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I've created a step-by-step list outlining the basic practice for the chakra meditations taught in the kundalini series. I'll improve the page as I work on the book I'm writing called:

Seven Cosmic Rays: A Guide on How to Awaken the Chakras & Kundalini

The list of practices can be seen in the link below. If you'd like me to add anything to page just let me know:



H. C. Swart

Muladhara Chakra Bija | {{व,ं},{श,ं},{ष,ं},{स,ं}}. Swadhisthana Chakra Bija | {{ब,ं},{भ,ं},{म,ं},{य,ं},{र,ं},{ल,ं}}. Manipura Chakra Bija | {{ड,ं},{ढ,ं},{ण,ं},{त,ं},{थ,ं},{द,ं},{ध,ं},{न,ं},{प,ं},{फ,ं}}. Anahatha Chakra Bija | {{क,ं},{ख,ं},{ग,ं},{घ,ं},{ङ,ं},{च,ं},{छ,ं},{ज,ं},{झ,ं},{ञ,ं},{ट,ं},{ठ,ं}}. Vishuddha Chakra Bija | {{अ,ं},{आ,ं},{इ,ं},{ई,ं},{उ,ं},{ऊ,ं},{ऋ,ं},{ॠ,ं},{ऌ,ं},{ॡ,ं},{ए,ं},{ऐ,ं},{ओ,ं},{औ,ं},{अ,ं},{अ,ः}}. Ajna Chakra Bija | {{ह,ं},ॐ,{क,्,ष,ं}}. Sahasrara Chakra | {∞}. The sounds for these are ascribed phonemes with distinguishing phonetic nomenclature assigned to particular glyphs with a transliteration scheme (Here the IAST or International Alphabet of Sanskrit Transliteration) and the IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) designating a number to each grapheme. With this the hexigesimal value of the letter within the initial plane of the Unicode Consortium's 15th version from September AD-2022 serves as the designator and it is noted that except for the final phoneme associated with the terminal node on the hexadecagon or 16-sided planar object all these sounds are concatenations of a Sanskrit letter and the Visarga. The Anusvara is the 'h' sound and in common recitation of mantra serves to reiterate the sound previous (A vowel), although other conventions outside of the strict adherence to Vedic prosody and phonotactic rules are not dis-required. The 9th and 10th petals of the Heart serve as quite a conundrum and there are atheistic scholars who contend for the omission of the long vocalic dental approximant on grounds that it is a grammatical convenience or contrivence on the basis of 'poetic license' to pervert the meaning of metre or the sonorific constraint inherent in verse found with the vedāṅga of śikṣā. Thus, this is an incomplete description and welcome suggestions for modification (These being those at 165° (3.4… rad) and 195° (2.8… rad) for the chakra associated with the 527.9 nm length (11.9 Mrad*m^-1) center {4th in this system [Starting at the base of the spine or perneum/coccygeal region where the Kundalini is coiled in the aspirant looking to go back home, back to Godhead (Or the base of the next-higher dimensional body above the crown of the head)]}). Root Center 1. Voiced labiodental approximant <028B> ||v|| 2. Voiceless alveolo-palatal fricative <0255> ||ṡ|| 3. Voiceless retroflex fricative <0281> ||sh|| 4. Voiceless alveolar fricative <0073> ||s| Belly Button Center 1. Voiced bilabial plosive <0062> ||b|| 2. Breathy-voiced bilabial plosive <0062> ||bh|| 3. Voiced bilabial nasal <006D> ||m|| 4. Voiced palatal approximant <006A> ||y|| 5. Voiced retroflex flap <027D> ||r|| 6. Voiced lateral approximant <006C> ||l|| Ego Center 1. Voiced retroflex plosive <0256> ||ḍ|| 2. Breathy-voiced retroflex plosive <0256> ||ḍh|| 3. Voiced retroflex nasal <0273> ||ṇ|| 4. Voiceless dental plosive <0074> ||t|| 5. Aspirated voiceless dental plosive <0074> ||th|| 6. Voiced alveolar plosive <0064> ||d|| 7. Breathy-voiced alveolar plosive <0064> ||dh|| 8. Voiced retroflex nasal <0273> ||n|| 9.Voiceless bilabial plosive <0070> ||p|| 10. Breathy-voiced voiceless bilabial plosive <0070> ||ph|| Heart Center 1. Voiceless velar plosive <006B> ||k|| 2. Aspirated voiceless velar plosive <006B> ||kh|| 3. Voiced velar plosive <0261> ||g|| 4. Aspirated voiced velar plosive <0261> ||gh|| 5. Voiced velar nasal <014B> ||ṇ|| 6. Voiceless dental plosive AND Voiceless alveolo-palatal fricative, Unbroken (Diphthong) <0074><0255> ||c|| 7. Voiceless dental plosive AND Aspirated fricative voiceless alveolo-palatal fricative, Unbroken (Diphthong) <0074><0255> ||ch|| 8. Voiced dental plosive AND Voiced alveolo-palatal fricative, Unbroken (Diphthong) <0064><0291> ||j|| 9. Voiced dental plosive AND Aspirated voiced alveolo-palatal fricative, Unbroken (Diphthong) <0064><0291> ||*jh|| 10. Voiced palatal nasal <0272> ||ñ|| 11. Voiceless retroflex plosive <0288> ||t|| 12. Aspirated voiceless retroflex plosive <0288> ||ṭh|| Throat Center 1. Near-open central vowel <0250> ||a|| 2. Open back unrounded vowel <0251> ||ā|| 3. Close front unrounded vowel <0069> ||i|| 4. "Long" close front unrounded vowel <0069> ||ī|| 5. Close back rounded vowel <0075> ||u|| 6. "Long" close back rounded vowel <0075> ||ū|| 7. Voiced alveolar trill AND Mid-central vowel <0072><0259> ||ri|| 8. Voiced alveolar trill AND Close-front unrounded vowel <0072><0069> ||ṛi|| 9. <><> ||ḷ|| 10. <><> ||ḹ|| 11. "Long" Close-mid front unrounded vowel<0065> ||e|| 12. <0251><006A> ||ai|| 13. Close-mid back rounded vowel <0275> ||o|| 14. Open back unrounded vowel AND Voiced labial-velar approximant <0251><> ||au|| 15. Nasal voiced central vowel <0250> ||a|| 16. Voiced central vowel AND Voiceless glottal fricative <0250><0266> ||ah|| Third Eye 1. Voiced glottal fricative <0266> ||h|| 2. Close-mid back unrounded vowel AND Voiced bilabial nasal <0275><006d> ||om|| 3. Voiceless velar plosive with halant AND Voiceless retroflex fricative <006B><0282> ||ksh|| Crown 1. "Silence" Dreiundzwanzigundzweitousant Octavus Nonae 738813.9880


Hello Gene, Greatly appreciate the guidance you provide on the chakras practice on the kundalini, which is so beneficial to me. However I have some questions here regarding the practice of the mantras which I will like to seek clarification. I understand that the seed mantras are to be practice after some times after practicing the vowels mantras, but is there any specific suggestions on when is a best time to start practicing the seed mantras ? And other than the seed mantras, how about the other set of mantras (dis, das, dos…etc) when to practice this set? And will there be any signs showing the effects of the mantras or awakening of the kundalini?Thank you so much .