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Jess: So... heh... THIS PAGE. There are soooo many things about this page. The intensity... the thirst... that predatorial fang lick. There is so much going on yet... so fluid from frame to frame(edited)

Tail: Fun fact: Tail is not very good at furries licking their fangs...But it is fun to get the first sense of predator/ prey play here.

Jess: You nailed it by the end... I can only imagine all the shots of wolves and dogs licking their snouts that I sent you, with the tagline "This but sexy"

Tail: It took long enough to get… But I finally got something I was happy with, and the shading and lighting pushed it along so nicely.

Jess: People don't get how much work goes into not only writing and illustrating two pages a week... but the side research we both do, from period clothing and culture to human and animal anatomy. Dear goodness I hope this takes off because we sure do pour every ounce of ourselves into the piece over many many hours each week

Tail: We do put a lot of effort in. But I think the comic is much stronger because of it. We'll have more chances to flex what we've researched and learned over the course of the project as we get to more scenes and character interactions... I know more about the turn of the century 1900s than I do about the 21st century…

Jess: Also... we can't move on without talking about that final frame

Tail: This adorable final frame. I love that we aren't too serious to have cartoony expressions. : D

Jess:I think we handle it with a measured approach, and being able to include such things can really move more into expressive moments rather than keeping everything 100% realism. But holy hell... look at that shadow and his tiny self and cute face... it's just such an impactful image, so oomph filled and uncluttered. I love the phases of this page. Honestly... it's like he's about to be hit by a Fox tidal wave and all he can do is look up.

Tail:Given the next few pages, I don't think he is going to mind a tidal wave of Fox..

Jess:I mean... who would mind? am I right?



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