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On August 23, 2014, I responded to an ad that had been up for awhile. It was for a Beige G3 desktop and a Quadra 800, both with monitors, $50.

Photo Credit: umm.. Previous Owner

The 13" High Resolution Color Monitor had the tilt stand on it, which does not show up for sale very often. The G3 desktop had a 16" Macintosh Color Display. He asked if I wanted the Umax scanner or Apple Personal Laserwriter 4/600, cheap. Said no for space reasons (and no more money).

He didn't get a chance to wipe his hard drive, so he makes me promise to do it. I boot up and the memory manager shows 58MB memory. The Finder is taking 53MB! Therefore, no room to run any significant programs. It was running System 7.5. I turn on "system extensions only". Still the same, but the computer is now very unstable. Either the mouse is frozen, or the keyboard or it doesn't completely boot. By switching to "system extensions only" I lost his crazy extensions setup. I swapped in a 270MB HD in place of the packed 230MB. Booted to 7.5.5. and... Finder is still taking 53MB!!! Turned on 32-bit addressing and virtual memory. Now the OS only takes 3-4MB. 

Very few had watched my first video (Mac SE), so I wasn't sure if another video was worth my time, but once I started playing around with this machine and reading the backstory of the 800, I decided to go ahead. I included more comedy in this one, and I felt like this video was a step-up. Still, views were scant, but I was having a lot of fun researching and taking apart the old Macs and putting together a video about everything I'd learned. It was now officially a "series" that I wanted to continue.


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