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I think of writing a video script as a series of questions to be answered. It's rare that I have many answers at the outset, and even more rare that my presumptions about the Mac model are correct. Here's a couple examples of the hundreds of questions that need to be answered in the process of making a video. 



Also if you had an upright box like the Mac Pro you had a later G5. Earlier ones shipped in a flatter box with it shipped on the side.

Paul Macejewski

The Pro Mouse really triggers my nostalgia. I can’t wait for transparent and translucent materials to come back into fashion.


Impressive obscure facts you've drawn-up from that little video, Tristan! I did write a short segment about the box for the final video, but still some unanswered questions. I know it was commonplace for Apple to lie the towers flat in the box since the Quadra 900, but I was curious why they would go to the trouble to change the G5 to an upright box in 2004. My guess might be the liquid cooling system started shipping then, but it could just as easily been some marketing whim or cost savings.