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The most laborious part of the video is voice-over, which is where I am now with the G5 video. Listen to the clip to hear me falling into madness.

Besides my impressive ability to flub lines, there’s always the uncontrolled elements.

- someone walking around upstairs

- neighbour starts hammering or using small engine

- phone goes off

- I realize that what I wrote is almost impossible to say in one breath, or a tongue twister

I can't stress enough the importance of audio not drawing attention to itself, other than delivering the information to the viewer. So volume needs to be consistent, no pauses, stutters, or noises. Also, timing and intonation are critical for the humour bits.

I will sometimes take several attempts before I get it right. Or, like the sound file above, walk away and come back later.

Fortunately, this is the last step before upload. The video still times-out at an hour, and that's before the credits roll! Some regret creeps in for how long I made the video when I'm faced with tedious narration that seems interminable. I would regret it even more if I had to say ,"interminable" at any point in the script.

Nonetheless, all this is quickly forgotten once I have the finished video.



I for one appreciate the effort and hard work you put in to your videos, it certainly shows in the finished product. Also, an hour long video about G5s 😍 I can't wait!

Ben Szymanski

I know that pain! I have the same problems with making videos, so fully appreciate your efforts. Lately I have been too preoccupied building a mobile app to make videos, I'm on break and enjoying not hearing the sound of my own voice. :)

Mac Folklore Radio

I'm glad I'm not the only one who struggles. There's a reason we don't do this for a living. : > That and having to listen to yourself all the time...


I enjoyed how you start to laugh at the end.. I assume it's at the absurdity of reading the same thing over and over and somehow still not getting it? :) Your efforts pay off though, thanks for sticking with it! Very much looking forward to the G5 vid! I've received multiple comments on my videos saying "you should talk" or "just narrate your video, text is boring", etc... your post perfectly outlines why it's so hard! It's one thing to just crap something out, but if you actually *care* it takes time.


Since you probably have the best voice in the entire community, it's surprising that you have the same struggle sometimes. The most frustrating part is critiquing my own recorded read, thinking I can do better, and then doing it worse ... argh!


Yes, sometimes I can just sit down and rattle it off, and other times it is so pathetic that I just laugh . I'm glad to hear it pays-off in the end. I thought about ways around narration early on, but I got better at it as the years went on, and no one was complaining, so I kept at it. Lack of vocal narration certainly doesn't hurt your videos. It actually makes it stand-out as different.