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God's Word is the Fire of your Innermost Being, the Illuminating Void of Pure Consciousness.

It may seem strange to the mind, but what you see in the image is what it can really look like in the Astral Light during waking hours when divinity is with us. This can be perceived when clairvoyance is developed consciously.

Many worlds and beings exist that we are unaware of; hyperdimensional parallel universes that we are connected to in every moment – but since we are unconscious, we don't feel, hear, or see them. However, they influence our hearts, bodies, and minds, internally and externally. In each world, there exist millions of entities, both positive and negative. Unfortunately, most of these forces that humanity is connected to are of a negative nature, looking to make a nightmare of our lives.

This is hard for most of us to comprehend. However, the truth is that we're always perceiving impressions from these hidden sources; namely, our ego. We're slow to become conscious of this because we fear to consider that most of our deepest thoughts and emotions derive from a source which is not part of who we actually are, but part of a false ego-identity. It is precisely our ego that attaches us to the thousands of negative entities that exist in the Inner Worlds, causing problems, illness, confusion, doubt, scepticism, conflicts, fear etc etc.

Fortunately, there also exists divine, illuminated beings, full of love, wisdom, and strength, always willing to help us, but few are those who sincerely call for their help. "Ask and you shall receive." πŸ•Š But, we also need to work consciously on ourselves, or else their efforts become ineffective. If you want God's hand to reach out to you, you also need to raise your hand back, just like in Michelangelo's painting.

When we abide in our true nature, we attract positive forces to guide and protect us, such as angels, masters, devas etc. This is just one reason why prayer is an essential part of spiritual growth. These positive forces that descend to our call are not the same as the duality of good and bad, but rather, they are of a "divine-positive" origin.



