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The Political Episode: John Stewart, Social Justice, Ukraine, 2020 Fraud | Constellation, Episode 60

Welcome to a very special episode of Constellation, Last Stand Media's conversational podcast. This year, we're going to try to execute on a small number of 'themed' episodes that revolve around certain sets of topics, and today, we present to you an all-political discussion. As such, joining the Brothers Moriarty this time around is Punching Up co-host Gene Park and storied game designer David Jaffe, and you should be warned that if you don't like politics, don't want to hear about them, or get upset when you disagree with people, you shouldn't watch or listen. Dagan starts us off with a brisk chat about Jon Stewart, who has recently returned to The Daily Show in a limited capacity. Is his presence more necessary than ever, or is he one of the reasons our discourse has sunk to its current level? Gene seamlessly executes his topic from Dagan's, wrangling a wide-ranging deep-dive into social justice. Are we in a better place than ever socially, or has everything been pushed too far? From here, Colin talks about the deteriorating situation in Ukraine, and regrets how deeply propagandized American society became in a war that didn't involve it. Should we be inserting ourselves into geopolitical situations, or seeking peace no matter the cost? Finally, Jaffe rounds things out by exploring claims of fraud in the 2020 election, which haven't at all convinced him. Will Trump ever admit he lost, or does he perhaps have a point that not all is at it seems? Get 20% off your order plus free shipping at https://www.buyraycon.com/constellation Support us on Patreon to get early access to Constellation! Patreon.com/LastStandMedia.


Luke Silletta

Its interesting to me hearing Gene and Jaffe's definition of white supremacy and saying "well Its nuanced and we have to be allies and teach people about it". This is less a race issue and more of a class issue. Its the upper class people that THINK they need to teach us about white supremacy. Reality is its the other way around. I'm a blue collar tradesman and upper class white office workers could only DREAM of the diversity in the workplace I have. Every different race and gender intermingling in harmony. We all go out to the bar on Friday and nobody discuses race or gender because its not an issue with us at all. Its only an issue at the top but the people at the top insist that us at the bottom need to be aware and fix it. Sorry folks, this is an upper class issue that you need to fix for yourselves.

Zeke the Plumber

Speaking of Alex Mack… True story, a LONG time ago I was at a party in LA and the Alex Mack actress was there. I just remember at one point she went into a room with a guy, and another dude stood outside not letting anyone else in.


They've made up their own elitist definition of racism and then they think they can scold society for not adhering to it, not realising that is cultish behaviour.

iain mcmanus

Trumps Mar-a-lago property being valued at 18 million by that court is absolutely ridiculous. Jaffe once again totally off the mark

John Warner

Dagan got a grip of animation work done this ep. 👍


It’s Jon Stewart, not John.

Walker Simmons

The thought of being born racist because of the sins of your ancestors is WILD to me. Gotta watch out for all those racist babies out there

David Jaffe

No one- at least no one on this podcast- was saying that tho. But I do agree the re-framing of the term is inflammatory but there's a valid argument to be made that there is value in that as it gets people talking about what- I think- is a very important topic.


One problem we have now that didn’t really exist in the 90s was the perception of how if you can make yourself a victim in America then there is some social credit or an idea that you should have an advantage in some way. And some people will go out of their way to make themselves a victim.

Cole Medvec

I wish an actual Trump supporter would be on considering he represents half the country. Colin does well representing the right’s view, but there’s still a lot of missing perspective. I appreciate Jaffe trying to be well read, but he doesn’t see that it’s ALL fake. Reading more fake news to understand the fake topic isn’t making him well rounded, it’s making him propagandized. He comes off as being the very thing he rails against. He doesn’t see that the parties flipped in 2016.


Love the episode but I really wish for a more politically diverse panel. Colin is the only one who's even moderately on the right here, and he simply lets Jaffe run roughshod over the conversation. Hope to see more of these episodes in the future but with a little more structure.

Omar Field-Rahman

Despite being more progressive, I love hearing you talk about politics Colin. Would love to see y'all have different more moderate liberal perspectives. Would be awesome to see you get Destiny on, Ex-Pro Starcraft 2 Player, One of the first Streamers/brought politics to Twitch. He used to be a Libertarian but moved more Left over the years, but he's really good about talking to anybody no matter what political side and tends to have a mix of views (For example despite being a progressive is pro gun, and supported Kyle Rittenhouse case). Think he'd be an awesome conversation with Colin.