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Is the Skinsuit Complete? | Sacred Symbols, Episode 277

We've talked about it ad nauseam on this very show: With a competitor like Microsoft, Sony has every reason to be concerned. The Xbox brand is willing to spend however much on whatever's out there, and whether or not it all adds up in the end doesn't exactly matter. After all, only 6¢ of every dollar Microsoft earns comes from gaming, and that's something they want to enhance no matter the price. But in cobbling together its hodgepodge skinsuit of developers over the years, is their expansion now complete? And -- perhaps more interestingly -- will Sony respond? If yes, how? The Activision situation is finally behind us, so let's reflect, predict, and celebrate as we move beyond one massive distraction. One of the biggest in industry history, actually. Other news this week includes Minecraft's bonkers sales milestone, rumors of PC Trophies, murmurings of a Rise of the Ronin playtest in London, and more. Then: Listener inquiries! What's the perfect FPS to play if you've never played a shooter before? How does a game like Skull Island: Rise of Kong even come to exist at all? Should the Metal Gear Solid franchise be played in order of release, or chronologically? Is Dustin intrigued by the return of Chris Chan? Follow the hosts on Twitter! Colin: https://twitter.com/longislandviper Chris: https://twitter.com/ChrisRGun Dustin: https://twitter.com/DustinCanFly A new episode of Sacred Symbols: A PlayStation Podcast launches each Friday morning. To receive instant access, as well as other perks, please support the show on Patreon at http://patreon.com/LastStandMedia Head to https://www.tryfum.com/SACRED and use code SACRED to save an additional 10% off your order today. Get 20% off your first order and a free gram of flower at https://www.hellomood.com and use code SACRED This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at https://www.betterhelp.com/symbols and get on your way to being your best self Timestamps: 0:00:00 - Intro 0:11:20 - Angina 0:19:00 - Straight up rippin’ 0:32:16 - When is it okay for me to steal Mark’s package? 0:35:21 - Could we do a live roast? 0:37:03 - When will Chris Chan be on the show? 0:43:07 - How much debauchery will occur at the wedding? 0:52:24 - The Easy Allies Situation 1:12:42 - PlayStation is bringing trophies to PC… maybe 1:18:34 - Is Rise of the Ronin being focus tested? 1:23:17 - Has the PS5 Slim release date leaked? 1:24:47 - Ubisoft speaks up on physical games 1:34:25 - Roblox has demanded their employees return to the office 1:36:20 - What have we been playing? 2:04:47 - Microsoft’s acquisition of Activision has been completed 2:37:07 - Minecraft has surpassed 300 million copies sold 2:50:47 - The best selling games have been revealed for September 2:56:37 - Will Colin play Mario Wonder? 3:03:44 - Is Duolingo a game? 3:08:38 - Is gaming memorabilia going away? 3:19:17 - What FPS should be my first? 3:28:34 - Was Skull Island Rise of Kong the right kind of wrong? 3:34:03 - How should you play MGS: Master Collection?



Put this in the Thumbnail Hall of Fame

Mitch Orobko

Lol fuck anyone that says the show is too long!!! Doesn't even make sense.

Jonathan Turner

I'm blacker than Wesley Snipes in the middle of the Apolo at Midnight and have been watching Colin for going on 10 years now and have never got an ounce of racism from him. I'm sincerely curious if there's something I'm missing or have not heard that makes people say that. Or if they just throw it out there to see if it sticks.

Lord Zedd

Brad better not act surprised when their dwindling audience comes for him for being Dustins friend/supporting LSM.


Just want to say that I am always so impressed by the integrity of this company and am glad to be a paying Patreon member! We stand with you Dustin! Btw, weirdest place I have see braille were on bathroom signs at a zoo. If you are blind why are you at a zoo?


wow, that Easy Allies rant was worth my years subscription alone


Had to jump back on board with a paid membership once again after the EZA situation. Guys, we love yall and what you do. Keep on keeping on.

Mike D

I dont like seeing our boy Dustin upset. Just a few weeks back constellation is getting called out for being "woke" and now this. Whats going on?


It was a trap, Dustin! A Frame Trap. Seriously though, I just hope Dustin and Brad continue to be buddies and that they can both move on together. I had no idea any of this had gone down until this episode.

Luke Silletta

Does a company like Easy Allies think about what they do before they do it? Surely they had to know there would be insane blowback from what they did. Like what is the worst that could happen if you ignored the people who whined about it? Seriously. This might sound weird but you DONT have to respond to everything that may or may not be controversial.


Brad will be the next one to leave Easy Allies while there is still time, if he is smart.


The people who responded that way at Easy Allies probably believe every word. Some of those people are clowns.


I don't understand why digital game enjoyers want physical game media to go away? It's doesn't change anything for you. You can buy your discless console and buy your digital games without ever being detrimentally affected by physical media existing, so to quote Colin, "why do you care" if physical media enjoyers get their discs? What are you even arguing against? Just ignore it lmao

Brogan Trull

I've been a sub of EZA for so long I couldn't pull the trigger and get myself to completely abandon ship, but I made sure to reduce my pledge to a minimum. I'm hoping they get the message loud and clear.

Michael Hobbs

All I want to say is that we love Dustin.


Dustin, we love you, you baby boy.

Daniel Murray

I saw and heard the pain Dustin displayed, how much this crushed him the way he was treated. Dustin has been nothing but excellent since joining this company and contributing to SS. I can't say I'm surprised by this reaction. After I saw he was joining frame trap, my first thought was how big of a shit storm eza community would make out of it. I was a patreon there back when Brandon interviewed Colin. It was fucking embarrassing how they treated him and how Brandon completely ran him over. I loved the old eza but they let the fans run the team. Shout-out to Dustin Shout-out to Brad.


Big respect Dustin

iain mcmanus

after colin revealed his notes for the easy allies drama i went back to see if he printed them during the show and no he had them there the entire time lmao. classic colin prep work


Well, I'm sorry Dustin had to go through that. It's never pleasant.


I kinda want to give Colin a hug after this! Proud supporter of LSM!


Seeing Dustin’s voice quiver and tremor was really sad to see, he’s such a good dude and the shit constantly throwing at LSM is fucking disgusting.


Anyone offended by Colin, their emotions are controlled by listicles of obscure things people have said, taken out of context. They need to grow up. Anyone offended by Dustin is just down-right insane, he has to be the most inoffensive, reasonable and carefully worded person I listen to. Ps I gotta say "Easy Allies"? more like fair-weather-friends. Phhwww! Pps "Hugbox" lol.

Stefan Catinella

Most people may disagree, but Colin Platnuming Skyrim and doing a spoiler cast would be my episode of the year. I'd pay an extra $5 for that content.

Tom Griffin

I hope that the EZA experience acts as a reminder, to everyone, as to why we continue to encourage this company to stay the course, and not be dragged down to this bottom feeder mentality - it's probably the only good that can come of it. This patreon exists as a counter to this disgusting treatment and I am proud to be a part of it. EZA are indulging in fan toxicity to try and keep their failing company together, and by throwing their 'friends' under the bus (where have we heard that before?) just shows how low they can, and will, go - and Colin is right to call them out for it. if I was a member of EZA I would be fucking ashamed of myself, and the company I stand to represent. If anyone is offended by any member of LSM, they should have the balls to talk out their issues with them. They would have a large paying audience that would happily see it. But they won't because they know LSM would wipe the floor with them and their credibility would disappear overnight. They're hanging by a thread, and they know it.


These weebs with the "the podcast is too long" nonsense. I almost always listen to 3-4 hour podcasts in multiple chunks... At normal speed mind you. I'm not a savage...


I know a guy that's legally blind and he games all the time. He has a magnifying glass and gets right up on the screen to read texts. I guess it's different because he was born that way and isn't completely blind technically


Colin was right! I canceled my EZA patronage, which I've paid since they launched in 2016, due to this whole situation with Dustin. I spoke with my wallet and let them know the issues with how they handled the situation. I encourage others to do the same. That said, I hope that Dustin and other members of the LSM team are open to working with EZA again if they offer a proper apology. Both groups are capable of great content, and it's sad to see a small minority of vocal complaints ruin these kinds of collaborations for everyone.


What the hell is wrong with having Matt Stoller on? 😆


I've... Only ever heard of Easy Allies in passing. Guess I wasn't missing much

Cass Whelan

I watched that episode because of dustin, and really enjoyed! Not gonna be watching any further though.

Jonny Sousa

Colin standing up for his friend brought tears to my eyes. Hearing the passion for standing up for your loved ones is a really powerful thing.

Walt Duncan

It is most heartening to see Colin defend his employee and friend. I hope I live up to that example, should I be given the opportunity. No need to do or say anything against those few that are willing to get pulled around by their aspiration—just to feel like they have some morally consequential fight in their life, and that they might become famous on social media for doing it. We people who value actual good, like peace and integrity, don’t need to stoop as low as thinking any mob is deserving of appeasement. Don’t kneel, but also don’t run. The mob will get bored, because some tweeting is the only effort they are willing to muster for this cause that they think is so important. The pitiable fools.


This whole situation is fucked. I’ve been a EZA patron since 2016 and fan of theirs since GT days and a fan of Colin for even longer. The worst part is that it’s a small portion of fans that are making so much noise. Unfortunately some of the members there have the same mindset so Brad is in a rough spot. I wish I could just support Brad and Huber but there’s no way to do that. Much love

thor magnusson

Absolutely ridiculous situation with EZA, well said Colin...well said. The transparency and respect between hosts and the integrity for your audience is the reason your content and subscriptions are heads above the competition. Keep up the great work guys, thanks for being a breath of fresh amongst all this nonsense.


I'm tired of people being dragged for having different opinions and then not being willing to stand up for themselves. This whole "words are violence" thing has got to stop. It was refreshing to hear Colin lash out in defense of his friend. Colin's rant just got him a new subscriber.

Vito Chiaramonte

Watched this for a different perspective on the ABK stuff and I thought Skinsuit might have been referencing Dune. Two things, I skipped around but enjoyed it and I didn't realize LMS had so many LI/NY folks. Second, I thought the released statement on ABK was fine, because it was just a statement on that acquisition. I would expect Microsoft to acquire more studios(whatever the appropriate word is) and role more cross platform games into exclusive Xbox/PC deals. But I think ABK's main stuff falls into a different bucket on the P&L, but wouldn't be shocked if they took a smaller title and rolled it as an exclusive.