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A video about the Power Macintosh G4 was something I had to make at this point. Having purchased a new Power Mac G4 during the most interesting time in Apple's history gave me a lot of material for this video. However, the editing was so complex, it seemed hopeless that I would finish it. After this one, I did scripting of the videos instead of keeping it all in my head. 

A&E's Hoarders invading my basement, Bungie's Marathon with commentary by Herbert Morrison, and the first appearance of the Oil Museum were popular highlights of the video. 

Just before releasing the video, I joined the YouTube Partner Program, just to see what it was about. There was no '1,000 subscriber' threshold required to join at that time. 

I published this 7th video on July 7th, 2017 (Do you think I was banking on luck?). Within a month, the channel passed 500 subscribers. Statistics for the channel showed the typical spike of views upon release of the video, and then flattening... but after a month of being flat, it began to gain steam! My monthly channel revenue jumped from $4 to $8, and dislikes on the G4 video tripled! After seven series videos, the channel was finally getting noticed by a larger audience.

August 4th:

September 3rd:

In January 2018, I passed 1,000 subscribers. I would release a very special video to mark the achievement...


Garth Beagle

Love the Hoarders bit😀 This is still one of my favourite videos, very informative around the G4's rocky introduction

Christopher Yeo

I’ve watched this video many a time - it’s brilliant. I have a few G4’a - although I love the QuickSilver, it doesn’t quite match the ‘solidity’ of a Sawtooth.