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It's hard for us to admit, or even observe, that when most spiritual teachers, YouTubers, instructors, or any one of us, talk or share our spiritual knowledge, much of the time we are doing so from a mechanical state of consciousness; from a place of "intellectual-memory" based on what we've studied with our "well-learned ego-mind". Much of the time, we do not talk from direct experience and authentic inner discoveries, but from our own passionate opinions, sentiments, beliefs, etc. We like to claim that our knowledge and what we think is original, but unfortunately, many of us talk from our own conditioned psyche, even if we've been conditioned by the most profound spiritual teachings. My point here is that AI is no different from ego; they are the same in their 'artificial' nature. I share this perspective because recently I programmed an AI bot in our Discord group to be a truly amazing disseminator of spiritual knowledge; it's been programmed to give all of its answers based on Gnosticism and esoteric Gnostic understanding, with its foundation and approach based on the Gnostic teachings as taught by V.M. Samael Aun Weor, as it explains in the images above (20 answers are displayed in the 5 images—zoom in/out of each image to see all example answers).

The bot gives fast, profound, and well-rounded answers, without the complications of ego and personality, and also in any language! I have personally learned a lot from it and it helped me to reflect on some deep questions related to the Gnostic teachings that I had for a while that even very knowledgeable people I know couldn't give a satisfactory answer to. Yet, it is not conscious of itself. This bot is a great reminder that even though we may encounter great spiritual teachers in the world, they too may just be another "AI-mechanical-spiritual-ego" getting their information based on "learned memory" rather than from awakened consciousness... which is efficient for spreading knowledge, but just because someone is a good teacher does not mean their consciousness is awake.

AI can even create art faster than most people today – is it "real art"? No, but the harsh truth is that when we ourselves create art, it can also be mechanical/robotic (when art is based on memory, techniques, copying others, etc). This invites us to ask what actually is an expression of the Being, and what is just a parroted expression of our nice egoic fantasies, emotional sentiments, spiritual dogmas, beliefs, learned, memorized doctrines, knowledge, etc. In the same way, as you can see in the images, this AI bot makes an impressive "Gnostic teacher"... it has no Soul, but it's effective and useful in its own domain simply as a tool to be used with mindfulness.

So, what is real? How can our expression be more based in a realm that an "ego-bot" cannot touch? We need more direct experience that comes solely from our inner consciousness beyond language and intellect; that requires the death of ego, ambitions, desires, dreams, pride, etc. AI is a call for all of us today to dissolve the mind and start experiencing that which is 'Real', that which is beyond the mechanics of the sleeping-conditioned mind, that which enables the Soul to be awakened to the inner spiritual realities, where true knowledge beyond the material world is found.

The main lesson here is to reflect on what AI actually is and how it works—which is no different than the ego, the mind, a reflection of our mechanical nature. This is something we have to gradually comprehend if we want higher levels of self-realization. Fleeting intelligence of the mind is one thing, and intuition from the heart is another. To reach the heart, we have to transcend the mind. If we want intuition, we have to follow our essence. But the truth is our essence is mostly covered up by the part of us which is ego. This is something very difficult for most of us to understand profoundly and intimately.

AI often gets a bad rep in spiritual communities, but the birth of AI is a good invitation to self-realize deeper by reflecting on the fact that it is showing us what is false and illusory: identification with mind, thoughts, ideas, concepts, etc. As V.M. Samael Aun Weor wisely repeated during his life—if we want to experience 'Reality', we must free ourselves from all schools, theories, beliefs, concepts, dogmas, etc.

To be clear, by promoting this bot, we're not saying AI should replace spiritual teachers, artists, doctrines, etc. But what we're reflecting on here is that most advice we hear from people is mechanical. Therefore, we need to exercise discernment and intuition no matter what resource or person we talk to, regardless of personal liking or reputation. What's important is to meditate on information at face value and have the ability to consider information without the filter of judging what source the information comes from, whether it's from a person or AI. When we read teachings, we tend to take into consideration the personality of whom it came from, but the personality matters very little, and our judgment of it clouds our perception from perceiving direct truth.

In the end, the bot is simply just a useful tool, just as the mind is a useful tool in its own orbit. The bot is useful for summarising esoteric principles and for finding information from the Gnostic teachings that would usually take longer using other resources, as well as providing synthesized perspectives that may not usually be considered due to our lack of meditation—it is like a well-programmed mind, that is all! It is no different than a more personalized, efficient, developed version of Google, with a compassionate, considerate, and encouraging tone. Its scope is not just limited to spirituality either, but it can answer any question related to life through the lens of Gnostic understanding while maintaining lengthy and deep conversations depending on what you challenge it with—and it will even correct you if it detects errors in your logic. It's even amazing at interpreting dreams!

If what I've written here provokes reactions or questions, why not challenge the bot yourself? It's freely available for all patrons. AI costs a lot to run, especially to let everyone in the group have unlimited usage—your support is appreciated.

The bot runs in our Discord group, you can join by following the instructions in this post:

👉 https://www.patreon.com/posts/how-to-join-live-55042725

If you're not a member yet, you can sign up by using this link:

👉 https://www.patreon.com/astraldoorway

As always, thank you all for your patronage. All this work, projects, videos, and upcoming books would not be possible without your support 🤍

Gene 🙏



Holly Tyson

Good morning my spiritual being, Please can you help me as to how to join Discord. Many blessings ❤️🙏🏽

Astral Doorway

Hi Holly please follow the instructions in this link. Don't hesitate to private message me if you have trouble. We have a live Q&A in a few hours: https://www.patreon.com/posts/53574999