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Welcome to a very special episode of Constellation, Last Stand Media's conversational podcast. This year, we're going to try to execute on a small number of 'themed' episodes that revolve around certain sets of topics, and today, we present to you an all-political discussion. As such, joining the Brothers Moriarty this time around is Punching Up co-host Gene Park and storied game designer David Jaffe, and you should be warned that if you don't like politics, don't want to hear about them, or get upset when you disagree with people, you shouldn't watch or listen. Dagan starts us off with a brisk chat about Jon Stewart, who has recently returned to The Daily Show in a limited capacity. Is his presence more necessary than ever, or is he one of the reasons our discourse has sunk to its current level? Gene seamlessly executes his topic from Dagan's, wrangling a wide-ranging deep-dive into social justice. Are we in a better place than ever socially, or has everything been pushed too far? From here, Colin talks about the deteriorating situation in Ukraine, and regrets how deeply propagandized American society became in a war that didn't involve it. Should we be inserting ourselves into geopolitical situations, or seeking peace no matter the cost? Finally, Jaffe rounds things out by exploring claims of fraud in the 2020 election, which haven't at all convinced him. Will Trump ever admit he lost, or does he perhaps have a point that not all is at it seems?




Lots of good stuff in here. I agree with the sentiment that race wasn’t a big deal growing up and I had friends of all races, and that some of the recent conversation has been productive, but a lot really destructive. One thing that wasn’t mentioned was the advent of ESG, which stems from a study published in 2011 by the Wharton School of Business. The key takeaway was that businesses that met or exceeded certain diversity metrics tended to better perform financially in the long term. Within a couple of years, Fortune 500 companies and Wall Street began to use it as the premiere non-financial metric for valuing a business. It’s created massive negative incentives that produce results that can only ever be incidentally aligned with the actual ideals. The media also operates under a similarly bad incentive structures, where enragement so often correlates with engagement, and generally speaking the institutions that fund their content begin with (often large financial institutions) have their ulterior motives. When the backlash against target and Bud Light impacted actual YoY revenue, only then did major financial institutions like vanguard, citadel, etc. come out and say they will begin to weigh these non-financial metrics less in how they determine the valuation of public companies. I’m hopeful that it’s a good first step in actually moving identity and related conversations into a more honest place. I think so much of the race issue boils down to class at its core. I think this saga has taught us that racism and equality are much more of a feeling than an actual demonstrable metric, and when your opponent can sway public opinion like financial institutions and foreign governments, and their motives are to get us to blame others for our financial hardships or create infighting, it may just be an unwinnable battle. PS I just wanted to say I don’t think Jon Stewart has ever spoken for democrats or republicans—I think he has pretty much always been on the side of rationality and, more importantly, opposed to authoritarianism. It’s just that nowadays, democrats have shifted up from libertarianism on the political spectrum toward authoritarianism, and no one who speaks out of party line is welcome.

Adam Barnes

Imagine still getting covid vaccines 😬


As somebody living in the good old Baltics, I can tell you that the problem we have here is not wether Putin is a rational or a irrational actor, but one of him being an actor of bad faith. Colin talks about all these agreements that could have happened if supposedly we (the west) wouldn't have declined it, but the issue is that all of these agreements are worth nothing when you are dealing with somebody who never sticks to his word. Also, more than ever are we here certain that Russia will be coming for other Eastern European countries next, simply because of how the whole Russian state is being transformed around war. Economy is on full war footing, history books are being rewritten with more and more blatant propaganda, Veterans of this war (who are mostly poorly educated PTSD ridden messes) are being encouraged to work as teachers in highschools etc. The Russian ship is sailing to war in disregard to any agreement made or to be made. And about NATO, we fought tooth and nail to get into it ourselves back in 2004, I don't see how this is NATO being expansionist. what? does anybody really think we got into NATO so that we can invade Moscow with the help of the US? Or visa versa that US got Lithuania into NATO so that it can use us as pawns for conquering Russia? Putin knows all too well that this is BS, and nobody was coming for him in a form a conventional war. But if NATO wouldn't have existed, I believe the first target would have been us and not Ukraine. The thing is that this whole region in Putin's eyes should be his sphere of influence, but because we are getting more and more detached from Russia in terms of culture, economics, political thinking, we all, including Ukraine (and when I say all I mean the majority in a given country, which in a democratic country should decide what's the policy) want to distant ourselves from this great black hole of a culture and country called Russia. It's not about us (the Eastern block countries) posing any actual military threat to anyone. Anyway, we pray for more democracy aid from USA (by which I mean guns) so that Ukraine can somehow outlast the reign of Putin, cause only then could there be an opportunity for some kind of change. It's either guns or more deaths of Ukranians, after that reeducation of Ukrainians into Russians, after that on to the next target, now with Ukranians included into the Z army. One observation from aside about this conversation (and I do deeply respect all the people on the podcast) Is that it's amazing how some people in "the far west" cares about Russian soldiers more than Putin does. When Colin mentioned the numbers of Russians killed you could feel it really hitting everybody. Well if Putin can live with that, maybe he is a cartoon villain. I can go on and on, but I am tired of going on and on, and us here are also tired about going on and on, about going on and on about the war. But there is no choice for us, and I hope for Ukraine US support to continue.

Jordan Falduto

Listening to this is equivalent to self harm. And this comment section :)


Jaffe go 10 seconds without interrupting challenge. Difficulty: impossible

Jared R

A little thing I’ve noticed about Colin sometimes is that he can ask questions in aggressively leading ways. In this episode there were a few times where he’d make his point, then when he threw it to someone would start by asking “Do you agree with me that…” and then would summarize his own point again. I know that doesn’t change anybody’s answers or opinions, but it just doesn’t feel like the question is being asked in good-faith anymore.


The idea that a war on NATO's doorstep, against a military ally, doesn't have anything to do with the United States is....like a colossally bad take. Putin is a despotic murderer. And you're regretting our support of Ukraine? Jesus, Colin. Maybe don't feed on a diet of Gutfeld and Tucker, man. Read instead of watch.


This was a fascinating conversation to listen to. I personally side more with Colin than Jaffe. I just so happen to be gay and I think a lot of what the left is pushing socially is why acceptance for us and other groups has gone down in recent years. It’s sad to witness. I’d just like to be accepted and walk side by side with other Americans. I don’t want people to focus on an immutable characteristic that I have. I’d rather be valued for being a competent and positive member of society. Just my two cents. Much love to everyone here.

There’s No I in LLC

Colin just wanted to say I respect you bringing people on who disagree with you even hsrshly


The “lie” of voter fraud persists because the “teamsters” actually say out loud that more black people voted for Joe Biden than BARACK OBAMA and claim they actually believe it. Lockstep.

David Jaffe

My response to your responses (aka an apology...of SORTS!!! :)... https://twitter.com/davidscottjaffe/status/1762590909198377219


I want to go back to a time I don’t have to hear a white guy (or anyone) confidently say “cis white guy.”


I really wish more people could have differing opinions and remain friends and respect eachother the way you guys do! I feel like the world would be a far better place if people could keep an open mind and agree to disagree while remaining civil! Love the pod like always guys!

Glen Yelenovic

Colin forgot the third time he heard about Ukraine… on Seinfeld when Kramer and Newman were playing Risk

Bailey Callis

This is my absolute favorite LSM cast

Clint Needs

Just read some of the other comments and it does make me wonder if Jaf has ever thought to himmself.............................................................................even if only for a second.


In Europe, we have healthcare, because we pay almost double the taxes Americans pay. Not to mention we do tax our millionaires more fairly.

Marco Maluf

Jaffe talking politics os just a bunch of rehearsed speech, saying the same nonsense the left always says, it only makes sense on their minds, every time they need to categorize people and segregate us by our gender, race, sexual orientation, its just really annoying, besides the constant interruptions wich unfortunately Colin seems to be getting it from him. Invite Jaffe to talk anything but politics because he is what he accuses other of being, that is the way the left acts.

Marco Maluf

Gene’s comments about seeking immortality was the reason I endured this episode 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼