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We've all heard the news: Cryin' Jim is retiring at the end of Sony's fiscal year, and will be permanently replaced by a player to-be-determined. And the reality is, we really have no idea how Jim's tenure as head-honcho will be rated by history in the mid-or-long-term, though we know he was a rousing success in the short-term. With that said, though, time marches on inexorably. So what plans, moves, etc. would we execute on if we became his replacement? I (Colin) sat down with Dustin (it was actually his idea, granted), and we each brought five of our own ideas and initiatives to the table. If offered the job, how would we deal with acquisitions, PS+ and PSN, games-as-a-service and mobile, future hardware offerings, licensing and partnerships, and so much more? This was a really fun episode to record. We hope you enjoy it.




Boy I do hate the new Patreon app look lol. This is going to be a doozy, thanks boys. Looking forward to listening to this episode while watching the Red River Showdown!

Tony Rivera

This sounds like a great time.. can’t wait to hear it


Jim Cryin' will always be a better name than Cryin' jim

Vagicarp, I choose you

Dustin really has some cool ideas for interesting Sacred+ episodes. Love this kind of thing. Top5/10s or lists are always fun. 👌😏


Great idea gents!


yeah and there is no general comment section as well right?

Mateusz Kuklinski

Did I miss something or did Dustin refer to Hollys uncle as “she”? Or was the person cleaning Dustin’s teeth not the dentist, but the dental hygienist? It wasn’t entirely clear to me lol.

Cole Barker

I don’t think Jim Ryan was a good CEO at all from a consumer standpoint. None of the games currently out were green-lit by him. The subscription service implemented in his tenure is lacking. The upgrade price for ps4 to ps5 games make no sense for a consumer. It’s there to increase profit for Sony while providing minimal improvement that I could do for free on a pc game, unless you wanna say duel sense support is worth $30. They are also trying to “remaster” the same ps4 games with upgrades and resell them again. Zero creativity. I fail to see a single thing he’s done that benefitted the consumer. Previous Sony CEO gave us high quality original exclusives. OG ps plus rewards. It’s been downhill as a fan since he took over.

Morten Madsen

Great topic! If i was a CEO i would do this: 1. Let 1st party studios make SP games if that is what they want. Find other studios to do GaaS games. 2. Buy FromSoftware and Square Enix. Make them exlusive to PlayStation. Maybe PC release later by Nixxes. (To protect Sony from them being bought by someone else) 3. Make PS5 Backward compatibility with PS1, PS2 and PS3 discs (New model if necessary). Release all 1st party games since 1995 on PS Store (with trophies!). 4. Every summer have a PSX with a PS Showcase (announce atleast 2 new 1st party games). 5. Remove shovelware 'games' and all the trophies attached. No 5 mins platinums allowed anymore (This will solve the trophy problem. Users will lose trophies). And allow users to delete a trophy list (Deleting all tophies from that trophy list on that PSN account) (After entering password). 6. Remove or give the ability to turn off Start/Resume Activity on PS5 (I want to see game wallpaper). 7. Remakes of Infamous 1 and 2.


I would like NSO too if Nintendo just allowed me to purchase the damn game. Locking games behind a subscription sucks.

Dustin Furman

Holly’s uncle is the main dentist and owns the office. The dental hygienist that works there was the one cleaning my teeth and talking to me.

Glen Yelenovic

Missed opportunity to recreate the Jim Ryan controller pic for the thumbnail

Glen Yelenovic

I had a refried bean get stuck in my wisdom tooth hole.

Devon McCarty

+1 for The Offspring reference.