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One essential ingredient to all of spirituality is something challenging to talk about. It is something that most people don't have, or don't understand, because it can't be understood with the mind - it is called Love. We think Love is something like having sentimental feelings, or pleasant emotions when we're happy, or having enjoyable moments with our loved ones; that is not love. Love arises when we are free from desires and attachments and free from the many pleasures of the world. Love is Christic and Buddhic and completely sacred; it is pure, unconditioned, and free from the chains of the ego. It is liberated, unidentified awareness from the depths of our consciousness, which can only be found from within ourselves, not from outside of us.

When we look for Love outside of us, we attach ourselves to things, books, people, objects, and possessions; then, we become possessive, attached, and clingy, believing that whatever object of desire we cling to creates Love within us, but it is a great deceptive illusion to think friends, family, pets, food or 'exquisite' experiences in other countries give us Love. Love is without problems, needs or wants; that includes desires for spiritual experiences. Love is without pride, greed, self-love, or the need for recognition or acceptance. Love is not doing good deeds or saying kind words to others, and it has nothing to do with morality and has absolutely nothing to do with what we think or any part of our intellect. Love is accessed through becoming aware of awareness ~ and following the stream of attention back to its original nature, our source; God, Ain Soph, our Innermost, the Emptiness, the Void, the Absolute, the Abstract.

To state very clearly: real and proper meditation is not possible without Love. I know a lot of people came here through the chakra series; I won't say this a lot (because the word 'love' is overused), but I'll say it here - you can focus on the chakras all you want, meditate your whole life, but if you don't have Love, it is all useless, you will never awaken them, you will never awaken your consciousness. That is the truth. Love is the power of heart, the power of the soul, and all of the hidden occult powers of consciousness, our essence, our divine spark, are found within it.

Many people say, "Jesus loves you no matter what", but rarely do we understand why; rare are those who have 'gnosis' about that statement. It is not that Jesus is making some effort to overlook your errors; it's that Jesus resides in a reality and in a state of being so deep within the source of Nature, that he instantly understands us completely. It's not that he forgives, but that he is forgiveness - because the nature of that eternal higher dimension sees beyond the ego, beyond what we can perceive with our ego-riddled problematic way of interpreting reality. And it's not just Jesus who resides in this supreme and elevated consciousness but any master who has incarnated their inner Christ; Buddha, Krishna, Quetzalcoatl, and many others. What's more, is they all exist within us, in the Internal Worlds, because they exited this world of manifested form to stay within the inner dimensions of the unmanifested, which are beyond space itself and therefore exist within us all; we all have access to them. And more importantly, we all have this Christic force within each of us. The processing of awakening consciousness is also known as a process of 'Christification', which means to slowly merge with the highest and elevated reality of Love that exists - which is far beyond this world of sentiments, judgements, dramas, desires, pain and suffering.

We struggle to comprehend Love because we are attached - not so much to external reality but, more fundamentally, to the mind. Our mind is like a glass of gross muddy water, constantly being shaken and agitated. Meditation is a process of sanctifying the mind to clean it, to separate the mud from the water. To do that, we need only to meditate deeply, but the problem is we are always shaking our glass. We are inpatient because we are full of desires, each desire with a will of its own. With all of this restlessness and ego within us, how can we have the patience to wait for the mud to settle in the water so that we can merge the mind with consciousness? We need Love. Free the mind from bondage and use the force of Love in your meditations 🙏


Michelle Nelson

Thank you for these wise insights of love! As a previous “3D” business owner, I, knew how to make money and keep them coming back for more! Now, I’m learning how to see the miracle in the transformation of my business and succeed from love not greed. It’s hard not to fall back on the old patterns. I’m so happy I was guided to this group! 🙏✨🤍 I am manesfesting from my heart and the Accession of Christ Consciousness.

Crystal White

I appreciate these words. Quite honestly, I do not know if I know love; but I will work toward it by learning, practicing, and working to free my consciousness from my mind. I have just begun working on the death of ego. And within mere minutes my experience, profound. Intense. I chose fear. And I had no idea what I was in for and what I experienced was so graphic that I wasn’t sure I was ready; and I sought guidance. (Ask and you shall receive). Now I am not only ready to continue, but I am in a place of gratitude for the people who took the time to help me. And I kept receiving messages EVERYWHERE from my higher self: “once you start, do not stop”. Life is good when I listen; and the messages become more and more clear. I wish I would have tuned in for discord this evening. Blessings to all in love light and life!