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Jess: So now that the size (and the windows) have been established in Fox Manor I just want to point out how much work Tail puts into details even in backgrounds. From the art work of Ms. Fox’s ancestry to...

Tail:  Jessica put a gun to my head and made me add wallpaper to make the scene 8 times harder to draw.

Jess: I pitched wallpaper and asked what you thought! Don’t blame me that you said ok. I wasn’t aware it was a tricky business! Also how dare! I am 100% against using guns for wallpaper.

Tail: Well to be fair, I’m just being lazy. Wallpaper was a very important, new thing at the time and we really should be putting it on the walls. This as well as the decorative rugs. I learned a lot and added it to what I already knew about this time period, trying to brush up for the comic. 

Jess: Can I point out how hilarious it is that we have this fine ass fox groping herself on this page… and we open up the commentary… talking about wallpaper and decorative rugs. It’s like “Damn girl you so hot when you do that… but really… let’s talk about this rug ooooooh yeah.”

Tail: Shit my bad. LOOK AT THE FOX TIDDLeS. MMM. But no really. Oh yeah, I forgot to say how pleasing the imagery is… Some of my favourite drawings here. Especially the squeeze on her tits. You can really see the squish well.

Jess: Yes, if anything rivals the wallpaper… it’s the tiddeh physics. All joking aside… that girl is about to burn down her own undies and poor bun is just way too polite for this situation haha 

Tail: I cracked up at “burn down her on undies”.

Jess: The heat…. Is real

Tail: You’re enjoying this page too much.

Jess: yes… now go shopping so I can enjoy it a bit more *makes a purring noise*

Tail: *looks at camera*



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