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PlayStation 5's meteoric sales year has largely been missing something very specific: A major AAA first party exclusive. Coincidentally, Sony's prolonged silence literally couldn't have happened during a more premiere year for third parties -- so, bullet potentially dodged -- but still, we've been left wanting in this regard. Finally, Insomniac's Spider-Man 2 has swung in to capture our hearts and minds, and capture them it did. A sequel to 2018's Spider-Man on PS4 and 2020's Miles Morales on PS4 and PS5, Spider-Man 2 holds a heavy burden for an under-fire PlayStation Studios family, and it does so very well. Joining the core cast of Sacred Symbols today to discuss the many finer points of Spider-Man 2's story, gameplay, and more is Gene Park of The Washington Post and Punching Up. Together, we delve deep into a New York City with villainy run completely amok. Thankfully, though, there are now two Spider-Men willing to risk it all to protect what they hold dear.




Shit. I totally forgot to write in 🤣

James McGivern

I really liked Spiderman 2, but honestly I'm excited by this because I know we're one step closer to the Allen Wake 2 spoilercast!


I’m with you. Spider-Man 2 was my goty and then Alan Wake 2 comes along and just blows me away. Not done yet but I can tell this is gonna be my new goty and one of my favorite games of all time.

Joshua Brown

They’ve used a lot of them but there’s still plenty of villains left. Carnage Chameleon Morbius Morlun - which could be a way to extend this to a Spider-Verse game Spencer Smyth The Jackal Both Goblins


Sony has their most creative studio making boring ass QTE games in an IP that they didn’t make smh

Adam Barnes

Chris must’ve just learned the term ‘ludonarrative’. He absolutely abused it in this episode 😂❤️

Jeffrey Rommel

Spider-Man 2 is not the game of the year, but this episode was the podcast of the year! Great show, incisive thoughts - thanks y’all!


Dustin is upset that the side content had meaningful rewards at the end so he had to do them? Lol what? Also feel like you boys missed a lot out of this discussion. Was the lizard fight even brought up? Barely touched on the venom finale.

Bailey Callis

Dustin didn't speak much at all, lots of people wanted to be on this pod 😅


Start the podcast at 25 minutes or so and you’d have 0 idea any of these guys liked the game.

Bryon Edington

I enjoyed the game overall but I really feel like you can tell why Insomniac can make so many games after playing this. it's an extremely safe sequel. When you break it down, the game really is bereft of innovation (outside of a couple exceptions.) I think it's a "good" game, but a genuine letdown... Maybe an 8/10 personally.

Chris Crampton

Disagreed with most points to be honest but an interesting discussion nonetheless.

Eliott Giberson

Honestly Chris’ point about the character being like quakers is what I hated most about this game. Every single interaction is just annoying. They are so infallibly virtuous it’s just not how real people are. It’s like if you never stopped virtue signaling how great of a person you are even when having a one on one conversation with a friend.