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We've talked about it ad nauseam on this very show: With a competitor like Microsoft, Sony has every reason to be concerned. The Xbox brand is willing to spend however much on whatever's out there, and whether or not it all adds up in the end doesn't exactly matter. After all, only 6¢ of every dollar Microsoft earns comes from gaming, and that's something they want to enhance no matter the price. But in cobbling together its hodgepodge skinsuit of developers over the years, is their expansion now complete? And -- perhaps more interestingly -- will Sony respond? If yes, how? The Activision situation is finally behind us, so let's reflect, predict, and celebrate as we move beyond one massive distraction. One of the biggest in industry history, actually. Other news this week includes Minecraft's bonkers sales milestone, rumors of PC Trophies, murmurings of a Rise of the Ronin playtest in London, and more. Then: Listener inquiries! What's the perfect FPS to play if you've never played a shooter before? How does a game like Skull Island: Rise of Kong even come to exist at all? Should the Metal Gear Solid franchise be played in order of release, or chronologically? Is Dustin intrigued by the return of Chris Chan?


0:00:00 - Intro

0:09:16 - Angina

0:16:53 -Straight up rippin’

0:26:44 - When is it okay for me to steal Mark’s package?

0:29:48 - Could we do a live roast?

0:31:27 - When will Chris Chan be on the show?

0:37:25 - How much debauchery will occur at the wedding?

0:44:27 - The Easy Allies Situation

1:04:34 - PlayStation is bringing trophies to PC… maybe

1:10:32 - Is Rise of the Ronin being focus tested?

1:15:10 - Has the PS5 Slim release date leaked?

1:16:40 - Ubisoft speaks up on physical games

1:26:07 - Roblox has demanded their employees return to the office

1:28:00 - What have we been playing?

1:56:11 - Microsoft’s acquisition of Activision has been completed

2:27:59 - Minecraft has surpassed 300 million copies sold

2:41:42 - The best selling games have been revealed for September

2:47:08 - Will Colin play Mario Wonder?

2:54:33 - Is Duolingo a game?

2:59:26 - Is gaming memorabilia going away?

3:09:58 - What FPS should be my first?

3:19:10 - Was Skull Island Rise of Kong the right kind of wrong?

3:24:37 - How should you play MGS: Master Collection?



Alex Roberts

Silence of the Lambs reference 🔥🔥


Please fucking Christ do a stoned Sacred Symbols +

sean galvin

Wow. That Easy Allies situation is ridiculous. I know that people think the term SJW and Woke are overused and i agree, but it's applicable here. SJW's cannot be trusted. They have no backbone and are snakes.

Mario Villelli

We need that 420 sacred symbols show😂

Michael Rogers

All I can say is there is a reason Sacred Symbols is on top and a reason why this is the only podcast I pay hard earned money for. We have your backs. I feel for you Dustin.

Matt H


Anthony Palerino

On “controversial” guests: would love to have Matt Stoller back for an episode whenever it makes sense.

Michael (ObjoGaming)

Colin going off on EZA was great. I was a huge fan but since everyone started leaving they've been circling down the drain for sure. I left their Patreon earlier in the year because even at the $1 tier it was genuinely worthless to me. What happened has me unsubscribed from their podcasts and done with listening. I have enough to listen to between LSM and Snark Tank. Hopefully Brad can do something cool and leave the rest in the dust. Also shout-out to Don, hope he stays successful.

Bob Spiers

Colin. That was amazing. Well said.

Reon Williams

“You just gave that crackhead a lighter!” Yes, I’m sure the lighter was the problem and definitely not the crack

Dante B

I will never get the “too long” comments either for the same reason. Do these people feel like they have to finish it in a single sitting? Or even listen to all of it? Not long enough as far as I’m concerned. I start it Friday and finish it Sunday. Great for my workout, driving, etc. Get me to 5 hours boys.

Mr Worry

what's so great about Colin's speech, it's what i expected from the kinda funny crew all those years ago. glad there's still people with principles.

Ben Haner

Colin does what Greg don’t


It's hilarious how irrelevant easy allies is, joke of a channel and organization, Dustin was doing them a big favor by going on.


I wasn’t aware of this EZA stuff.. well said, Colin. Much love to Dustin and Brad. Was with EZA since GT days and fell off around the time Kyle and Ben left, still catch Frame Trap. Was real happy to see Brad on LSM and tbh was pleasantly surprised no one at EZA kicked up a fuss.. which says it all really. Thought we may have turned a corner, but it seems that was too much to expect! So lame.


As soon as I heard the sound of shuffling paper I knew EZA were about to be demolished. Feel for you Dustin. "They smile in your face, don't you know they wanna take your place! Back stabbers! (Back Stabbers!)" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmXRQ3vfzcA)


Thank you Dustin for bringing more light to the Easy Allies situation. After hearing how hurt you are, I cancelled my sub to them. You’ve always been a good dude and anybody who doesn’t see that can kick rocks. ❤️

Brandon Van Cleave

Easy Allie’s has always been trash. Actually shocked this didn’t happen much sooner. Garbage people


Dustin, I’m very sorry that you’re having to deal with this. You did absolutely nothing wrong and I trust you already know that. Colin, thank you for having your employee and more importantly, your friends back. I expected nothing less. To LSM in general, I hope we all refrain from any personal attacks against EZA or their members. I know the majority of their community doesn’t agree with the decision and we can use this opportunity to reinforce what kind of community we are and not give in to what a few think of us as a whole. It’s situations like this that I’m proud of our little piece of the pie and the type of inclusion we promote. Not with words, but with actions.


Seeing Dustin’s voice quiver and tremor was really sad to see, he’s such a good dude and the shit constantly throwing at LSM is fucking disgusting.

Nikitas Gagas

Immense love and respect to you guys for being a genuine and honest bunch. Your camaraderie and solidarity is sincerely touching and powerful beyond words. Cancelled my YouTube sub for the EZA channel and his their videos. Upping my sub to LSM next month.


If I had a platform I wouldn’t wanted to promote Colin’s company either. He is a fascist and spreads bad ideas that hurt people. Straight up. Any other perspective lacks moral clarity.


Dustin. Its at the point now for me that when you are not on the podcast for whatever reason that may be I get sad. At first, I wasn’t sure about you when you first joined but you have blown my expectations away. I’ve never been so proud of you guys over these current events and the way you all carry yourselves. Everyone at LSM is a class act. Worth every penny. PS dagan is a national treasure.

Nathan R

That was deep and well said. That felt like a head coach speech after a loss of a bad practice. Got me pumped


I was already drifting away from EZA in the past year since the content felt off but this just seals the deal. Dustin is awesome and deserves better, we’ll said Colin.


Who tf are Easy Allies?


Scott Weiland has said that he was obsessed with the “STP” logo from the motor oil company and they kind of created the band name after it


Am I the only one having trouble listening to this? Like it actually won’t play


I'm so tired of how Colin and Sacred Symbols is treated in the gaming space. I am very progressive and pretty far left. But hate that there is this group of supposedly left wing people that goes after any company that tries to associate with Sacred. But a company that caves to these idiots, is company with no integrity. That's why I like Sacred Symbols and LSM. I might not always agree with everything that is said, but I always know it is said without malicious intent. Except when Colin hates on FFX.

Maxx Lazos

Notch was unironically a hardcore Q anoner


I didn't know much about Easy Allies because I tend to avoid most other gaming networks but now I will definitely be rooting for their downfall and failure.


To the guy who wrote in about first person shooter recommendations, Titanfall 2.


Dustin, keep your chin up dude. This situation sucks but I think you were a class act in the way you handled it. We support you 100%.

Brannon H

Very well said on the Easy Allies debacle. Colin's rant was especially entertaining.

Ronnell Leon DuBose

So now that spider-man 2 is out and Chris is most likely done, I’m especially excited to hear if he was surprised by the narrative. I’m not finished but I was heartily surprised and wonder if Chris was aswell


Oh my god, Karl Malone, crazy

Chris King

Unsubbed from EZA and KF years ago. Y’all are behind. They showed us who they were a long time ago.

Christopher Ujma

I bet that Colin’s detractors in the industry have convinced themselves that LSMs success can be attributed to Colin’s views appealing to what they view as a “typical” gamer. I also bet that if asked to summarize what these views of Colin’s are, they wouldn’t be able to.

Alec Davis

I never once thought EZA or KF was worth spending money on


Never forget how this all started… ahhh peace and quiet

Elliott Morgan

Fuck them. Spineless weasels.


Wonderfully put Colin. Unsubscribed on YouTube, wish I could do more but I limit my patreons and they never joined the elite.

The Lazy Indian Gamer

Hey Colin - So I was a hardcore smoker for 9 years or so till 2016. I smoked a double pack every day at the minimum. That's like 40 cigaretts, sometimes going up to 60. As someone who has now been a non-smoker for 7 years, I can definitely say nicotine is the culprit more than the smoke itself. So vaping, tobacco sniffing, smoking, nicotine gum, etc is all extremely harmful. Also, I would love your thoughts on Allen Carr's book. This is the book that kinda opened my eyes to the dangers of nicotine and it's called "The Easyway to stop Smoking". It's quite well-known and I was wondering if you have come across it. If so, would love to know your thoughts.

The Lazy Indian Gamer

Regarding the whole issue with Easy Allies, etc. This reminds me of an incident a couple of years ago with a group of us who started this discord with Kinda Funny's extended fanbase for supporting Indie creators. The idea was to promote smaller creators. One of the guys there poured his heart out to get a promo reel going of a bunch of creators and made a teaser video. A few hours after it was released, all hell broke lose and all these people attacked him because he had not included specific divisions of people and made him out to be some kind of monster that he wasn't. The poor guy was just trying to help and accumulated videos from whoever responded to the discord announcement. That was it. I was absolutely disgusted and left that discord. 2 years later, not much has changed. I don't expect it to ever. Colin was right about the unncessary subdivisions. It's ridiculous and needs to be stopped.


As someone who has always leaned left, I can honestly say the most controversial thing Colin has ever stated was his take on the last two Zelda games; that’s serious grounds for cancellation and blacklisting.

Andrew Christensen

I wish I had a friend like Colin that had my back the way he had Dustins. Most of my friends (other than my absolute best friend) would throw me under the bus for a few dollars.

Big Daddy

Appreciate you Dustin and all you do for Last Stand, it’s community and the greater gaming community! You’re a positive individual that is a significant voice in the industry to many. That’s why those who clamber to survive at the bottom of the pool come for you. Ignore the negative minority who make love to each others comments and as Colin said so eloquently “Fuck them” for doing you wrong! We’re here in your corner in GREAT NUMBERS if you ever need us BROTHER! 👊

Mr Bro Bot Brian

Nothing but love Dustin - screw easy Allies - It’s like Colin said. You didn’t do this, you were put into a situation that you did not want to be in.


I applaud Colin, I remember the joke heard around the world because that day it was very quiet. Then everyone turned on their leader in a frenzy. This episode pissed me off so much more because this is how kinda funny mostly Greg should of stood up to the world . Instead Colin was sacrificed like a virgin at a seance to the masses. Greg put some bullshit out and Colin was so disappointed in everything he knew about games he went on a hiatus. It was a short lived one thank god and it gave us all of this great content. THANK YOU COLIN. I KNOW YOU DONT BELIEVE IN GOD BUT THIS SITUATION GAVE YOU A CHANCE TO BE BETTER THEN EVERYONE.