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Today is just not going according to anyone's plans it seems.

I'm pretty sure panel 1 is the best boot I've ever drawn. I know that's a weird thing to fixate on, but between Maxima's collection and the uniform boots, I draw a lot of them.

Fun fact. Alf is short for Alien Life Form. I assume most of you know that. I don't know why I assume that, beyond you guys being generally pop-culture savvy. And by pop-culture, I mean a TV show from 1986. But that's fine,  pop-culture has a long tail. I'm not sure what the cutoff is. OG Star Trek and Doctor Who are still fair game, but the Frank Nelson reference from a few pages back is probably borderline. Presumably references from the court of Louie the 14th is too old to count as pop-culture... but that's a bad example because that stuff wasn't broadcast to the masses anyway.

I'm not sure where "pop-culture" starts actually. The original comic strips in newspapers? The first movies? Maybe the first plays? Even if those were super popular, they'd ultimately have a limited audience due to physical considerations of attendance. I think mass literacy is a requirement before you can have broadly consumed "culture" as it were. A quick googling shows that England passed the Forster’s Education Act in 1870, which, after a few tweaks, led to mandatory primary education by 1891. So, I guess pop-culture could have started to exist any time after that, at least in the English speaking world.

Then again, stuff like Beowulf has been around since 975 AD, so who can really say.




Alf? Alien Life Form? :D


I can't believe Dabbler and Halo are just standing by while Max get punched.


where did Heatwave and Achilles go suddenly? weren't they also attacking the ALF


I like those pronouns, "us" and "we", the new guy is using. It implies there are more home-grown villains nearby, so the rest of the team will have something to do while Maxima teaches another optimist the harsh facts of life. ******************* Mass literacy or mass media of a non-written form. As Mr. Allen observed of his childhood, "The whole country was tied together by radio. We all experienced the same heroes and comedians and singers. They were giants." So, while it may have started with mass literacy, I'd say that the rise of Radio and Movies accelerated Pop Culture greatly. And as for Beowulf, I think he's like the 300: People may read their stories in English Lit or Classical History, but they didn't really become Popular Culture until there were comics and movies and filk songs made of those stories.


Remember how thing work for maxima. She can change her attribute between speed firepower and defense... and since she put everything in speed to counter the statis field. there a high chance she suffer damage. Also "Alf" was under fire from 2 other people.... didnt they see the big suspicious guy it not like he stealthy


Even when she puts everything in one thing, she still had a lot of innate value in those areas, so I doubt she got injured, at least not enough to do anything. Also besides that, she has extremely fast reaction speed in basically all forms especially speed (to match the speed) and thus could probably have just switched stances the nano second he appeared

Town Crier

Hmm. The local talent has not been doing it's homework. I would have taken out Sydney and/or Dabbler first. They are dangerous due to the vast intel that they bring to the table. Healers first, mages second, fighters third, rogues last.


That assumes the fighters can't one shot everyone in your party.

Stephen Gilberg

This enemy alien is actually pretty hot when you don't look at her face.


How many of Dave's female bodies don't look supper hot?

Stefan J Neylon

Is that the rage guy? Is he out? Granted it's been a year.

Dark Kuno

Well Dabbler and Halo are having a "Sydney"/Nerd moment and are distracted. I'm curious how whoever that is got past Brooke and whoever else was engaging/firing at the alien chick with the stasis gun.


Is it bad that I know the other acronyms for ALF and ELF are Animal Liberation Front and Environment Liberation Front.


Boot talk made me think of another comic! I don't know if you're cool with links to other places, but the page is main character guy being forced to design awesome boots - and his enslaver falling in love with the design. MORE BOOTS! Make Maxima conflicted!

Joseph Bonnar

Ah HA! The dreaded PLOT COMPLICATION! :)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRnKtWsNDBA (speaking of filk songs ^_^)


We later find out that this Alien Life Form ALSO eats cats.


I know he's a real bad guy because he didn't take out the Starbucks with Max.


Pop culture: Neal Stephenson encapsulated the topic quite nicely on Slashdot: https://slashdot.org/story/04/10/20/1518217/neal-stephenson-responds-with-wit-and-humor TL;DR: There exist "Dante" writers and "Beowulf" writers. One writes as professors for the "education" of their audience (*cough*HugoAwardWinners*cough*) and the other writes for their audience's entertainment. (NB: Beowulf is probably older than 975 AD. Likely closer to the 700 AD mark. And that as a manuscript rather than the oral tradition it may well be.) Beowulf reads as though a king or some other patron paid to have the traditional story written out, as evidenced by some of it being cleaned of old Saxon, and the rest a bit more of it. Basically, pop culture existed before writing.

Nathan Weber

Wait...is that Malice?

Marc Vun Kannon

Considering she must have been moving at maximum speed at that point, her accelerated mass should have done more against his fist. Like me trying punch a locomotive coming at me at full speed, just not gonna work.