be proud of Sydney for the amount of restraint she's showing here, compared to the start of the series. Granted, it could be that Sydney now has a lot more confidence in how safe that bubble keeps her, but still, the fact that she's offering a chance to surrender so calmly...


That, and since her hands are full already, she can't pull out another orb, like the PPO, so she's trying her Bluff skill.

Town Crier

Sydney is also a hardcore gamer. See the appropriate issue of "Dragon" magazine to understand why gamers would be unflappable in such situations.

Erin Palette

I'm hoping to see Sydney's rendition of Hulk's "puny god" moment.


It's like babies. 3oz of baby mixture turns into 3 gallons of vomit.


Ah, yes, Hawking's I-Space (Infinite Infantile Repository) Hypothesis. I believe it was first proposed by Dante Alighieri as part of his "Divine Comedy".


Hint: the article you're looking for is "What's New; With Phil and Dixie"


So, if the civilizations which this tour group misrepresent are all found within this galaxy, then "Galactic" would be an appropriate adjective, as would "Interstellar". If they were all found within this solar system and not outside of it, then "Interplanetary" would be better (unless they were all from Earth). But if some are from other galaxies, the "Intergalactic" would be best.


Also, is that a Nashville poster in the background?


On a supposed backwater planet... reads Galactic Trade Standard, looks almost bored, has a force field, and tops it off with "Now Are You Going to Surrender, Or Am I Going To Have To Break You?" Loved it!

Marc Vun Kannon

It may just be for organics. I was wondering the same but it doesn't have to be a universal acid. It would be funny if it did, though.

Marc Vun Kannon

She did that back at the first big fight. The other guy didn't take it well. She's probably in a lot better control by now.

Marc Vun Kannon

Did that vomit solidify? It doesn't look like it's flowing off the shield, it looks like it hardened around it.


I'm thinking stasis pod is on the list of tech that shouldn't be allowed through galactic customs to Earth, and the list of tech that Earth governments would cheerfully burn a school full of small children to get. Lets keep track of where that little gem ends up...


This time she is. Let it not be said she doesn't learn from her experiences.