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With Patreon now offering Video Hosting services, it's a great opportunity to allow members to watch my past videos outside of YouTube and ad-free. YouTube still has that 'watch anywhere' advantage. But... I've finally clipped out the black borders of the HD frame, so there's that. Narration by camcorder microphone is generally frowned upon, and this demonstrates why. A few on-going sound effects started in this video.

The Macintosh SE video got almost no attention when I posted it, but as an early Gen-X'er, I was fascinated with the ability to post a video and then be able to watch it on any device, anywhere. I had put more effort into this than I did my earlier videos, which made it substantially more re-watchable. So, I was pretty much the only one watching this video at the time.

The first comment on the video made a huge impact back then, and it was none other than James (hypertalking), who has always been great booster for these videos and many other content creators.

The opening of this video cited my annoyance with certain other Mac videos of the time just re-hashing machine specs and well-known information. So, only of value to someone who knows nothing about Macs. And if they have no knowledge, they probably have no interest, then why would they be looking at videos about it? James made the good point that even though he already knew the more obscure facts, he found value in how I presented those facts. Great feedback!



It’s me! :-)


My late grandmother’s Macintosh SE which I am now in possession of has a micromac multispeed accelerator card effectively replacing its 68000 cpu with a 68030 cpu. It adds more RAM too but I don’t think I’ve quite got the RAM to be seen by the os yet. Maybe. Not sure. Anyway, it’s a snappy machine especially coupled with a zuluscsi to replace the internal hard drive that was installed in it at some point which no longer works (and getting the hard drive to read is yet another project I’ll tackle someday). That said it is neat to see a 2GB disk image in the running system’s finder from the Zuluscsi.