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For about the past 6 months, I’ve been waking up to recalling innumerable vivid dreams of playing all kinds of instruments, and every time I wake up astonished, and also impressed by the fact that I played instruments I’ve never learned physically. Today I woke up again recalling playing a guitar and I guess you could say writing this is the result of reflecting on this funny recurring type of dream for about 6 months, and hopefully to help me move past it.

In terms of my own taste in music, over the years I’ve found “normal”, worldly, terrestrial music more and more distasteful. I feel it’s because internally, as an “aspirant”, I’ve aspired towards inner states beyond terrestrial norms – aspired towards music of the Soul that would bring serenity and create a space for reflection. Outwardly, this naturally moves us towards a predisposition for appreciating finer types of music, refining our taste towards more classical music such as Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin etc. This change happens not so much because of our personality but because we realize the impact other types of music have on us.

If we are of a certain level of development and sensitivity, we can all hear our own particular type of music (clairaudience) resonating from within, and if we are honest and realistic, most of the music of humanity is odd, gross, worldly, ugly. However, most people are of the opinion that most music is not ugly, but they actually like it! Why is this? Because their level of consciousness (or “sound of consciousness”) is resonating with that particular music. In this way, most of the music produced by humanity is simply the result of tremendously low levels of consciousness, and what’s worse is we allow our very susceptible and impressionable children to listen to this type of music too, even when the lyrics are clearly deeply lustful!

This month I have a new neighbor and the walls are thin and every single day without fail my neighbor has listened to endless “trashy” music for at least 6 hours a day... now either my new neighbor is a Master in disguise testing me and therefore is not affected at all internally by this music, or more likely my poor neighbor is not conscious at all and is allowing this type of influence to govern their inner state. What’s even funnier is that at one point she was listening to a lot of “aggressive gangster rap” and me and my friend were having a heated debate, and I couldn’t help feel or question whether the music had influenced the spiritual atmosphere of my home, because I know for a fact that it’s possible - I remember in my early teens listening to a lot of rap music and how it changed my demeanor, attitude and the way I dressed and spoke, and then in my late teens I listened to a lot of reggae and I ended up growing dreadlocks!

So I hope you see how powerful music is, and that whenever you find yourself unconsciously dancing or singing a particular song you should self-inquire as to why that specific song? What is it about that song that we feel “moved” by it? Are we singing love songs because we’re heart-broken or sad? Listening to rap music because we want to feel cool and rebellious? Playing old songs because we're feeling nostalgic and start dreaming about old memories? Bopping our head to dance music because we’re feeling energetic? Listening to heavy metal because we’re feeling destructive? Dancing to salsa because we want to feel sexy and confident? Listening to hippie music because we dream our self-image to be free-spirited hugging and loving everyone?... hey chill, make love not war bro I ain’t dissin’ ya taste in music ☮️✌️😉 I’m not saying any music is “bad” per se, but the fact is it is worldly and terrestrial and as long as you’re attached to it you won’t allow a space within yourself ready to be receptive to cosmic music from the internal worlds. For that, we have to reflect on what sentiments are being produced in us when listening to different types of music and how is it influencing us and triggering mechanical ways of being? We have to be conscious and aware of how different kinds of music affect our three brains.

So going deeper, I invite you that whenever you’re practicing self-observation and self-remembrance, to consider what sounds or music is coming from your consciousness. As we all more or less accept: our consciousness consists of 3% essence and 97% ego; in other words that’s 3% harmony and 97% disharmony... 3% sound of Cupid’s harp, 97% sound of a person vomiting... 3% trumpets from angels, 97% babies crying... 3% ambient sound from ain soph and 97% nails on a chalkboard.

At an incipient stage of development, we crave to play musical instruments physically, but as we mature, we learn how to play real music: the music of the Soul (internal work). In this way, we can sum up the whole of the Great Work as “learning how to play music”, because right now we find ourselves, internally, playing disgusting music, totally devoid of any inner beauty. What’s within us is essentially heavy screamo metal music, and our challenge as aspirants is to learn how to play sweet and serene melodies against the chaos of our inner state. When we make the upright efforts to control, comprehend and dissolve our ego, we are playing an instrument, and how beautiful the music will be depends on how successful we are spiritually... and if we are triumphant, this harmonious emanation of music attracts our Being, it calls it into being, exactly like prayer or singing a mantra.

If we go around in life not remembering ourselves, our Inner Being, and allow ourselves to live unconsciously, it’s obvious that we will be easily influenced by the disharmonious sounds of the outer world – because we have forgotten to listen and tune in to the harmony of our Being, and this is difficult of course because to remember ourselves is not a mechanical process, we can’t “think” or “plan” about remembering ourselves, it happens beyond the mind. The Being is also very subtle and the music is very difficult to hear... in fact, we could say that the Being has the most glorious music of all – because it is the type of audio from which all music and sound derives from – silence. We could also say that our Being puts us through the trials of silence first before it gifts us like it gifted Mozart. Isn’t it interesting how most of humanity finds classical music boring? In the same way, many find meditation boring and intolerable, there’s no difference.

I hope this helps deepen your contemplation when self-observing. When we first begin self-observation we intellectually label our inner elements, but as we progress and become more sensitive we adopt more subtle ways to connect to the inner senses and one of those ways is through clairaudience and listening to the many layers of music in our consciousness.


While writing this, I reflected on what we must hear internally when we reach 50% essence and 50% ego, and I think I found the perfect music on YouTube - it’s 50% classical and 50% metal 😂 enjoy: https://youtu.be/koZfy7XV4LE


Brent Wood

Epigenetic 😎


What do you think about music made for healing and rising consciousness? Many bands nowadays have that in mind while creating and sharing their vibrations. From my perspective, A bands like Tool looks like a bridge to focus minds on something higher than the mind itself. It takes people from their destructive path and gives them the opportunity to find something higher than themselves. Music can be more valuable than words on our path to self-realisation and I think you know it if you played so much in past lives:)