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As you may have noticed in my 'behind the scenes', G5/Mac Pro towers make up the support structure for my display shelving. Unfortunately, doing a video on G5 towers means pulling many of them out. So I need some Towers I can swap in, rather than relying on my 'Lab Jacks'.

An offer came up for a G5 tower this weekend but not much information on what model it was. The seller kept calling it an "iMac" so I knew that I wasn't going to get many technical details about the machine. He was holding a garage sale and had the G5 on the driveway when I got there. I noticed from the WiFi antenna it was from the final G5 release. 

Opening the door, it said "Quad" on the label, the most 'collectable' / useful of the series.

Not an original power cord. In fact, not a usable power cord at all because there's nothing to plug into a wall socket! Fortunately, I have a spare. And no leaks, though Apple /Delphi had pretty much got that problem under control by the time of the later 2.7GHz and the Quad. This one is a single pump, where the other Quad I have is dual pump. There's also a Panasonic version I've seen pictures of. Unfortunately, the owner had monkey'd around inside and the radiator grille is in fairly bad shape. Who knew I'd ever be judging condition of a computer by it's radiator grille. Still a great surprise to get one instead of the usual dual processor 2GHz.

I also found another tower from that final G5 release. This was a dual-core 2GHz low end model. Very interesting to see an example of this one. Bonus: it has the power cord and is in good condition. Maybe even great condition once I clean it up and see how many marks are permanent. But at least the grille looks nice and it works. 

These machines will be much more useful than just shelf supports.

Thanks to all for another month of support. As you can see, it's being put to good use. 

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer ... or winter for those on the south side of the globe.



What great finds. Interesting to see that black power cable, I guess they had it connected to a UPS or a power rail in a server rack.


When they first shipped in Australia the dual/quad core models accidentally shipped with 5 amp power cables (the earth pin was too large to fit a regular socket). One of my academic customers was about to get an electrician in to change their sockets until we told them we could get them replacement cables. Certainly really cool machines, liquid cool even.