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Meet the Armchair PlayStation CEOs | Sacred Symbols+, Episode 337

We've all heard the news: Cryin' Jim is retiring at the end of Sony's fiscal year, and will be permanently replaced by a player to-be-determined. And the reality is, we really have no idea how Jim's tenure as head-honcho will be rated by history in the mid-or-long-term, though we know he was a rousing success in the short-term. With that said, though, time marches on inexorably. So what plans, moves, etc. would we execute on if we became his replacement? I (Colin) sat down with Dustin (it was actually his idea, granted), and we each brought five of our own ideas and initiatives to the table. If offered the job, how would we deal with acquisitions, PS+ and PSN, games-as-a-service and mobile, future hardware offerings, licensing and partnerships, and so much more? This was a really fun episode to record. We hope you enjoy it.


Frank G.

😂😂 the thumbnail is killing me. Lmao