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Tail: Ahem. SO this is my least favourite page.

Jess: Well every creator is bound to have some, care to elaborate?

Tail: I just think it’s the weakest of all the pages. Even though I do enjoy the establishing shot and background work. It just doesn’t click as well as the previous or following pages… especially the following…

Jess: hmmm I think it’s fair, and important for us as artists acknowledge on a tight moving schedule there are not only going to be things that aren’t our favorite but that we have to straight up let go out into the public. Normally I warn against artists bringing attention to things as sometimes we shape how an audience member will view it. People who point out their own mistakes are often what lets everyone know there was one. I’ll agree the flow is not quite as tight but I think some important and nice things still happen. I like the lighting, I like the angle to really show us how big Fox Manor is. But it is definitely the calm before the storm as it were.

Tail: Well it doesn’t happen often and it picks up right after this page so I think we’re in the clear. 

Jess: It’s a good page… that doesn’t meet your very high standards. Standards I appreciate. I’m sure the only one having a problem with this… is you *pokes the artist in the tum*

Tail: Please I’m blushing. I think the readers will appreciate our efforts.

Jess: The real reason you hate this page is because we forgot the windows, had to knock them back into the wall and change all the lighting… it was a grueling page for little pay off, but some things have to be done.

Tail: Yes we did leave this page for.. I think a couple weeks, while I moved to the more established and interesting pages. I came back to this one and it was exactly as you said. I forgot the windows. Also backgrounds, while some of my favourite things to do, can be tedious and a bit of a trudge. This setting is full of complex, Victorian furniture that takes a lot to do. It’s worth it most times, just a task and a half. 

Jess: I just suck at bribing you to do trudges. I also want to point out we may need a behind the scenes commentary of our behind the scenes commentary… because as we were typing this grant was retyping all my typos for me… and I was getting so flustered with not being able to correct my own words I started turning his into curse words and lewd scenarios. We need a video of it.

Tail: I was just straightening you before you went out into public… Is this not a role of a partner. Though that would have been hilarious if we would have recorded that. 

Jess: Yes… Tail-blazer will never let me go out with my skirt tucked into my panties… we are safe 

Tail: I just purposefully mistyped a word in the last response to see if she’d fix it. She immediately flicked it the sexond I clucked off. She’d been waiting. She was thirsty for revenge against my bad rabbit

Jess: Yeah… I edited that after he thought this was over… NEXT PAGE!



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